2022-04-02 10:56:01 -07:00

31 lines
1.7 KiB

### THIS IS A BUNGEE PLUGIN! Install in 'bungee_command/plugins' not 'bukkit_command/plugins'
# EaglerMOTD
### This plugin can add animated MOTDs to your Eaglercraft server
![EaglerMOTD Sample](https://i.gyazo.com/ec23a9c60e9722209246fc2b2acea8e4.gif)
**It can also add custom "Accept:" query handlers for 3rd party sites to gather more information about your server**
## How to Install
**Download [EaglerMOTD.jar](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft-motd/main/EaglerMOTD.jar) and place it in your EaglercraftBungee '/plugins' directory. Then, restart EaglercraftBungee**
You will find a new 'EaglerMOTD' folder in the plugins folder you put the jar in, once you finish restarting your server. This contains the plugin's configuration files, you can edit any of them and then type `motd-reload` in the EaglercraftBungee console to reload all the variables.
## Configuration Guide
Just a minute...
## Compiling and Contributing
First, download the latest [EaglercraftBungee jar](https://github.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/blob/main/stable-download/java/bungee_command/bungee-dist.jar) in stable-download on [LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft](https://github.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/)
**Make a new java project in Eclipse/IDEA/etc and add 'src' folder in this repository as the source code folder**
**Then, add your EaglercraftBungee jar ([bungee-dist.jar](https://github.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/blob/main/stable-download/java/bungee_command/bungee-dist.jar)) to the java project's Build Path and refresh**
Export the contents of 'src' folder of the project to a JAR file to compile the plugin
**For a PR:** Tabs, not spaces, and format the code like the Eclipse auto format tool on factory settings.