import com.github.gradle.node.npm.task.NpmTask /* * Copyright 2023 Alexey Andreev. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ plugins { `java-library` `teavm-publish` alias(libs.plugins.nodejs) } description = "Compiler, backends and runtime" node { download = providers.gradleProperty("teavm.localNodeJS") .map { it == "true" } .map { !it } .orElse(true) } dependencies { api(project(":interop:core")) api(project(":metaprogramming:api")) implementation(libs.asm.commons) implementation(libs.asm.util) implementation(libs.hppc) implementation(libs.rhino) compileOnly(libs.jackson.annotations) testImplementation(libs.junit) } val jsOutputDir = layout.buildDirectory.dir("generated/js") val jsOutputPackageDir = { it.dir("org/teavm/backend/wasm") } val jsInputDir = layout.projectDirectory.dir("src/main/js/wasm-gc-runtime") val jsInput = jsInputDir.file("runtime.js") fun registerRuntimeTasks(taskName: String, wrapperType: String, outputName: String, module: Boolean) { val generateTask by tasks.register<DefaultTask>("generate${taskName}Runtime") { dependsOn(tasks.npmInstall) val wrapperFile = jsInputDir.file(wrapperType) val runtimeFile = jsInput val outputFile = { it.file("$outputName.js") } inputs.files(wrapperFile, runtimeFile) outputs.file(outputFile) doLast { val wrapper = wrapperFile.asFile.readText() var runtime = runtimeFile.asFile.readText() val startText = "// !BEGINNING!\n" val startIndex = runtime.indexOf(startText) if (startIndex >= 0) { runtime = runtime.substring(startIndex + startText.length) } outputFile.get().asFile.writeText(wrapper.replace("include();", runtime)) } } val optimizeTask = tasks.register<NpmTask>("optimize${taskName}Runtime") { dependsOn(tasks.npmInstall) val inputFiles = generateTask.outputs.files val outputFile = { it.file("$outputName.min.js") } inputs.files(inputFiles) outputs.file(outputFile) npmCommand.addAll("run", "uglify") args.addAll(provider { listOf( "--", "-m", "--toplevel", *(if (module) arrayOf("--module") else emptyArray()), "--mangle", "reserved=['TeaVM']", inputFiles.singleFile.absolutePath, "-o", outputFile.get().asFile.absolutePath ) }) } sourceSets.main.configure { output.dir(mapOf("builtBy" to generateTask), jsOutputDir) output.dir(mapOf("builtBy" to optimizeTask), jsOutputDir) } } registerRuntimeTasks("Simple", "simple-wrapper.js", "wasm-gc-runtime", module = false) registerRuntimeTasks("Module", "module-wrapper.js", "wasm-gc-module-runtime", module = true) teavmPublish { artifactId = "teavm-core" }