mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 23:04:13 -08:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# EaglercraftX (1.8.9) WebSocket Proxy
## This repository has been archived as EaglerX's client and bungee [source code](https://gitlab.com/lax1dude/eaglercraftx-1.8) has been released. Please migrate to it if you haven't already!
### Demo: `wss://eaglerx-server.worldeditaxe.repl.co/server` ([EaglerX 1.8.9 client](https://web.arch.lol/mc/1.8.8/) only)
![Two EaglerX clients connected to the same server](./assets/demo.png)
## What is this?
A WebSocket proxy that allows EaglercraftX 1.8 clients to connect to an offline vanilla Minecraft server with (mostly working) Eaglercraft skin support. This is meant to be a replacement for the unreleased official EaglercraftX bungee until it releases. It supports all offline 1.8.9 servers and even online servers when modified!
**Note:** Don't expect magic. Some things may or may not work. While the proxy has shown to be stable and working during testing, you may encounter some bugs.
## Setup Guide
### Prerequisites
* Node.js v12 and up
* An **OFFLINE** 1.8.9-compatible Minecraft server or proxy
### Setup
#### If Repl.it is acceptable, fork the [demo](https://replit.com/@WorldEditAxe/eaglerx-server) and connect to it. All proxy files will be under the `proxy` folder.
1. Download the latest package available on this repository.
2. Open a terminal and go to the folder of the repository. Run `npm i`.
3. Edit `config.js` to configure your proxy. Below is a small breakdown of the configuration file.
export const config = {
// The name of the proxy. (unused, required for MOTD)
name: "Proxy",
// The address to bind the WebSocket server to.
bindHost: "",
// The port to bind the WebSocket server to.
// Use 80 if security.enabled is false, and 443 when it is true.
bindPort: 80,
// The max amount of concurrent connections allowed at once. (player cap)
maxPlayers: 20,
motd: {
// The file path that leads to an image.
// A 64x64 image is recommended, but any image with a 1:1 ratio will work.
iconURL: "./icon.webp",
// The first line of the MOTD.
l1: "hi",
// The second line of the MOTD.
l2: "lol"
server: {
// The hostname/IP of the remote server you want the proxy to connect to.
host: "",
// The port of the remote server you want the proxy to connect to.
// On most Minecraft server installations, the default port is 25565.
port: 25565
security: {
// Set this to true to enable encryption (wss://).
// If you're using Repl.it, there's no need to enable encryption as it comes by default on all repls.
// You will need to obtain certificate files in order to enable encryption.
enabled: false,
// The private key file provided to you by your certificate authority.
key: null,
// The certificate file provided to you by your certificate authority.
cert: null
3. Start your proxy by running `node index.js`.
4. Connect to your server. For the server address, use the folllowing format: `ws://<IP>:<port>`. If you are using encryption, replace `ws://` with `wss://`.
## Creating Issues
When creating a new issue, please:
- Refrain from opening duplicate issues. If your issue is already there, please join in on the conversation there instead!
- Provide a brief description of the issue, what you expected, and what you got instead. Avoid unhelpful and overly short summaries - we need to know what's wrong!
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 693 KiB |
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
import { Config } from "./types.js";
export const config: Config = {
name: "MinecraftProxy",
bindHost: "",
bindPort: 80, // 443 if using TLS
maxPlayers: 20,
motd: {
iconURL: null,
l1: "hi",
l2: "lol"
server: {
host: "localhost",
port: 25565
security: { // provide path to key & cert if you want to enable encryption/secure websockets
enabled: false,
key: null,
cert: null
export const BRANDING: Readonly<string> = Object.freeze("EaglerXProxy")
export const VERSION: Readonly<string> = "1.0.0"
export const NETWORK_VERSION: Readonly<string> = Object.freeze(BRANDING + "/" + VERSION)
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
import { UUID } from "./types.js"
export enum EaglerPacketId {
LOGIN = 0x4,
LOGIN_ACK = 0x05,
SKIN = 0x07,
C_READY = 0x08,
export enum DisconnectReason {
CUSTOM = 0x8
// TODO: get skin fetching working
// Skins are raw Uint8 pixel data arrays.
// A pixel is represented by three bytes, each for each primary color: red, green and blue.
export type Skin = Buffer
// Prefixed skins are prefixed with their dimensions before being
export type PrefixedSkin = Buffer
export const MAGIC_BUILTIN_SKIN_BYTES = [0x00, 0x05, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
export const MAGIC_ENDING_IDENTIFY_S_BYTES = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
export const MAGIC_ENDING_S_SKINDL_BI = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
export const EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME = "EAG|Skins-1.8"
// NOTE: unless explicitly marked, a number (VarInt) preceding a string is a string
export type IdentifyC = [EaglerPacketId.IDENTIFY_CLIENT, 0x01, 0x2f, number, string, number, string]
export type IdentifyS = [EaglerPacketId.IDENTIFY_SERVER, 0x01, number, string, number, string]
export type Login = [EaglerPacketId.LOGIN, number, string, number, "default", 0x0]
export type LoginAck = [EaglerPacketId.LOGIN_ACK, number, string, UUID]
export type BaseSkin = [EaglerPacketId.SKIN, number, string, ...typeof MAGIC_BUILTIN_SKIN_BYTES | [number]]
// IF base skin packet ends with magic bytes...
export type SkinBuiltIn = [EaglerPacketId.SKIN, number, string, ...typeof MAGIC_BUILTIN_SKIN_BYTES, number]
export type SkinCustom = [EaglerPacketId.SKIN, number, string, number, PrefixedSkin]
export type ClientReady = [EaglerPacketId.C_READY]
export type Joined = [EaglerPacketId.COMPLETE_HANDSHAKE]
export type Disconnect = [EaglerPacketId.DISCONNECT, number, string, DisconnectReason]
// All Eaglercraft skin networking is done through plugin channels under the channel name EAG|Skins-1.8.
