enable_authentication_system: true use_onboard_eaglerx_system: true auth_db_uri: 'jdbc:sqlite:eaglercraft_auths.db' sql_driver_class: 'internal' sql_driver_path: 'internal' password_prompt_screen_text: 'Enter your password to join:' wrong_password_screen_text: 'Password Incorrect!' not_registered_screen_text: 'You are not registered on this server!' eagler_command_name: 'eagler' use_register_command_text: '&aUse /eagler to set an Eaglercraft password on this account' use_change_command_text: '&bUse /eagler to change your Eaglercraft password' command_success_text: '&bYour eagler password was changed successfully.' last_eagler_login_message: 'Your last Eaglercraft login was on $date from $ip' too_many_registrations_message: '&cThe maximum number of registrations has been reached for your IP address' need_vanilla_to_register_message: '&cYou need to log in with a vanilla account to use this command' override_eagler_to_vanilla_skins: false max_registration_per_ip: -1