ClickGui works 🔥

This commit is contained in:
ThisIsALegitUsername 2022-12-28 20:57:50 +00:00
parent f4535f9028
commit cce53a974c
4 changed files with 33 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -1,68 +1,18 @@
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View File

@ -2,27 +2,29 @@

View File

@ -43,11 +43,12 @@ public class Mod {
public void toggle() {
this.enabled = !this.enabled;
if (this.enabled)
if (this.enabled){
public void setEnabled(boolean state) {
this.enabled = state;

View File

@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
y = sr.getScaledHeight() / (int) 1.1 - 10 + xy;
int off = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < modManager.modules.size(); i++) {
for (Mod m: modManager.modules) {
int fh = fr.FONT_HEIGHT;
if (isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY, this.x + 90 + xo - 1 + 10, height - 2 - fh * -(off) + 51 - 1 - offset, this.x + 90 + xo - 1 + 21, height + 30 - fh * (-off) + 30 - 1 + 2 - 1 - offset) && modManager.modules.get(i).hasSetting) {
if (isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY, this.x + 90 + xo - 1 + 10, height - 2 - fh * -(off) + 51 - 1 - offset, this.x + 90 + xo - 1 + 21, height + 30 - fh * (-off) + 30 - 1 + 2 - 1 - offset) && m.hasSetting) {
// Open settings
this.modWatching = modManager.modules.get(i);
this.modWatching = m;
} else if (isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY, x - fr.FONT_HEIGHT + 2, height + 27 + fr.FONT_HEIGHT + 2, x - fr.FONT_HEIGHT + 6 + fr.getStringWidth("<"), height + 33 + fr.FONT_HEIGHT + 2 + fr.getStringWidth("<")) && mouseButton == 0) {
// Close settings
this.modWatching = null;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
this.modWatching = null;
} else if (isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY, this.x + 10 + xo - 2 + 10, height - 2 - fh * -(off) + 50 - 2 - offset, this.x + 90 + xo + 22, height + 30 - fh * (-off) + 30 + 2 - offset) && mouseButton == 0 && modWatching == null) {
// Toggle mod
} else if (isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY, GuiScreen.width/2-fr.getStringWidth("Edit Layout")/2-5, GuiScreen.height-y-fr.FONT_HEIGHT, GuiScreen.width/2-fr.getStringWidth("Edit Layout")/2+5+fr.getStringWidth("Edit Layout"), GuiScreen.height-y+5) && mouseButton == 0){
mc.displayGuiScreen(new HUDConfigScreen());
this.modWatching = null;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
// white line
Gui.drawRect(x - 8, height + 29, width + 33, height + 30, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < modManager.modules.size(); i++) {
for (Mod m : modManager.modules) {
if (this.modWatching == null) {
int fh = fr.FONT_HEIGHT;
if (height - 2 - fh * -(off) + 50 - 2 - offset > height + 29
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
// Enabled outline
RenderUtils.drawRectOutline(this.x + 10 + xo - 2 + 10, height - 2 - fh * -(off) + 50 - 2 - offset,
this.x + 90 + xo + 22, height + 30 - fh * (-off) + 30 + 2 - offset,
modManager.modules.get(i).isEnabled() ? Color.GREEN.getRGB()
m.isEnabled() ? Color.GREEN.getRGB()
: Color.RED.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(this.x + 10 + xo - 1 + 10, height - 2 - fh * -(off) + 50 - 1 - offset,
this.x + 90 + xo - 1 + 22, height + 30 - fh * (-off) + 30 - 1 + 2 - offset,
@ -157,16 +157,16 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
? new Color(105, 105, 105, 65).getRGB()
: new Color(211, 211, 211, 65).getRGB());
if (modManager.modules.get(i).hasSetting) {
if (m.hasSetting) {
fr.drawString("o", this.x + 90 + xo - 1 + 10, height - 2 - fh * -(off) + 51 + 1 - offset, isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY, this.x+90+xo-1+10, height-2-fh*-(off)+51+1-offset, this.x+90+xo-1+10+fr.getStringWidth("o"), height-2-fh*-(off)+51+1-offset+fr.FONT_HEIGHT) ? new Color(105, 105, 105, 65).getRGB() : -1);
RenderUtils.drawRectOutline(this.x+90+xo-1+10, height-2-fh*-(off)+51+1-offset, this.x+90+xo-1+10+fr.getStringWidth("o"), height-2-fh*-(off)+51+1-offset+fr.FONT_HEIGHT, -1);
//RenderUtils.drawRectOutline(this.x+90+xo-1+10, height-2-fh*-(off)+51+1-offset, this.x+90+xo-1+10+fr.getStringWidth("o"), height-2-fh*-(off)+51+1-offset+fr.FONT_HEIGHT, -1);
//fr.drawString("+", this.x + 90 + xo - 1 + 10, height - 2 - fh * -(off) + 51 + 1 - offset, -1);
//fr.drawString(" x", this.x + 90 + xo - 1 + 10, height - 2 - fh * -(off) + 51 + 1 - offset, -1);
// Gui.drawRect(this.x+90+xo-1+10, height-2-fh*-(off)+51-1-offset,
// this.x+90+xo-1+21, height+30-fh*(-off)+30-1+2-1-offset, -1);
this.x + 15 + 7 + xo * (int) 1.5, height - fh * -(off) + 50 - offset, -1);
} else if (this.modWatching != null) {
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
for (int amogus = 0; amogus < this.modWatching.settings.size(); amogus++) {
BooleanSetting b = null;
ModeSetting m = null;
ModeSetting mo = null;
Setting s = this.modWatching.settings.get(amogus);
if (s instanceof BooleanSetting) {
b = (BooleanSetting) s;
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
if (s instanceof ModeSetting) {
m = (ModeSetting) s;
mo = (ModeSetting) s;
//RenderUtils.drawRectOutline(this.x+18+6-2, height-fr.FONT_HEIGHT+50+var, this.x+18+6+fr.getStringWidth(this.modWatching.settings.get(amogus).name + ": " + m.getValue() + 2), height-fr.FONT_HEIGHT+50+var+fr.FONT_HEIGHT, -1);
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
+ 2,
this.height - fr.FONT_HEIGHT + 50 + var + fr.FONT_HEIGHT, -1);*/
//RenderUtils.drawRectOutline(this.x+24, height-fr.FONT_HEIGHT+50+var, this.x+24+fr.getStringWidth(": "+m.getValue()), height-fr.FONT_HEIGHT+50+var+fr.FONT_HEIGHT, -1);
fr.drawStringWithShadow( + ": " + m.getValue(),
fr.drawStringWithShadow( + ": " + mo.getValue(),
this.x + 18 + 6, height - fr.FONT_HEIGHT + 50 + var, -1);
} else {
fr.drawStringWithShadow(, this.x + 18 + 6,