// Below are some packet defs.
export enum EaglerSkinPacketId {
C_FETCH_SKIN = 0x03,
S_SKIN_DL_BI = 0x04,
S_SKIN_DL = 0x05,
C_REQ_SKIN = 0x06
export type SkinId = number
// A Vanilla plugin channel message packet.
// Every message is encapsulated through one of these packets.
export type CBaseChannelMessage = [0x17, number, string, Buffer]
export type SBaseChannelMessage = [0x3f, number, string, Buffer]
export type CFetchSkin = [EaglerSkinPacketId.C_FETCH_SKIN, UUID]
export type SSkinDlBi = [EaglerSkinPacketId.S_SKIN_DL_BI, UUID, ...typeof MAGIC_ENDING_S_SKINDL_BI, SkinId]
export type SSkinDl = [EaglerSkinPacketId.S_SKIN_DL, UUID, number, Skin]
export type CSkinReq = [EaglerSkinPacketId.C_REQ_SKIN, UUID, 0x00, number, string]
@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
import {
encodeULEB128 as encodeVarInt,
decodeULEB128 as decodeVarInt,
encodeSLEB128 as encodeSVarInt,
decodeSLEB128 as decodeSVarInt
} from "@thi.ng/leb128"
import { DecodedCFetchSkin, DecodedSSkinDl, DecodedCSkinReq, DecodedSSkinFetchBuiltin, UnpackedChannelMessage, ProxiedPlayer, ChannelMessageType } from "./types.js"
import uuidBuffer from "uuid-buffer"
import { bufferizeUUID } from "./utils.js"
import { EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME, EaglerSkinPacketId, MAGIC_ENDING_S_SKINDL_BI } from "./eaglerPacketDef.js"
import sharp from "sharp"
import request from "request"
export function unpackChannelMessage(message: Buffer): UnpackedChannelMessage {
if (message[0] != 0x17 && message[0] != 0x3f)
throw new Error("Invalid packet ID detected")
const ret: UnpackedChannelMessage = {
channel: null,
data: null,
type: null
const Iid = decodeVarInt(message)
const channelNameLen = decodeVarInt(message.subarray(Iid[1])), channelName = message.subarray(Iid[1] + channelNameLen[1], Iid[1] + channelNameLen[1] + Number(channelNameLen[0])).toString()
ret.type = Number(Iid[0])
ret.channel = channelName
ret.data = message.subarray(Iid[1] + channelNameLen[1] + channelName.length)
return ret
export function packChannelMessage(channel: string, type: ChannelMessageType, message: Buffer): Buffer {
const channelNameLen = encodeVarInt(channel.length), buff = Buffer.alloc(1 + channelNameLen.length + channel.length + message.length)
buff.set([type,...channelNameLen, ...Buffer.from(channel), ...message])
return buff
export function decodeCFetchSkin(message: Buffer): DecodedCFetchSkin {
const ret: DecodedCFetchSkin = {
id: null,
uuid: null
const Iid = decodeVarInt(message), uuid = uuidBuffer.toString(message.subarray(Iid[1]))
ret.id = Number(Iid[0])
ret.uuid = uuid
return ret
export function encodeFetchSkin(uuid: string | Buffer): Buffer {
uuid = typeof uuid == 'string' ? bufferizeUUID(uuid) : uuid
const buff = Buffer.alloc(1 + uuid.length)
buff.set([EaglerSkinPacketId.C_FETCH_SKIN, ...uuid])
return buff
export function decodeSSkinDlBuiltin(message: Buffer): DecodedSSkinFetchBuiltin {
const ret: DecodedSSkinFetchBuiltin = {
id: null,
uuid: null,
skinId: null
const Iid = decodeVarInt(message), uuid = uuidBuffer.toString(message.subarray(Iid[1], Iid[1] + 16))
ret.id = Number(Iid[0])
ret.uuid = uuid
const skinId = decodeVarInt(message.subarray(Iid[1] + 16 + 3))
ret.skinId = Number(skinId)
return ret
export function encodeSSkinDlBuiltin(uuid: string | Buffer, skinId: number): Buffer {
uuid = typeof uuid == 'string' ? bufferizeUUID(uuid) : uuid
const encSkinId = encodeVarInt(skinId)
const buff = Buffer.alloc(1 + 16 + 3 + encSkinId.length)
buff.set([EaglerSkinPacketId.S_SKIN_DL_BI, ...uuid, ...Buffer.from(MAGIC_ENDING_S_SKINDL_BI), encSkinId[0]])
return buff
export function decodeSSkinDl(message: Buffer): DecodedSSkinDl {
const ret: DecodedSSkinDl = {
id: null,
uuid: null,
skin: null
const Iid = decodeVarInt(message), uuid = uuidBuffer.toString(message.subarray(Iid[1], Iid[1] + 16))
ret.id = Number(Iid[0])
ret.uuid = uuid
const skin = message.subarray(Iid[1] + 16)
