Source code
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import org.teavm.jso.JSBody;
+import org.teavm.jso.browser.Window;
+import org.teavm.jso.core.JSArray;
+import org.teavm.jso.core.JSPromise;
+import org.teavm.jso.core.JSString;
+import org.teavm.jso.util.function.JSConsumer;
+import org.teavm.jso.util.function.JSFunction;
+import org.teavm.jso.util.function.JSSupplier;
+public final class PromiseExample {
+ private static long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ private PromiseExample() {
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
+ report(Arrays.toString(args));
+ report("");
+ checkFunctionalInterface();
+ runSimplePromise();
+ runComplexPromise();
+ final var lock = new Object();
+ runLongRunningPromise(lock);
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ report("Lock acquired");
+ lock.wait(20000);
+ }
+ combinePromises(lock);
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ report("Lock acquired");
+ lock.wait(20000);
+ }
+ testNativePromises(lock);
+ report("Finished main thread");
+ }
+ private static void report(String message) {
+ var current = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
+ System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "]/" + current + ": " + message);
+ }
+ private static void checkFunctionalInterface() {
+ JSSupplier supplier = () -> 23;
+ JSFunction addTwenty = value -> value + 20;
+ JSFunction subTwenty = value -> value - 20;
+ JSFunction isPositive = value -> value >= 0;
+ JSConsumer print = value -> report("My value: " + value.toString());
+ JSConsumer print2 = value -> report("My value plus 10: " + Integer.valueOf(value + 10).toString());
+ var value = supplier.get();
+ report("Supplied value: " + value.toString());
+ value = addTwenty.apply(value);
+ report("Value plus 20: " + value.toString());
+ value = subTwenty.apply(value);
+ report("Value minus 20: " + value.toString());
+ var value2 = isPositive.apply(value);
+ report("Value is positive: " + value2.toString());
+ var subFourty = subTwenty.andThen(subTwenty);
+ value = subFourty.apply(value);
+ report("Value minus 40: " + value.toString());
+ var plusFourty = addTwenty.compose(addTwenty).andThen(addTwenty.compose(subTwenty));
+ value = plusFourty.apply(value);
+ report("Value plus 40: " + value.toString());
+ value2 = subFourty.andThen(isPositive).apply(value);
+ report("Value minus 40 is positive: " + value2.toString());
+ print.accept(value);
+ var printExtended = print.andThen(print2);
+ printExtended.accept(value);
+ }
+ private static void runSimplePromise() {
+ var promise = JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> {
+ report("Simple promise execution");
+ report("Resolving with 'success'");
+ resolve.accept("success");
+ });
+ }
+ private static void runComplexPromise() {
+ var promise = JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> {
+ report("Complex promise execution");
+ report("Resolving with 'step1'");
+ resolve.accept("step1");
+ })
+ .then(value -> {
+ report("Resolved with '" + value + "'");
+ report("... and resolve with 'step2'");
+ return "step2";
+ })
+ .then(value -> {
+ report("Resolved with '" + value + "'");
+ report("... and throw exception");
+ throw new RuntimeException("Exception in promise handler");
+ }, reason -> {
+ report("Failed unexpectedly with reason: " + reason.toString());
+ return reason.toString();
+ })
+ .then(value -> {
+ report("Resolved unexpectedly with '" + value + "'");
+ return value;
+ }, reason -> {
+ report("Failed expectedly with reason: " + reason.toString());
+ return reason.toString();
+ })
+ .flatThen(value -> {
+ report("Resolved with '" + value + "'");
+ report("... and resolve with resolved promise");
+ return JSPromise.resolve("step3");
+ })
+ .flatThen(value -> {
+ report("Resolved with '" + value + "'");
+ report("... and resolve with rejected promise");
+ return JSPromise.reject("step4");
+ })
+ .catchError(reason -> {
+ report("Catched reject reason '" + reason.toString() + "'");
+ return reason.toString();
+ })
+ .flatThen(value -> {
+ report("Resolved with '" + value + "'");
+ report("... and resolve with new promise");
+ return JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> {
+ report("Inner promise");
+ report("Reject with 'step from inner'");
+ reject.accept("step from inner");
+ });
+ })
+ .then(value -> {
+ report("Resolved unexpectedly with '" + value + "'");
+ return value;
+ })
+ .catchError(reason -> {
+ report("Catched reject reason '" + reason.toString() + "'");
+ return reason.toString();
+ })
+ .onSettled(() -> {
+ report("Promise has finally settled");
+ return null;
+ });
+ }
+ private static void runLongRunningPromise(Object lock) {
+ var promise = JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> {
+ report("Long promise exection");
+ report("Wait for a while...");
+ Window.setTimeout(() -> {
+ report("... and resolve with 'done'");
+ resolve.accept("done");
+ }, 2000);
+ }).then(value -> {
+ report("Resolved with '" + value + "'");
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ lock.notify();
+ }
+ return value;
+ });
+ }
+ private static void combinePromises(Object lock) throws InterruptedException {
+ JSArray> promises = JSArray.create(3);
+ report("Start 3 successful promises");
+ promises.set(0, JSPromise.resolve("success1"));
+ promises.set(1, JSPromise.resolve("success2"));
+ promises.set(2, JSPromise.resolve("success3"));
+ var allPromises = JSPromise.all(promises);
+ allPromises.then(value -> {
+ report("All promises resolved to: " + value);
+ return "success";
+ }, reason -> {
+ report("At least one promise rejected with: " + reason.toString());
+ return "failure";
+ }).onSettled(() -> {
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ lock.notify();
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ report("Lock acquired");
+ lock.wait(20000);
+ }
+ report("Start 1 successful and 2 rejected promise");
+ promises.set(0, JSPromise.resolve("success1"));
+ promises.set(1, JSPromise.reject("failure2"));
+ promises.set(2, JSPromise.reject("failure3"));
+ allPromises = JSPromise.all(promises);
