import org.teavm.buildutil.DependencyRelocationExtension /* * Copyright 2023 Alexey Andreev. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ pluginManagement { repositories { gradlePluginPortal() } includeBuild("build-logic") } plugins { id("dependency-relocation") id("org.gradle.toolchains.foojay-resolver-convention") version "0.4.0" } = "teavm" include("core") include("interop:core") include("metaprogramming:api", "metaprogramming:impl") include("jso:core", "jso:apis", "jso:impl") include("platform") include("classlib") include("tools:core") include("tools:browser-runner") include("tools:deobfuscator-js") include("tools:deobfuscator-wasm-gc") include("tools:junit") include("tools:devserver") include("tools:c-incremental") include("tools:chrome-rdp") include("tools:cli") include("tools:gradle") include("tools:ide-deps") include("tools:idea") include("tools:maven:plugin") include("tools:maven:webapp") include("tools:classlib-comparison-gen") include("tools:wasm-disassembly") include("tests") include("extras-slf4j") val teavmVersion = providers.gradleProperty("teavm.project.version").get() gradle.allprojects { repositories { mavenCentral() } version = teavmVersion } gradle.allprojects { apply(plugin = "javaVersion") tasks.withType<JavaCompile>().configureEach { options.encoding = "UTF-8" } tasks.withType<Javadoc>().configureEach { options.encoding = "UTF-8" } tasks.withType<JavaExec>().configureEach { if (name.endsWith("main()")) { notCompatibleWithConfigurationCache("JavaExec created by IntelliJ") } } } gradle.afterProject { val java = extensions.findByType<JavaPluginExtension>() if (java != null) { apply<CheckstylePlugin>() extensions.configure<CheckstyleExtension> { toolVersion = extensions.getByType<VersionCatalogsExtension>().named("libs") .findVersion("checkstyle").get().requiredVersion } } extensions.findByType<PublishingExtension>()?.apply { publications.all { if (this is MavenPublication) { pom { setupPom(this@afterProject) } } } } } fun MavenPom.setupPom(project: Project) { name = project.description description = project.description licenses { license { name = "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0" url = "" distribution = "repo" comments = "A business-friendly OSS license" } } developers { developer { id = "konsoletyper" name = "Alexey Andreev" email = "" timezone = "Europe/Berlin" } } scm { url = "" connection = "" } url = "" } extensions.configure<DependencyRelocationExtension> { for (commonsLib in listOf("commons-io", "commons-cli")) { library("libs", commonsLib) { relocate("org.apache.commons", "org.teavm.apachecommons") } } for (asmLib in listOf("asm", "asm-tree", "asm-analysis", "asm-commons", "asm-util")) { library("libs", asmLib) { relocate("org.objectweb.asm", "org.teavm.asm") } } library("libs", "rhino") { relocate("org.mozilla", "org.teavm.rhino") } library("libs", "hppc") { relocate("com.carrotsearch.hppc", "org.teavm.hppc") } skip(":tools:gradle") }