ret.skin = skin
return ret
export function encodeSSkinDl(uuid: string | Buffer, skin: Buffer, isFetched: boolean): Buffer {
uuid = typeof uuid == 'string' ? bufferizeUUID(uuid) : uuid
// eaglercraft clients always expect a 16385 byte long byte array for the skin
if (!isFetched) skin = skin.length !== 16384 ? skin.length < 16384 ? Buffer.concat([Buffer.alloc(16384 - skin.length), skin]) : skin.subarray(16383) : skin
else skin = skin.length !== 16384 ? skin.length < 16384 ? Buffer.concat([skin, Buffer.alloc(16384 - skin.length)]) : skin.subarray(16383) : skin
const buff = Buffer.alloc(1 + 16 + 1 + skin.length)
if (!isFetched) buff.set([EaglerSkinPacketId.S_SKIN_DL,...uuid, 0xff,...skin])
else buff.set([EaglerSkinPacketId.S_SKIN_DL, ...uuid, 0x00, ...skin])
return buff
export function decodeCSkinReq(message: Buffer): DecodedCSkinReq {
const ret: DecodedCSkinReq = {
id: null,
uuid: null,
url: null
const Iid = decodeVarInt(message), uuid = uuidBuffer.toString(message.subarray(Iid[1], Iid[1] + 16))
ret.id = Number(Iid[0])
ret.uuid = uuid
const urlLen = decodeVarInt(message.subarray(Iid[1] + 16 + 1)), url = message.subarray(Iid[1] + 16 + 1 + urlLen[1]).toString()
ret.url = url
return ret
export function encodeCSkinReq(uuid: string | Buffer, url: string): Buffer {
uuid = typeof uuid == 'string' ? bufferizeUUID(uuid) : uuid
const urlLen = encodeVarInt(url.length), eUrl = Buffer.from(url)
const buff = Buffer.alloc(1 + 1 + 16 + urlLen.length + eUrl.length)
buff.set([EaglerSkinPacketId.C_REQ_SKIN, ...uuid, 0x00, ...urlLen, ...eUrl])
return buff
const SEG_SIZE = 3
function invert(buff: Buffer): Buffer {
let buffers: Buffer[] = [], i = 0
const newBuffer = Buffer.alloc(buff.length)
while (true) {
if (i >= buff.length)
newBuffer.set(buff.subarray(i, i + 4).reverse(), i)
i += 4
return newBuffer
async function genRGBAEagler(buff: Buffer): Promise<Buffer> {
const r = await sharp(buff).extractChannel('red').raw({ depth: 'uchar' }).toBuffer()
const g = await sharp(buff).extractChannel('green').raw({ depth: 'uchar' }).toBuffer()
const b = await sharp(buff).extractChannel('blue').raw({ depth: 'uchar' }).toBuffer()
const a = await sharp(buff).ensureAlpha().extractChannel(3).toColorspace('b-w').raw({ depth: 'uchar' }).toBuffer()
const newBuff = Buffer.alloc(64 ** 2 * 4)
for (let i = 1; i < 64 ** 2; i++) {
const bytePos = i * 4
newBuff[bytePos] = a[i]
newBuff[bytePos + 1] = b[i]
newBuff[bytePos + 2] = g[i]
newBuff[bytePos + 3] = r[i]
return newBuff
async function toEaglerSkin(buff: Buffer): Promise<Buffer> {
return genRGBAEagler(buff)
export async function fetchSkin(url: string, process?: boolean): Promise<Buffer> {
return new Promise<Buffer>((res, rej) => {
let body = []
request({ url: url, encoding: null }, (err, response, body) => {
if (err) {
} else {
toEaglerSkin(body).then(buff => res(buff))
export function getPlayerWithUUID(uuid: string): ProxiedPlayer {
for (const [username, plr] of PROXY.players) {
if (plr.uuid == uuid)
return plr
return null
export async function processClientReqPacket(decodedMessage: UnpackedChannelMessage, client: ProxiedPlayer) {
if (decodedMessage.type == ChannelMessageType.SERVER)
throw new Error("Server message was passed to client message handler")
switch(decodedMessage.data[0] as EaglerSkinPacketId) {
throw new Error("Unknown operation")
case EaglerSkinPacketId.C_REQ_SKIN:
const reqSkinPck = decodeCSkinReq(decodedMessage.data)
if (getPlayerWithUUID(reqSkinPck.uuid)) {
client.ws.send(packChannelMessage(EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME, ChannelMessageType.SERVER, encodeSSkinDl(reqSkinPck.uuid, getPlayerWithUUID(reqSkinPck.uuid).skin.customSkin, false)))
} else {
try {
const skin = await fetchSkin(reqSkinPck.url)
const resPck = encodeSSkinDl(reqSkinPck.uuid, skin, true)
client.ws.send(packChannelMessage(EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME, ChannelMessageType.SERVER, resPck))
