diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/teavm/runtime/LaxMalloc.java b/core/src/main/java/org/teavm/runtime/LaxMalloc.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb5b94e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/java/org/teavm/runtime/LaxMalloc.java
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ * Copyright 2024 lax1dude.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.teavm.runtime;
+import org.teavm.interop.Address;
+import org.teavm.interop.Unmanaged;
+ * Linear memory allocator for creating "direct buffers" in WASM GC
+ *
+ * DO NOT USE IN LEGACY WASM BACKEND!!! Make a regular byte array, and use Address.ofData()
+ *
+ * Similar to dlmalloc and emmalloc (emscripten's malloc)
+ *
+ * bad things will happen if you free an address that was never allocated
+ *
+ * @author lax1dude
+ */
+public final class LaxMalloc {
+ private LaxMalloc() {
+ }
+ private static final int SIZEOF_PTR = 4;
+ private static final int SIZEOF_PTR_SH = 2;
+ private static final int MIN_ALLOC_SIZE = 8;
+ private static final int ADDR_HEAP_LIMIT = 4; // Address where we store the current heap limit (32 bit int)
+ private static final int ADDR_HEAP_BUCKETS_FREE_MASK = 8; // Address where we store the bitmask of free chunk lists (64 bit int)
+ private static final int ADDR_HEAP_BUCKETS_START = 16; // Address to the list of 64 pointers to the beginnings of the 64 buckets
+ private static final int ADDR_HEAP_DATA_START = 272; // Beginning of the first chunk of the heap
+ /**
+ * malloc implementation
+ */
+ public static Address laxMalloc(int sizeBytes) {
+ return laxAlloc(sizeBytes, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * calloc implementation (zeroed malloc)
+ */
+ public static Address laxCalloc(int sizeBytes) {
+ return laxAlloc(sizeBytes, true);
+ }
+ private static Address laxAlloc(int sizeBytes, boolean cleared) {
+ if(sizeBytes == 0) {
+ // Produce a null pointer if 0 size if requested
+ return Address.fromInt(0);
+ }
+ // Allocation must be large enough to hold the two list pointers when the chunk becomes free again
+ if(sizeBytes < MIN_ALLOC_SIZE) {
+ sizeBytes = MIN_ALLOC_SIZE;
+ }
+ // always between 0-63
+ int bucket = getListBucket(sizeBytes);
+ long bucketMask = Address.fromInt(ADDR_HEAP_BUCKETS_FREE_MASK).getLong();
+ // test the bucket mask if the bucket has any free chunks
+ if((bucketMask & (1L << bucket)) == 0l) {
+ // no more free chunks, let us first check if there is are any
+ // chunks in the larger buckets we can split
+ long largerBucketsMask = (bucketMask & (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL << (bucket + 1)));
+ if(largerBucketsMask != 0l) {
+ // at least one larger chunk exists
+ int largerBucket = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(largerBucketsMask);
+ Address bucketStartAddr = Address.fromInt(ADDR_HEAP_BUCKETS_START).add(largerBucket << SIZEOF_PTR_SH);
+ Address chunkPtr = bucketStartAddr.getAddress();
+ //TODO: remove chunk from old bucket
+ int chunkSize = readChunkSize(chunkPtr);
+ int chunkOtherHalfNewSize = chunkSize - sizeBytes;
+ //TODO
+ //TODO
+ //TODO
+ return null; //TODO
+ }else {
+ // No larger chunks already exist that we can split,
+ // time to sbrk
+ int sizePlusInts = sizeBytes + 8; // size + 2 ints
+ Address newChunk = growHeap(sizePlusInts);
+ // Out of memory
+ if(newChunk.toInt() == 0) {
+ return Address.fromInt(0); //TODO
+ }
+ // provision the new chunk
+ newChunk.putInt(sizePlusInts | 0x80000000); // size + in use flag
+ newChunk.add(sizeBytes + 4).putInt(sizePlusInts); // size integer at the end
+ // return the chunk, +4 bytes to skip size int
+ // we don't need to clear it because its new
+ return newChunk.add(4);
+ }
+ }else {
+ // At least one free chunk is available, get it from the bucket
+ Address bucketStartAddr = Address.fromInt(ADDR_HEAP_BUCKETS_START).add(bucket << SIZEOF_PTR_SH);
+ Address chunkPtr = bucketStartAddr.getAddress();
+ Address nextStart = readChunkNextFreeAddr(chunkPtr);
+ if(nextStart.toInt() != 0) {
+ // there is another free chunk in the bucket that comes after this chunk,
+ // make the next free chunk in the list the first free chunk
+ bucketStartAddr.putAddress(nextStart);
+ writeChunkPrevFreeAddr(nextStart, Address.fromInt(0));
+ }else {
+ // there are no remaining free chunks in the bucket
+ // clear the bit in the bucket bitmask
+ bucketMask = (bucketMask ^ (1L << bucket));
+ Address.fromInt(ADDR_HEAP_BUCKETS_FREE_MASK).putLong(bucketMask);
+ // set bucket start chunk pointer to null
+ bucketStartAddr.putAddress(Address.fromInt(0));
+ }
+ // mark the chunk in use
+ setChunkInUse(chunkPtr, true);
+ // return the chunk we just removed from the list, +4 bytes to skip size
+ Address ret = chunkPtr.add(4);
+ // clear if requested
+ if(cleared) {
+ Allocator.fillZero(ret, sizeBytes);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * free implementation
+ *
+ * bad things will happen if you free an address that was never allocated
+ */
+ public static void laxFree(Address address) {
+ if(address.toInt() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // chunk actually starts 4 bytes before
+ Address chunkPtr = address.add(-4);
+ // set the chunk no longer in use
+ setChunkInUse(chunkPtr, false);
+ // bring the size of the chunk into the stack
+ int chunkSize = chunkPtr.getInt();
+ if(Address.fromInt(ADDR_HEAP_DATA_START).isLessThan(chunkPtr)) {
+ // check if we can merge with the previous chunk, and move it to another bucket
+ Address prevChunkPtr = chunkPtr.add(-(chunkPtr.add(-4).getInt()));
+ int prevChunkSize = readChunkSizeStatus(prevChunkPtr);
+ if((prevChunkSize & 0x80000000) == 0) {
+ // previous chunk is not in use, merge!
