package net.minecraft.entity; import net.lax1dude.eaglercraft.v1_8.EaglercraftUUID; import; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityTameable; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import; public abstract class EntityCreature extends EntityLiving { public static final EaglercraftUUID FLEEING_SPEED_MODIFIER_UUID = EaglercraftUUID .fromString("E199AD21-BA8A-4C53-8D13-6182D5C69D3A"); public static final AttributeModifier FLEEING_SPEED_MODIFIER = (new AttributeModifier(FLEEING_SPEED_MODIFIER_UUID, "Fleeing speed bonus", 2.0D, 2)).setSaved(false); private BlockPos homePosition = BlockPos.ORIGIN; /**+ * If -1 there is no maximum distance */ private float maximumHomeDistance = -1.0F; private boolean isMovementAITaskSet; public EntityCreature(World worldIn) { super(worldIn); } public float getBlockPathWeight(BlockPos pos) { return 0.0F; } /**+ * Checks if the entity's current position is a valid location * to spawn this entity. */ public boolean getCanSpawnHere() { return super.getCanSpawnHere() && this .getBlockPathWeight(new BlockPos(this.posX, this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY, this.posZ)) >= 0.0F; } /**+ * if the entity got a PathEntity it returns true, else false */ public boolean hasPath() { return false; } public boolean isWithinHomeDistanceCurrentPosition() { return this.isWithinHomeDistanceFromPosition(new BlockPos(this)); } public boolean isWithinHomeDistanceFromPosition(BlockPos pos) { return this.maximumHomeDistance == -1.0F ? true : this.homePosition.distanceSq(pos) < (double) (this.maximumHomeDistance * this.maximumHomeDistance); } /**+ * Sets home position and max distance for it */ public void setHomePosAndDistance(BlockPos pos, int distance) { this.homePosition = pos; this.maximumHomeDistance = (float) distance; } public BlockPos getHomePosition() { return this.homePosition; } public float getMaximumHomeDistance() { return this.maximumHomeDistance; } public void detachHome() { this.maximumHomeDistance = -1.0F; } /**+ * Returns whether a home area is defined for this entity. */ public boolean hasHome() { return this.maximumHomeDistance != -1.0F; } /**+ * Applies logic related to leashes, for example dragging the * entity or breaking the leash. */ protected void updateLeashedState() { super.updateLeashedState(); if (this.getLeashed() && this.getLeashedToEntity() != null && this.getLeashedToEntity().worldObj == this.worldObj) { Entity entity = this.getLeashedToEntity(); this.setHomePosAndDistance(new BlockPos((int) entity.posX, (int) entity.posY, (int) entity.posZ), 5); float f = this.getDistanceToEntity(entity); if (this instanceof EntityTameable && ((EntityTameable) this).isSitting()) { if (f > 10.0F) { this.clearLeashed(true, true); } return; } if (!this.isMovementAITaskSet) { this.isMovementAITaskSet = true; } this.func_142017_o(f); if (f > 6.0F) { double d0 = (entity.posX - this.posX) / (double) f; double d1 = (entity.posY - this.posY) / (double) f; double d2 = (entity.posZ - this.posZ) / (double) f; this.motionX += d0 * Math.abs(d0) * 0.4D; this.motionY += d1 * Math.abs(d1) * 0.4D; this.motionZ += d2 * Math.abs(d2) * 0.4D; } if (f > 10.0F) { this.clearLeashed(true, true); } } else if (!this.getLeashed() && this.isMovementAITaskSet) { this.isMovementAITaskSet = false; this.detachHome(); } } protected void func_142017_o(float parFloat1) { } }