#!/bin/bash #change the following to "false" to disable changing the default server name and motd setserver="true" #change the following to "false" to disable updating of server jars and website syncweb="true" syncjars="true" #server name and motd -- DO NOT USE BACKTICKS (`) within it!! -- stuff WONT work if you DO!! ALSO do not use "${anything}" UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!! srvname="Your Minecraft Server" srvmotd="Minecraft Server" #DANGER!! setting the following to "true" will redownload the bukkit server! only change if you know what you are doing! emergbukkit="false" #~# this code was smashed together by ayunami2000 #~# eagurl="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/stable-download_repl.zip" echo ensuring old server process is truly closed... nginx -s stop -c ~/$REPL_SLUG/nginx.conf -g 'daemon off; pid /tmp/nginx/nginx.pid;' -p /tmp/nginx -e /tmp/nginx/error.log pkill java pkill nginx rm -rf /tmp/* if [ ! -f "updated.yet" ]; then syncweb="true" syncjars="true" fi echo checking if file still works... status_code=$(curl -L --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null "$eagurl") if [[ "$status_code" -ne 200 ]] ; then syncweb="false" syncjars="false" echo " site is down! not updating... " else echo site is still up! downloading... curl -L -o stable-download.zip "$eagurl" echo extracting zip... mkdir /tmp/new cd /tmp/new jar xvf $HOME/$REPL_SLUG/stable-download.zip cd $HOME/$REPL_SLUG echo deleting original zip file... rm -rf stable-download.zip mkdir web mkdir java mkdir java/bungee_command mkdir java/bukkit_command if [ "$syncweb" = "true" ]; then echo updating web folder... rm -rf web/* cp -r /tmp/new/web/. ./web/ echo backing up original index.html file... cp web/index.html web/index.html.ORIG fi if [ "$syncjars" = "true" ]; then echo updating bungeecord server... if [ -f "updated.yet" ]; then rm -f java/bungee_command/bungee-dist.jar cp /tmp/new/java/bungee_command/bungee-dist.jar ./java/bungee_command/ else rm -rf java/bungee_command/* cp -r /tmp/new/java/bungee_command/. ./java/bungee_command/ echo ensuring that bungeecord is hosting on the correct port... sed -i 's/host: 0\.0\.0\.0:[0-9]\+/host:' java/bungee_command/config.yml fi echo updating bukkit server... if [ "$emergbukkit" = "true" ]; then rm -rf java/bukkit_command/* cp -r /tmp/new/java/bukkit_command/. ./java/bukkit_command/ else rm -f java/bukkit_command/craftbukkit-1.5.2-R1.0.jar cp /tmp/new/java/bukkit_command/craftbukkit-1.5.2-R1.0.jar ./java/bukkit_command/ fi fi echo removing update data... rm -rf /tmp/new echo deleting old directory if it exists for some reason... rm -rf old fi if [ ! -f "updated.yet" ]; then touch updated.yet fi echo starting bungeecord... cd java/bungee_command tmux new -d -s bungee java -Xmx32M -Xms32M -jar bungee-dist.jar cd - if [ "$setserver" = "true" -a "$syncweb" = "true" ]; then echo restoring original index.html... rm web/index.html cp web/index.html.ORIG web/index.html echo configuring local website... sed -i 's/https:\/\/g\.eags\.us\/eaglercraft/https:\/\/gnome\.vercel\.app/' web/index.html sed -i 's/alert/console.log/' web/index.html echo setting default server... sed -i "s/\"CgAACQAHc2VydmVycwoAAAABCAACaXAAIHdzKHMpOi8vIChhZGRyZXNzIGhlcmUpOihwb3J0KSAvCAAEbmFtZQAIdGVtcGxhdGUBAAtoaWRlQWRkcmVzcwEIAApmb3JjZWRNT1REABl0aGlzIGlzIG5vdCBhIHJlYWwgc2VydmVyAAA=\"/btoa(atob(\"CgAACQAHc2VydmVycwoAAAABCAAKZm9yY2VkTU9URABtb3RkaGVyZQEAC2hpZGVBZGRyZXNzAQgAAmlwAGlwaGVyZQgABG5hbWUAbmFtZWhlcmUAAA==\").replace(\"motdhere\",String.fromCharCode(\`$srvname\`.length)+\`$srvname\`).replace(\"namehere\",String.fromCharCode(\`$srvmotd\`.length)+\`$srvmotd\`).replace(\"iphere\",String.fromCharCode((\"ws\"+location.protocol.slice(4)+\"\/\/\"+location.host+\"\/server\").length)+(\"ws\"+location.protocol.slice(4)+\"\/\/\"+location.host+\"\/server\")))/" web/index.html fi echo starting nginx... mkdir /tmp/nginx rm -rf nginx.conf sed "s/eaglercraft-server/$REPL_SLUG/" nginx_template.conf > nginx.conf nginx -c ~/$REPL_SLUG/nginx.conf -g 'daemon off; pid /tmp/nginx/nginx.pid;' -p /tmp/nginx -e /tmp/nginx/error.log > /tmp/nginx/output.log 2>&1 & if [ -f "base.repl" ] && ! { [ "$REPL_OWNER" == "ayunami2000" ] && [ "$REPL_SLUG" == "eaglercraft-server" ]; }; then echo resetting world and randomizing seed... rm base.repl rm -rf java/bukkit_command/world rm -rf java/bukkit_command/world_nether rm -rf java/bukkit_command/world_the_end rm -f java/bukkit_command/server.log.lck rm java/bukkit_command/server.log rm -f java/bungee_command/proxy.log.0.lck rm java/bungee_command/proxy.log.0 fi echo starting bukkit... cd java/bukkit_command java -Xmx512M -Xms512M -jar craftbukkit-1.5.2-R1.0.jar cd - echo killing bungeecord and nginx... nginx -s stop -c ~/$REPL_SLUG/nginx.conf -g 'daemon off; pid /tmp/nginx/nginx.pid;' -p /tmp/nginx -e /tmp/nginx/error.log pkill java pkill nginx echo done!