} catch {}
case EaglerSkinPacketId.C_FETCH_SKIN:
const fetchSkinPlrPck = decodeCFetchSkin(decodedMessage.data)
const plr = getPlayerWithUUID(fetchSkinPlrPck.uuid)
if (plr) {
if (plr.skin.type == 'BUILTIN') {
client.ws.send(packChannelMessage(EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME, ChannelMessageType.SERVER, encodeSSkinDlBuiltin(plr.uuid, plr.skin.skinId)))
} else {
client.ws.send(packChannelMessage(EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME, ChannelMessageType.SERVER, encodeSSkinDl(plr.uuid, plr.skin.customSkin, false)))
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
import { ProxyGlobals } from "./types.js"
declare global {
var PROXY: ProxyGlobals
export {}
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
import { readFileSync } from "fs";
import * as http from "http"
import * as https from "https"
import { WebSocketServer } from "ws";
import { BRANDING, config, NETWORK_VERSION, VERSION } from "./config.js";
import { handlePacket } from "./listener.js";
import { Logger } from "./logger.js";
import { disconnect, generateMOTDImage } from "./utils.js";
import { ChatColor, ProxiedPlayer, State } from "./types.js";
import { genUUID } from "./utils.js";
const logger = new Logger("EagXProxy")
const connectionLogger = new Logger("ConnectionHandler")
global.PROXY = {
brand: BRANDING,
version: VERSION,
serverName: config.name,
secure: false,
proxyUUID: genUUID(config.name),
icon: config.motd.iconURL ? await generateMOTDImage(readFileSync(config.motd.iconURL)) : null,
motd: [config.motd.l1, config.motd.l2]
wsServer: null,
players: new Map(),
logger: logger,
config: config
let server: WebSocketServer
if (PROXY.config.security.enabled) {
logger.info(`Starting SECURE WebSocket proxy on port ${config.bindPort}...`)
if (process.env.REPL_SLUG) {
logger.warn("You appear to be running the proxy on Repl.it with encryption enabled. Please note that Repl.it by default provides encryption, and enabling encryption may or may not prevent you from connecting to the server.")
server = new WebSocketServer({
server: https.createServer({
key: readFileSync(config.security.key),
cert: readFileSync(config.security.cert)
}).listen(config.bindPort, config.bindHost)
} else {
logger.info(`Starting INSECURE WebSocket proxy on port ${config.bindPort}...`)
server = new WebSocketServer({
port: config.bindPort,
host: config.bindHost
PROXY.wsServer = server
server.addListener('connection', c => {
connectionLogger.debug(`[CONNECTION] New inbound WebSocket connection from [/${(c as any)._socket.remoteAddress}:${(c as any)._socket.remotePort}]. (${(c as any)._socket.remotePort} -> ${config.bindPort})`)
const plr = new ProxiedPlayer()
plr.ws = c
plr.ip = (c as any)._socket.remoteAddress
plr.remotePort = (c as any)._socket.remotePort
plr.state = State.PRE_HANDSHAKE
plr.queuedEaglerSkinPackets = []
c.on('message', msg => {
handlePacket(msg as Buffer, plr)
server.on('listening', () => {
logger.info(`Successfully started${config.security.enabled ? " [secure]" : ""} WebSocket proxy on port ${config.bindPort}!`)
process.on('uncaughtException', err => {
logger.error(`An uncaught exception was caught! Exception: ${err.stack ?? err}`)
process.on('unhandledRejection', err => {
logger.error(`An unhandled promise rejection was caught! Rejection: ${(err != null ? (err as any).stack : err) ?? err}`)
process.on('SIGTERM', () => {
logger.info("Cleaning up before exiting...")
for (const [username, plr] of PROXY.players) {
if (plr.remoteConnection != null) plr.remoteConnection.end()
disconnect(plr, ChatColor.YELLOW + "Proxy is shutting down.")
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
logger.info("Cleaning up before exiting...")
for (const [username, plr] of PROXY.players) {
if (plr.remoteConnection != null) plr.remoteConnection.end()
disconnect(plr, ChatColor.YELLOW + "Proxy is shutting down.")