+ allPromises.then(value -> {
+ report("All promises resolved to: " + value);
+ return "success";
+ }, reason -> {
+ report("At least one promise rejected with: " + reason.toString());
+ return "failure";
+ }).onSettled(() -> {
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ lock.notify();
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ report("Lock acquired");
+ lock.wait(20000);
+ }
+ var settledPromises = JSPromise.allSettled(promises);
+ settledPromises.then(value -> {
+ report(Integer.toString(value.getLength()) + " promises settled to:");
+ for (int i = 0; i < value.getLength(); ++i) {
+ var item = value.get(i);
+ var msg = "-- Promise " + i + " " + item.getStatus() + " with: ";
+ if (item.getStatus().stringValue().equals("fulfilled")) {
+ msg += item.getValue().toString();
+ } else if (item.getStatus().stringValue().equals("rejected")) {
+ msg += item.getReason().toString();
+ }
+ report(msg);
+ }
+ return "success";
+ }).onSettled(() -> {
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ lock.notify();
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ report("Lock acquired");
+ lock.wait(20000);
+ }
+ var anyPromise = JSPromise.any(promises);
+ anyPromise.then(value -> {
+ report("At least one promise resolved to: " + value);
+ return "success";
+ }, reason -> {
+ report("All promises rejected with: " + reason.toString());
+ return "failure";
+ }).onSettled(() -> {
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ lock.notify();
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ report("Lock acquired");
+ lock.wait(20000);
+ }
+ report("Start 3 rejected promises");
+ promises.set(0, JSPromise.reject("failure1"));
+ promises.set(1, JSPromise.reject("failure2"));
+ promises.set(2, JSPromise.reject("failure3"));
+ anyPromise = JSPromise.any(promises);
+ anyPromise.then(value -> {
+ report("At least one promise resolved to: " + value);
+ return "success";
+ }, reason -> {
+ report("All promises rejected with: " + reason.toString());
+ return "failure";
+ }).onSettled(() -> {
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ lock.notify();
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ report("Lock acquired");
+ lock.wait(20000);
+ }
+ report("Start 3 delayed promises");
+ promises.set(0, JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> Window.setTimeout(() -> resolve.accept("success1"), 200)));
+ promises.set(1, JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> Window.setTimeout(() -> reject.accept("failure1"), 100)));
+ promises.set(2, JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> Window.setTimeout(() -> resolve.accept("success3"), 50)));
+ anyPromise = JSPromise.race(promises);
+ anyPromise.then(value -> {
+ report("First settled promise resolved to: " + value);
+ return "success";
+ }, reason -> {
+ report("First settled promise rejected with: " + reason.toString());
+ return "failure";
+ }).onSettled(() -> {
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ lock.notify();
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ report("Lock acquired");
+ lock.wait(20000);
+ }
+ report("Start 3 delayed promises");
+ promises.set(0, JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> Window.setTimeout(() -> resolve.accept("success1"), 200)));
+ promises.set(1, JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> Window.setTimeout(() -> reject.accept("failure1"), 50)));
+ promises.set(2, JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> Window.setTimeout(() -> resolve.accept("success3"), 100)));
+ anyPromise = JSPromise.race(promises);
+ anyPromise.then(value -> {
+ report("First settled promise resolved to: " + value);
+ return "success";
+ }, reason -> {
+ report("First settled promise rejected with: " + reason.toString());
+ return "failure";
+ }).onSettled(() -> {
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ lock.notify();
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ }
+ private static void testNativePromises(Object lock) throws InterruptedException {
+ report("Get promise from native method");
+ var nativePromise = getNativePromise(JSString.valueOf("success from native"));
+ nativePromise.then(value -> {
+ report("Native resolved expectedly with '" + value + "'");
+ return value;
+ }, reason -> {
+ report("Native rejected unexpectedly with '" + reason.toString() + "'");
+ return reason.toString();
+ }).onSettled(() -> {
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ lock.notify();
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ report("Lock acquired");
+ lock.wait(20000);
+ }
+ nativePromise = getNativeRejectingPromise(JSString.valueOf("failure from native"));
+ nativePromise.then(value -> {
+ report("Native resolved unexpectedly with '" + value + "'");
+ return value;
+ }, reason -> {
+ report("Native rejected expectedly with '" + reason.toString() + "'");
+ return reason.toString();
+ }).onSettled(() -> {
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ lock.notify();
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ synchronized (lock) {
+ report("Lock acquired");
+ lock.wait(20000);
+ }
+ report("Pass promise to native method");
+ handlePromise(JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> {
+ resolve.accept(JSString.valueOf("Resolved from Java"));
+ }));
+ handlePromise(JSPromise.create((resolve, reject) -> {
+ reject.accept(JSString.valueOf("Rejected from Java"));
+ }));
+ }
+ @JSBody(params = "msg", script = "return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {"
+ + " setTimeout(() => resolve(msg), 500);"
+ + "});")
+ private static native JSPromise getNativePromise(JSString msg);
+ @JSBody(params = "msg", script = "return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {"
+ + " setTimeout(() => reject(msg), 500);"
+ + "});")
+ private static native JSPromise getNativeRejectingPromise(JSString msg);
+ @JSBody(params = "promise", script = "promise.then("
+ + " (value) => console.log('success:', value),"
+ + " (reason) => console.log('failure:', reason));")
+ private static native void handlePromise(JSPromise promise);