4.0.0 org.teavm teavm-maven-plugin 0.11.0-EAGLER-R1 A set of mojos that allow to include TeaVM compiler into maven build process A set of mojos that allow to include TeaVM compiler into maven build process https://teavm.org The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt repo A business-friendly OSS license konsoletyper Alexey Andreev konsoletyper@gmail.com Europe/Berlin scm:git:git@github.com:konsoletyper/teavm.git https://github.com/konsoletyper/teavm org.apache.maven maven-plugin-api 3.5.4 compile org.apache.maven.plugin-tools maven-plugin-annotations 3.7.1 compile org.apache.maven maven-artifact 3.5.4 compile org.apache.maven maven-core 3.5.4 compile org.teavm teavm-core 0.11.0-EAGLER-R1 runtime org.teavm teavm-tooling 0.11.0-EAGLER-R1 runtime org.teavm teavm-wasm-gc-deobfuscator 0.11.0-EAGLER-R1 runtime