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
import { EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME } from "./eaglerPacketDef.js";
import { processClientReqPacket, unpackChannelMessage } from "./eaglerSkin.js";
import { Logger } from "./logger.js";
import { State, ProxiedPlayer } from "./types.js";
import { doHandshake, handleMotd } from "./utils.js";
const logger = new Logger("PacketHandler")
export function handlePacket(packet: Buffer, client: ProxiedPlayer) {
if (client.state == State.PRE_HANDSHAKE) {
if (packet.toString() === "Accept: MOTD") {
} else if (!(client as any)._handled) {
;(client as any)._handled = true
doHandshake(client, packet)
.catch(err => {
logger.warn(`Error occurred whilst handling handshake! Error: ${err.stack ?? err}`)
} else if (!(client as any)._handled && packet[0] == 0x17) {
const decoded = unpackChannelMessage(packet)
if (decoded.channel == EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME) {
} else if (client.state == State.POST_HANDSHAKE) {
if (!client.remoteConnection || client.remoteConnection.socket.closed) {
logger.warn(`Received packet from player ${client.username} that is marked as post handshake, but is disconnected from the game server? Disconnecting due to illegal state.`)
} else {
if (packet[0] == 0x17) {
const decoded = unpackChannelMessage(packet)
if (decoded.channel == EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME) {
processClientReqPacket(decoded, client)
} else {
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
import { Chalk } from "chalk"
const color = new Chalk({ level: 2 })
let global_verbose: boolean = false
type JsonLogType = "info" | "warn" | "error" | "fatal" | "debug"
type JsonOutput = {
type: JsonLogType,
message: string
export function verboseLogging(newVal?: boolean) {
global_verbose = newVal ?? global_verbose ? false : true
function jsonLog(type: JsonLogType, message: string): string {
return JSON.stringify({
type: type,
message: message
}) + "\n"
export class Logger {
loggerName: string
verbose: boolean
private jsonLog: boolean = process.argv.includes("--json") || process.argv.includes("-j")
constructor(name: string, verbose?: boolean) {
this.loggerName = name
if (verbose) this.verbose = verbose
else this.verbose = global_verbose
info(s: string) {
if (!this.jsonLog) process.stdout.write(`${color.green("I")} ${color.gray(new Date().toISOString())} ${color.reset(`${color.yellow(`${this.loggerName}:`)} ${s}`)}\n`)
else process.stdout.write(jsonLog("info", s))
warn(s: string) {
if (!this.jsonLog) process.stdout.write(`${color.yellow("W")} ${color.gray(new Date().toISOString())} ${color.yellow(`${color.yellow(`${this.loggerName}:`)} ${s}`)}\n`)
else process.stderr.write(jsonLog("warn", s))
error(s: string) {
if (!this.jsonLog) process.stderr.write(`* ${color.red("E")} ${color.gray(new Date().toISOString())} ${color.redBright(`${color.red(`${this.loggerName}:`)} ${s}`)}\n`)
else process.stderr.write(jsonLog("error", s))
fatal(s: string) {
if (!this.jsonLog) process.stderr.write(`** ${color.red("F!")} ${color.gray(new Date().toISOString())} ${color.bgRedBright(color.redBright(`${color.red(`${this.loggerName}:`)} ${s}`))}\n`)
else process.stderr.write(jsonLog("fatal", s))
debug(s: string) {
if (this.verbose || global_verbose) {
if (!this.jsonLog) process.stderr.write(`${color.gray("D")} ${color.gray(new Date().toISOString())} ${color.gray(`${color.gray(`${this.loggerName}:`)} ${s}`)}\n`)
else process.stderr.write(jsonLog("debug", s))
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
"dependencies": {
"@thi.ng/leb128": "^3.0.1",
"@types/axios": "^0.14.0",
"@types/node": "^18.11.16",
"@types/request": "^2.48.8",
"@types/sharp": "^0.31.0",
"@types/uuid": "^9.0.0",
"@types/ws": "^8.5.3",
"chalk": "^5.2.0",
"minecraft-protocol": "^1.36.2",
"request": "^2.88.2",
"sharp": "^0.31.2",
"tsc": "^2.0.4",
"uuid-buffer": "^1.0.3",
"ws": "^8.11.0"
"type": "module",
"name": "eaglerxbungee-reimpl",
"description": "Play on offline vanilla Minecraft 1.8.9 servers through EaglerX.",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"devDependencies": {},
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+https://github.com/WorldEditAxe/eaglerxbungee-reimpl.git"
"keywords": [
"author": "WorldEditAxe",
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": "https://github.com/WorldEditAxe/eaglerxbungee-reimpl/issues"
"homepage": "https://github.com/WorldEditAxe/eaglerxbungee-reimpl#readme"
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "esnext",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"target": "es2017",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"sourceMap": false,
"outDir": "build"
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
import { randomUUID } from "crypto"
