/* * Copyright 2023 Alexey Andreev. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ plugins { `java-gradle-plugin` publishing `maven-publish` } dependencies { implementation(project(":core")) implementation(project(":tools:core")) } gradlePlugin { plugins { create("TeaVMPlugin") { id = "org.teavm" implementationClass = "org.teavm.gradle.TeaVMPlugin" } create("TeaVMLibraryPlugin") { id = "org.teavm.library" implementationClass = "org.teavm.gradle.TeaVMLibraryPlugin" } } } fun findArtifactCoordinates(path: String): String { val project = project(path) val publishing = project.extensions.findByType() return publishing ?.publications ?.filterIsInstance() ?.firstOrNull() ?.let { "${it.groupId}:${it.artifactId}:${it.version}" } ?: "${project.group}:${project.name}:${project.version}" } val configPath = project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("generated/sources/config") val createConfig by tasks.registering { outputs.dir(configPath) val baseDir = configPath.get().asFile val jso = findArtifactCoordinates(":jso:core") val jsoApis = findArtifactCoordinates(":jso:apis") val interop = findArtifactCoordinates(":interop:core") val metaprogramming = findArtifactCoordinates(":metaprogramming:api") val classlib = findArtifactCoordinates(":classlib") val jsoImpl = findArtifactCoordinates(":jso:impl") val metaprogrammingImpl = findArtifactCoordinates(":metaprogramming:impl") val tools = findArtifactCoordinates(":tools:core") val junit = findArtifactCoordinates(":tools:junit") doLast { val file = File(baseDir, "org/teavm/gradle/config/ArtifactCoordinates.java") file.parentFile.mkdirs() file.writeText(""" package org.teavm.gradle.config; public final class ArtifactCoordinates { public static final String JSO = "$jso"; public static final String JSO_APIS = "$jsoApis"; public static final String INTEROP = "$interop"; public static final String METAPROGRAMMING = "$metaprogramming"; public static final String CLASSLIB = "$classlib"; public static final String JSO_IMPL = "$jsoImpl"; public static final String METAPROGRAMMING_IMPL = "$metaprogrammingImpl"; public static final String JUNIT = "$junit"; public static final String TOOLS = "$tools"; private ArtifactCoordinates() { } } """.trimIndent()) } } tasks.compileJava.configure { dependsOn(createConfig) } sourceSets.main.configure { java.srcDir(configPath) } tasks.withType { exclude("org/teavm/gradle/config/*") } publishing { publications { create("pluginMaven") { groupId = "org.teavm" artifactId = "teavm-gradle-plugin" } } repositories { mavenLocal() } }