# # Copyright 2021 Alexey Andreev. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # mkdir -p build-dir mkdir -p build-cache/maven-repository git fetch git archive master | tar -x -C build-dir || { echo 'Git archive failed' ; exit 1; } function deploy_teavm { TEAVM_OLD_VERSION=`mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version 2>/dev/null | grep -Ev "(^\[|Download)"` TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION=${TEAVM_OLD_VERSION%.0-SNAPSHOT} git rev-parse master >commit-id.txt TEAVM_DEPLOY_COMMIT_ID=`cat commit-id.txt` if [[ "200" == `curl --output response --silent --write-out "%{http_code}" https://teavm.org/maven/versions/$TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION.txt` ]] ; then TEAVM_DEPLOY_BUILD=$((`cat response` + 1)) else TEAVM_DEPLOY_BUILD=1 fi rm response TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION_FULL="$TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION.0-dev-$TEAVM_DEPLOY_BUILD" if [[ "200" == `curl --output response --silent --write-out "%{http_code}" https://teavm.org/maven/versions/$TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION_FULL-commit.txt` ]] ; then if [[ "$TEAVM_DEPLOY_COMMIT_ID" == `cat response` ]] ; then echo "There are no changes compared to previous build." exit 1 fi fi rm response echo "Building version $TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION_FULL" sed -i -e "s/{{TEAVM_DEPLOY_URL}}/ftp:\/\/${TEAVM_DEPLOY_SERVER//\//\\/}\/maven\/repository/g" pom.xml mvn -e versions:set \ -DnewVersion="$TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION_FULL" \ -DgenerateBackupPoms=false \ || { echo 'Setting version' ; return 1; } mvn -T $TEAVM_DEPLOY_THREADS -e -V deploy \ --settings ../deploy-settings.xml \ -P with-idea -P with-cli -P deploy-to-teavm \ -Dmaven.repo.local=`pwd`/../build-cache/maven-repository \ -Dteavm.build.all=false \ -Dteavm.junit.optimized=false \ -Dteavm.junit.js.decodeStack=false \ -Dteavm.junit.threads=$TEAVM_DEPLOY_TEST_THREADS \ -Dteavm.junit.js.runner=browser-chrome \ || { echo 'Deploy failed' ; return 1; } cat <idea-repository.xml TeaVM support EOF curl --output badge.svg "https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=download&message=$TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION_FULL&color=green" cat <htaccess Redirect /maven/_latest /maven/repository/org/teavm/teavm-cli/$TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION_FULL/teavm-cli-$TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION_FULL.jar EOF echo "$TEAVM_DEPLOY_BUILD" >build-number.txt return 0 } pushd build-dir deploy_teavm EXIT_CODE=$? if [[ "$EXIT_CODE" == '0' ]] ; then curl -T build-number.txt \ ftp://$TEAVM_DEPLOY_SERVER/maven/versions/$TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION.txt \ --user $TEAVM_DEPLOY_LOGIN:$TEAVM_DEPLOY_PASSWORD curl -T commit-id.txt \ ftp://$TEAVM_DEPLOY_SERVER/maven/versions/$TEAVM_DEPLOY_VERSION_FULL-commit.txt \ --user $TEAVM_DEPLOY_LOGIN:$TEAVM_DEPLOY_PASSWORD curl -T badge.svg \ ftp://$TEAVM_DEPLOY_SERVER/maven/badge.svg \ --user $TEAVM_DEPLOY_LOGIN:$TEAVM_DEPLOY_PASSWORD curl -T htaccess \ ftp://$TEAVM_DEPLOY_SERVER/maven/.htaccess \ --user $TEAVM_DEPLOY_LOGIN:$TEAVM_DEPLOY_PASSWORD curl -T idea-repository.xml \ ftp://$TEAVM_DEPLOY_SERVER/idea/dev/teavmRepository.xml \ --user $TEAVM_DEPLOY_LOGIN:$TEAVM_DEPLOY_PASSWORD fi popd rm -rf build-dir rm -rf build-cache/maven-repository/org/teavm exit $EXIT_CODE