import { Client } from "minecraft-protocol"
import { WebSocketServer, WebSocket } from "ws"
import { BRANDING, VERSION, NETWORK_VERSION } from "./config.js"
import { EaglerSkinPacketId, SkinId } from "./eaglerPacketDef.js"
import { Logger } from "./logger.js"
export type UUID = ReturnType<typeof randomUUID>
export enum State {
export type MOTD = {
icon?: Buffer, // 16384
motd: [string, string]
export type PlayerStats = {
max: number,
onlineCount: number
export type ProxyGlobals = {
brand: typeof BRANDING,
version: typeof VERSION,
serverName: string,
secure: false,
proxyUUID: UUID,
wsServer: WebSocketServer,
players: Map<string, ProxiedPlayer>,
logger: Logger,
config: Config
export type Config = {
name: string,
bindPort: number,
bindHost: string,
maxPlayers: number,
motd: {
iconURL?: string,
l1: string,
l2: string
server: {
host: string,
port: number
security: {
enabled: boolean
key: string,
cert: string
export enum ChatColor {
BLACK = "§0",
DARK_BLUE = "§1",
DARK_GREEN = "§2",
DARK_CYAN = "§3",
DARK_RED = "§4",
PURPLE = "§5",
GOLD = "§6",
GRAY = "§7",
DARK_GRAY = "§8",
BLUE = "§9",
CYAN = "§b",
RED = "§c",
PINK = "§d",
YELLOW = "§e",
WHITE = "§f",
// text styling
BOLD = '§l',
ITALIC = '§o',
RESET = '§r'
export type ChatExtra = {
text: string,
bold?: boolean,
italic?: boolean,
underlined?: boolean,
strikethrough?: boolean,
obfuscated?: boolean,
color?: ChatColor | 'reset'
export type Chat = {
text?: string,
bold?: boolean,
italic?: boolean,
underlined?: boolean,
strikethrough?: boolean,
obfuscated?: boolean,
color?: ChatColor | 'reset',
extra?: ChatExtra[]
export class ProxiedPlayer {
public username: string
public uuid: string
public clientBrand: string
public state: State
public ws: WebSocket
public ip: string
public remotePort: number
public remoteConnection: Client
public skin: {
type: "CUSTOM" | "BUILTIN",
skinId?: number,
customSkin?: Buffer
public queuedEaglerSkinPackets: UnpackedChannelMessage[]
export enum ChannelMessageType {
CLIENT = 0x17,
SERVER = 0x3f
export type UnpackedChannelMessage = {
channel: string,
data: Buffer,
type: ChannelMessageType
export type DecodedCFetchSkin = {
id: EaglerSkinPacketId.C_FETCH_SKIN,
uuid: UUID
export type DecodedSSkinFetchBuiltin = {
id: EaglerSkinPacketId.S_SKIN_DL_BI,
uuid: UUID,
skinId: SkinId
export type DecodedSSkinDl = {
id: EaglerSkinPacketId.S_SKIN_DL,
uuid: UUID,
skin: Buffer
export type DecodedCSkinReq = {
id: EaglerSkinPacketId.C_REQ_SKIN,
uuid: UUID,
url: string
@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
import WebSocket from "ws"
import {
encodeULEB128 as encodeVarInt,
decodeULEB128 as decodeVarInt,
encodeSLEB128 as encodeSVarInt,
decodeSLEB128 as decodeSVarInt
} from "@thi.ng/leb128"
import { DisconnectReason, EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME, EaglerPacketId, MAGIC_BUILTIN_SKIN_BYTES, MAGIC_ENDING_IDENTIFY_S_BYTES } from "./eaglerPacketDef.js"
import { Logger } from "./logger.js"
import { ChannelMessageType, Chat, ChatColor, ProxiedPlayer, State, UUID } from "./types.js"
import { toBuffer, toString as uuidToString } from "uuid-buffer"
import * as mc from "minecraft-protocol"
import { config } from "./config.js"
import sharp from "sharp"
import { createHash, randomUUID } from "crypto"
import { encodeSSkinDl, encodeSSkinDlBuiltin, packChannelMessage, processClientReqPacket } from "./eaglerSkin.js"
const logger = new Logger("LoginHandler")
const USERNAME_REGEX = /[^0-9^a-z^A-Z^_]/gi
export function genUUID(user: string): string {
const str = `OfflinePlayer:${user}`
let md5Bytes = createHash('md5').update(str).digest()
md5Bytes[6] &= 0x0f; /* clear version */
md5Bytes[6] |= 0x30; /* set to version 3 */
md5Bytes[8] &= 0x3f; /* clear variant */
md5Bytes[8] |= 0x80; /* set to IETF variant */
return uuidToString(md5Bytes)
export function bufferizeUUID(uuid: string): Buffer {
return toBuffer(uuid)
export function validateUsername(user: string): void | never {
if (user.length > 20)
throw new Error("Username is too long!")
if (!!user.match(USERNAME_REGEX))
throw new Error("Invalid username. Username can only contain alphanumeric characters, and the underscore (_) character.")
export function chatToPlainString(chat: Chat): string {
let ret = ''
if (chat.text != null) ret += chat.text
if (chat.extra != null) {
chat.extra.forEach(extra => {
ret += extra.text
return ret
export function disconnect(player: ProxiedPlayer, message: Chat | string, code?: DisconnectReason) {
if (player.state == State.POST_HANDSHAKE) {
const message_m = (typeof message == 'string' ? JSON.stringify({ text: message }) : JSON.stringify(message)) + 0x0
const messageLen = encodeVarInt(message_m.length)
const d = Buffer.alloc([0x40, ...messageLen, ...Buffer.from(message_m)].length)
d.set([0x40, ...messageLen, ...Buffer.from(message_m)])