+ //TODO
+ }
+ }
+ Address nextChunkPtr = chunkPtr.add(chunkSize);
+ if(Address.fromInt(ADDR_HEAP_LIMIT).getAddress().isLessThan(nextChunkPtr)) {
+ // check if we can merge with the next chunk as well
+ int nextChunkSize = readChunkSizeStatus(nextChunkPtr);
+ if((nextChunkSize & 0x80000000) == 0) {
+ // next chunk is not in use, merge!
+ //TODO
+ }
+ }
+ int bucket = getListBucket(chunkSize - 8); // size - 2 ints
+ long bucketMask = Address.fromInt(ADDR_HEAP_BUCKETS_FREE_MASK).getLong();
+ Address bucketStartAddr = Address.fromInt(ADDR_HEAP_BUCKETS_START).add(bucket << SIZEOF_PTR_SH);
+ // test the bucket mask if the bucket is empty
+ if((bucketMask & (1L << bucket)) == 0l) {
+ // bucket is empty, add the free chunk to the list
+ bucketStartAddr.putAddress(chunkPtr);
+ writeChunkPrevFreeAddr(chunkPtr, Address.fromInt(0));
+ writeChunkNextFreeAddr(chunkPtr, Address.fromInt(0));
+ // set the free bit in bucket mask
+ bucketMask |= (1L << bucket);
+ Address.fromInt(ADDR_HEAP_BUCKETS_FREE_MASK).putLong(bucketMask);
+ }else {
+ // bucket is not empty, append to the bucket's existing free chunks list
+ Address otherBucketStart = bucketStartAddr.getAddress();
+ writeChunkPrevFreeAddr(otherBucketStart, chunkPtr);
+ writeChunkNextFreeAddr(chunkPtr, otherBucketStart);
+ writeChunkPrevFreeAddr(chunkPtr, Address.fromInt(0));
+ bucketStartAddr.putAddress(chunkPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ private static final int NUM_FREE_BUCKETS = 64;
+ /**
+ * https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/blob/16a0bf174cb85f88b6d9dcc8ee7fbca59390185b/system/lib/emmalloc.c#L241
+ * (MIT License)
+ */
+ private static int getListBucket(int allocSize) {
+ if (allocSize < 128)
+ return (allocSize >> 3) - 1;
+ int clz = Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(allocSize);
+ int bucketIndex = (clz > 19) ? 110 - (clz << 2) + ((allocSize >> (29 - clz)) ^ 4)
+ : min(71 - (clz << 1) + ((allocSize >> (30 - clz)) ^ 2), NUM_FREE_BUCKETS - 1);
+ return bucketIndex;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is our sbrk
+ */
+ private static Address growHeap(int amount) {
+ Address heapLimit = Address.fromInt(ADDR_HEAP_LIMIT).getAddress();
+ Address.fromInt(ADDR_HEAP_LIMIT).putAddress(heapLimit.add(amount));
+ //TODO: expand WebAssembly Memory
+ return heapLimit;
+ }
+ private static int readChunkSizeStatus(Address chunkAddr) {
+ return chunkAddr.getInt();
+ }
+ private static int readChunkSize(Address chunkAddr) {
+ return chunkAddr.getInt() & 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ }
+ private static boolean readChunkInUse(Address chunkAddr) {
+ return (chunkAddr.getInt() & 0x80000000) != 0;
+ }
+ private static void writeChunkSizeStatus(Address chunkAddr, int sizeStatus) {
+ chunkAddr.putInt(sizeStatus);
+ }
+ private static void setChunkInUse(Address chunkAddr, boolean inUse) {
+ int i = chunkAddr.getInt();
+ chunkAddr.putInt(inUse ? (i | 0x80000000) : (i & 0x7FFFFFFF));
+ }
+ private static Address readChunkPrevFreeAddr(Address chunkAddr) {
+ return chunkAddr.add(4).getAddress();
+ }
+ private static void writeChunkPrevFreeAddr(Address chunkAddr, Address prevFree) {
+ chunkAddr.add(4).putAddress(prevFree);
+ }
+ private static Address readChunkNextFreeAddr(Address chunkAddr) {
+ return chunkAddr.add(4 + (1 << SIZEOF_PTR_SH)).getAddress();
+ }
+ private static void writeChunkNextFreeAddr(Address chunkAddr, Address nextFree) {
+ chunkAddr.add(4 + (1 << SIZEOF_PTR_SH)).putAddress(nextFree);
+ }
+ private static int min(int a, int b) {
+ return a < b ? a : b;
+ }