ThisIsALegitUsername dbe259e9aa
2023-01-13 21:34:31 -07:00

2.7 KiB


if you're reading this, that means one of the following:

  • i open-sourced resent. this is most likely

  • another dev was added to the project.

  • you hacked into my account from my weak ass password and somehow bypassed github email verification.


either way, here's some documentation on this project. please note that I wrote all of this in a text editor so i probably made a few mistakes in the code.

Module system


Standard, non-render modules. (ex: fullbright, norain, tooltips)

create a new class structured like the following:

  public class ExampleModule extends Mod {
    public ExampleModule(){
      super("Example", Category.MISC); //use super("Example", Category,MISC, true); to add a gear icon
    @Override //Overrides method in Mod class.
    public void onEnable(){
      //what happens when the module is enabled
    public void onDisable(){
      //what happens when the module is disabled


create a new class structured like this:

public class ExampleRenderModule extends RenderModule {
  public ExampleRenderModule(){
    super("ExampleRender", Category.MISC, 4 /*starting X position of the module*/, 4 /*starting Y position of the module*/); //again, add a ",true" to the end if you want a gear icon.
  //this method is called in GuiIngame to draw objects to the screen.
  public void draw(){
    mc.fontRendererObj.drawString("Test", this.getX(), this.getY(), -1 /* -1 is the color of the text. */);
  //you can still use onEnable and onDisable methods.



not too difficult to figure out on your own, here's an example:

public class ExampleRenderModule extends RenderModule {
  public ExampleRenderModule(){
    super("ExampleRender", Category.MISC, 4, 4, true);
  public static BooleanSetting example = new BooleanSetting("Example", "" /* description */, true /* default value */);
  public void draw(){
    mc.fontRendererObj.drawString("Test", this.getX(), this.getY(), -1 /* -1 is the color of the text. */);

^ this example was done with a booleansetting, its similar to a modesetting, too lazy to write a documentation for that cope.


create a new class like so:

public class EventUpdate extends Event {

public boolean cancelled = false;

public boolean isCancelled(){
  return this.cancelled;

public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled){
  this.cancelled = canceled;

to hook the event, put this in:


EventUpdate e = new EventUpdate();