} else {
const message_m = (typeof message == 'string' ? message : chatToPlainString(message))
const messageLen = encodeVarInt(message_m.length), codeEnc = encodeVarInt(code ?? DisconnectReason.CUSTOM)
const d = Buffer.alloc([0xff,...codeEnc, ...messageLen, ...Buffer.from(message_m)].length)
d.set([0xff,...codeEnc, ...messageLen, ...Buffer.from(message_m)])
export function awaitPacket(ws: WebSocket, id?: EaglerPacketId): Promise<Buffer> {
return new Promise<Buffer>((res, rej) => {
let resolved = false
const msgCb = (msg: any) => {
if (id != null && msg[0] == id) {
resolved = true
ws.removeEventListener('message', msgCb)
ws.removeEventListener('close', discon)
ws.setMaxListeners(ws.getMaxListeners() - 2 < 0 ? 5 : ws.getMaxListeners() - 2)
} else if (id == null) {
resolved = true
ws.removeEventListener('message', msgCb)
ws.removeEventListener('close', discon)
ws.setMaxListeners(ws.getMaxListeners() - 2 < 0 ? 5 : ws.getMaxListeners() - 2)
const discon = () => {
resolved = true
ws.removeEventListener('message', msgCb)
ws.removeEventListener('close', discon)
ws.setMaxListeners(ws.getMaxListeners() - 2 < 0 ? 5 : ws.getMaxListeners() - 2)
rej("Connection closed")
ws.setMaxListeners(ws.getMaxListeners() + 2)
ws.on('message', msgCb)
ws.on('close', discon)
setTimeout(() => {
ws.removeEventListener('message', msgCb)
ws.removeEventListener('close', discon)
ws.setMaxListeners(ws.getMaxListeners() - 2 < 0 ? 5 : ws.getMaxListeners() - 2)
rej("Timed out")
}, 10000)
export function loginServer(ip: string, port: number, client: ProxiedPlayer) {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
let blockedSuccessLogin = false
const mcClient = mc.createClient({
host: ip,
port: port,
auth: 'offline',
version: '1.8.8',
username: client.username
mcClient.on('error', err => {
mcClient.on('connect', () => {
client.remoteConnection = mcClient
mcClient.on('end', () => {
mcClient.on('kick_disconnect', kick => {
logger.warn(`Player ${client.username} was kicked from the server! Reason: ${kick.reason}`)
logger.info(`Player ${client.username} has been connected to the server.`)
mcClient.on('raw', p => {
// block the login success packet to fix the bug that prints the UUID in chat on join
if (p[0] == 0x03 && mcClient.state == mc.states.LOGIN)
if (p[0] == 0x02 && blockedSuccessLogin) {
} else if (p[0] == 0x02) {
blockedSuccessLogin = !blockedSuccessLogin
} else {
export async function doHandshake(client: ProxiedPlayer, initialPacket: Buffer) {
client.ws.on('close', () => {
client.state = State.DISCONNECTED
if (client.remoteConnection) {
logger.info(`Client [/${client.ip}:${client.remotePort}]${client.username ? ` (${client.username})` : ""} disconnected from the server.`)
if (PROXY.players.size + 1 > PROXY.config.maxPlayers) {
disconnect(client, ChatColor.YELLOW + "The proxy is full!", DisconnectReason.CUSTOM)
const identifyC = {
id: null,
brandingLen: null,
branding: null,
verLen: null,
ver: null
if (true) {
// save namespace by nesting func declarations in a if true statement
const Iid = decodeVarInt(initialPacket)
identifyC.id = Number(Iid[0])
const brandingLen = decodeVarInt(initialPacket.subarray(Iid[1] + 2))
identifyC.brandingLen = Number(brandingLen[0])
identifyC.branding = initialPacket.subarray(brandingLen[1] + Iid[1] + 2, brandingLen[1] + Iid[1] + Number(brandingLen[0]) + 2).toString()
const verLen = decodeVarInt(initialPacket.subarray(brandingLen[1] + Iid[1] + Number(brandingLen[0]) + 2))
identifyC.verLen = Number(verLen[0])
identifyC.ver = initialPacket.subarray(brandingLen[1] + Number(brandingLen[0]) + Iid[1] + verLen[1] + 2).toString()
if (true) {
const brandingLen = encodeVarInt(PROXY.brand.length), brand = PROXY.brand
const verLen = encodeVarInt(PROXY.version.length), version = PROXY.version
const buff = Buffer.alloc(2 + MAGIC_ENDING_IDENTIFY_S_BYTES.length + brandingLen.length + brand.length + verLen.length + version.length)
buff.set([EaglerPacketId.IDENTIFY_SERVER, 0x01, ...brandingLen, ...Buffer.from(brand), ...verLen, ...Buffer.from(version), ...Buffer.from(MAGIC_ENDING_IDENTIFY_S_BYTES)])
client.clientBrand = identifyC.branding
const login = await awaitPacket(client.ws)
const loginP = {
id: null,
usernameLen: null,
username: null,
randomStrLen: null,
randomStr: null,
nullByte: null
if (login[0] === EaglerPacketId.LOGIN) {
const Iid = decodeVarInt(login)
loginP.id = Number(Iid[0])
const usernameLen = decodeVarInt(login.subarray(Iid[1]))
loginP.usernameLen = Number(usernameLen[0])
loginP.username = login.subarray(Iid[1] + usernameLen[1], Iid[1] + usernameLen[1] + loginP.usernameLen).toString()
const randomStrLen = decodeVarInt(login.subarray(Iid[1] + usernameLen[1] + loginP.usernameLen))
loginP.randomStrLen = Number(randomStrLen[0])
loginP.randomStr = login.subarray(Iid[1] + usernameLen[1] + loginP.usernameLen + randomStrLen[1], Iid[1] + usernameLen[1] + loginP.usernameLen + randomStrLen[1] + loginP.randomStrLen).toString()
client.username = loginP.username
client.uuid = genUUID(client.username)
try { validateUsername(client.username) }
catch (err) {
disconnect(client, ChatColor.RED + err.message, DisconnectReason.CUSTOM)
if (PROXY.players.has(client.username)) {
disconnect(client, `Duplicate username: ${client.username}. Please connect under a different username.`, DisconnectReason.CUSTOM)
PROXY.players.set(client.username, client)
if (true) {
const usernameLen = encodeVarInt(client.username.length), username = client.username
const uuid = bufferizeUUID(client.uuid)
const buff = Buffer.alloc(1 + usernameLen.length + username.length + uuid.length)
buff.set([EaglerPacketId.LOGIN_ACK, ...usernameLen, ...Buffer.from(username), ...Buffer.from(uuid)])
if (true) {
const [skin, ready] = await Promise.all([awaitPacket(client.ws, EaglerPacketId.SKIN), awaitPacket(client.ws, EaglerPacketId.C_READY)])
if (ready[0] != 0x08) {
logger.error(`Client [/${client.ip}:${client.remotePort}] sent an unexpected packet! Disconnecting.`)
disconnect(client, ChatColor.RED + "Received bad packet.", DisconnectReason.CUSTOM)
if (true) {
const skinP = {
id: null,
skinVerLen: null,
skinVer: null, // skin_v1
type: null, // CUSTOM or BUILTIN
skinId: null,
skinDimens: null,
skin: null
const Iid = decodeVarInt(skin)
skinP.id = Number(Iid[0])
const skinVerLen = decodeVarInt(skin.subarray(Iid[1]))
skinP.skinVerLen = Number(skinVerLen[0])
skinP.skinVer = skin.subarray(Iid[1] + skinVerLen[1], Iid[1] + skinVerLen[1] + skinP.skinVerLen).toString()
const typebuff = skin.subarray(Iid[1] + skinVerLen[1] + skinP.skinVerLen, Iid[1] + skinVerLen[1] + skinP.skinVerLen + MAGIC_BUILTIN_SKIN_BYTES.length)
if (typebuff.compare(Buffer.from(MAGIC_BUILTIN_SKIN_BYTES)) == 0) {
skinP.type = "BUILTIN"
skinP.skinId = Number(decodeVarInt(skin.subarray(Iid[1] + skinVerLen[1] + skinP.skinVerLen + MAGIC_BUILTIN_SKIN_BYTES.length))[0])
} else {
skinP.type = "CUSTOM"
const skinSqrt = decodeVarInt(skin.subarray(Iid[1] + skinVerLen[1] + skinP.skinVerLen)), dimensions = Number(skinSqrt[0]) * Number(skinSqrt[0]) * 3
skinP.skinDimens = dimensions
skinP.skin = skin.subarray(Iid[1] + skinVerLen[1] + skinP.skinVerLen + skinSqrt[1] + 16)
if (skinP.skin.length > 16385) {
disconnect(client, ChatColor.RED + "Invalid skin received!")
client.skin = {
type: skinP.type,
skinId: skinP.skinId,
customSkin: skinP.skin
const buff = Buffer.alloc(1)
client.state = State.POST_HANDSHAKE
logger.info(`Client [/${client.ip}:${client.remotePort}] authenticated as player ${client.username} (${client.uuid}) and passed handshake. Connecting!`)
try { await loginServer(config.server.host, config.server.port, client) }
catch (err) {
logger.error(`Could not connect to remote server at [/${config.server.host}:${config.server.port}]: ${err}`)
disconnect(client, ChatColor.RED + "Failed to connect to server. Please try again later.", DisconnectReason.CUSTOM)
client.state = State.DISCONNECTED
if (client.queuedEaglerSkinPackets.length > 0) {
for (const packet of client.queuedEaglerSkinPackets) {
processClientReqPacket(packet, client)
} else {
logger.error(`Client [/${client.ip}:${client.remotePort}] sent an unexpected packet! Disconnecting.`)
disconnect(client, ChatColor.RED + "Received bad packet", DisconnectReason.CUSTOM)
export type MotdPlayer = {
name: string,
id: UUID
export type MotdJSONRes = {
brand: string,
cracked: true,
data: {
cache: true,
icon: boolean,
max: number,
motd: [string, string],
online: number,
players: string[],
name: string,
secure: false,
time: ReturnType<typeof Date.now>,
type: "motd",
uuid: ReturnType<typeof randomUUID>,
vers: string
// a 16384 byte array
export type MotdServerLogo = Buffer
const ICON_SQRT = 64
export function generateMOTDImage(file: Buffer): Promise<MotdServerLogo> {
return new Promise<MotdServerLogo>((res, rej) => {
kernel: 'nearest'
depth: 'uchar'
.then(buff => {
for (const pixel of buff) {
if ((pixel & 0xFFFFFF) == 0) {
buff[buff.indexOf(pixel)] = 0
export function handleMotd(player: Partial<ProxiedPlayer>) {
const names = []
for (const [username, player] of PROXY.players) {
if (names.length > 0) {
names.push(`${ChatColor.GRAY}${ChatColor.ITALIC}(and ${PROXY.players.size - names.length} more)`)
} else {
brand: PROXY.brand,
cracked: true,
data: {
cache: true,
icon: PROXY.MOTD.icon ? true : false,
max: PROXY.config.maxPlayers,
motd: PROXY.MOTD.motd,
online: PROXY.players.size,
players: names
name: PROXY.serverName,
secure: false,
time: Date.now(),
type: "motd",
uuid: PROXY.proxyUUID,
vers: PROXY.MOTDVersion
} as MotdJSONRes))
if (PROXY.MOTD.icon) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user