mirror of https://github.com/irv77/eaglercraft-mobile.git synced 2025-02-13 08:46:10 -08:00

Version 1.40

This commit is contained in:
voxonoly 2024-07-17 10:40:59 -05:00
parent 3269490eae
commit f7efafafd5
4 changed files with 919 additions and 450 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
<meta property="og:title" content="EaglercraftX 1.8" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Play minecraft 1.8 in your browser" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// Removed brainless unsafeWindow
console.log("Eagler Pocket Mobile v1.40")
// TODO: remove the mobile check is implement the dynamic enabling and disabling of individual features
function isMobile() {
try {
@ -22,39 +25,55 @@ function isMobile() {
if(!isMobile()) {
alert("WARNING: This script was created for mobile, and may break functionality in non-mobile browsers!");
window.keyboardEnabled = false;
window.crouchLock = false;
window.sprintLock = false;
window.keyboardFix = false; // temporarily set to true until I can figure out whats going wrong with the event listener in charge of switching it
// Used for changing touchmove events to mousemove events
var previousTouchX = null;
var previousTouchY = null;
var startTouchX = null;
// better charCodeAt function
// TODO: consolidate all of these into a single object?
window.crouchLock = false; // Used for crouch mobile control
window.sprintLock = false; // Used for sprint mobile control
window.keyboardFix = false; // keyboardFix ? "Standard Keyboard" : "Compatibility Mode"
window.inputFix = false; // If true, Duplicate Mode
window.blockNextInput = false; // Used for Duplicate Mode
window.hiddenInputFocused = false; // Used for keyboard display on mobile
window.canvasTouchMode = 0; // Used for canvas touch handling
0 Idle
1 Touch initiated
2 Primary touch
3 Secondary touch
4 Scroll
5 Finished
window.canvasTouchStartX = null;
window.canvasTouchStartY = null;
window.canvasTouchPreviousX = null;
window.canvasTouchPreviousY = null;
window.canvasPrimaryID = null;
window.buttonTouchStartX = null;
// charCodeAt is designed for unicode characters, and doesn't match the behavior of the keyCodes used by KeyboardEvents, thus necessitating this function
String.prototype.toKeyCode = function() {
const keyCodeList = {"0": 48, "1": 49, "2": 50, "3": 51, "4": 52, "5": 53, "6": 54, "7": 55, "8": 56, "9": 57, "backspace": 8, "tab": 9, "enter": 13, "shift": 16, "ctrl": 17, "alt": 18, "pause_break": 19, "caps_lock": 20, "escape": 27, " ": 32, "page_up": 33, "page_down": 34, "end": 35, "home": 36, "left_arrow": 37, "up_arrow": 38, "right_arrow": 39, "down_arrow": 40, "insert": 45, "delete": 46, "a": 65, "b": 66, "c": 67, "d": 68, "e": 69, "f": 70, "g": 71, "h": 72, "i": 73, "j": 74, "k": 75, "l": 76, "m": 77, "n": 78, "o": 79, "p": 80, "q": 81, "r": 82, "s": 83, "t": 84, "u": 85, "v": 86, "w": 87, "x": 88, "y": 89, "z": 90, "left_window_key": 91, "right_window_key": 92, "select_key": 93, "numpad_0": 96, "numpad_1": 97, "numpad_2": 98, "numpad_3": 99, "numpad_4": 100, "numpad_5": 101, "numpad_6": 102, "numpad_7": 103, "numpad_8": 104, "numpad_9": 105, "*": 106, "+": 107, "-": 109, ".": 110, "/": 111, "f1": 112, "f2": 113, "f3": 114, "f4": 115, "f5": 116, "f6": 117, "f7": 118, "f8": 119, "f9": 120, "f10": 121, "f11": 122, "f12": 123, "num_lock": 144, "scroll_lock": 145, ";": 186, "=": 187, ",": 188, "-": 189, ".": 190, "/": 191, "`": 192, "[": 219, "\\": 220, "]": 221, "\"": 222};
const keyCodeList = {"0": 48, "1": 49, "2": 50, "3": 51, "4": 52, "5": 53, "6": 54, "7": 55, "8": 56, "9": 57, "backspace": 8, "tab": 9, "enter": 13, "shift": 16, "ctrl": 17, "alt": 18, "pause_break": 19, "caps_lock": 20, "escape": 27, " ": 32, "page_up": 33, "page_down": 34, "end": 35, "home": 36, "left_arrow": 37, "up_arrow": 38, "right_arrow": 39, "down_arrow": 40, "insert": 45, "delete": 46, "a": 65, "b": 66, "c": 67, "d": 68, "e": 69, "f": 70, "g": 71, "h": 72, "i": 73, "j": 74, "k": 75, "l": 76, "m": 77, "n": 78, "o": 79, "p": 80, "q": 81, "r": 82, "s": 83, "t": 84, "u": 85, "v": 86, "w": 87, "x": 88, "y": 89, "z": 90, "left_window_key": 91, "right_window_key": 92, "select_key": 93, "numpad_0": 96, "numpad_1": 97, "numpad_2": 98, "numpad_3": 99, "numpad_4": 100, "numpad_5": 101, "numpad_6": 102, "numpad_7": 103, "numpad_8": 104, "numpad_9": 105, "*": 106, "+": 107, "-": 109, ".": 110, "/": 111, "f1": 112, "f2": 113, "f3": 114, "f4": 115, "f5": 116, "f6": 117, "f7": 118, "f8": 119, "f9": 120, "f10": 121, "f11": 122, "f12": 123, "num_lock": 144, "scroll_lock": 145, ";": 186, "=": 187, ",": 188, "-": 189, ".": 190, "/": 191, "\u0060": 192, "[": 219, "\u005C": 220, "]": 221, "\u0022": 222};
return keyCodeList[this];
// Ignores keydown events that don't have the isValid parameter set to true
// Overrides the addEventListener behavior to all code injection on keydown event listeners. This function has thrown TypeErrors on some Android devices because fn is not recognized as a function
// This is used by Compatibility Mode to block invalid keyEvents
const _addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
Object.defineProperty(EventTarget.prototype, "addEventListener", {
value: function (type, fn, ...rest) {
if(type == 'keydown') {
if(type == 'keydown') { // Check if a keydown event is being added
_addEventListener.call(this, type, function(...args) {
if(!args[0].isValid && window.keyboardFix) {
if(args[0].isTrusted && window.keyboardFix) { // When we are in compatibility mode, we ignore all trusted keyboard events
return fn.apply(this, args);
return fn.apply(this, args); // Appends the rest of the function specified by addEventListener
}, ...rest);
} else {
} else { // If it's not a keydown event, behave like normal (hopefully)
_addEventListener.call(this, type, fn, ...rest);
// Allows typing in #hiddenInput
// Overrides preventDefault, because on some (Android) devices you couldn't type into hiddenInput
const _preventDefault = Event.prototype.preventDefault;
Event.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
if(document.activeElement.id != "hiddenInput") {
Event.prototype.preventDefault = function(shouldBypass) {
if(document.activeElement.id != "hiddenInput" || shouldBypass) { // activeElement is what element is currently focused
this._preventDefault = _preventDefault;
@ -67,18 +86,24 @@ Event.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
function keyEvent(name, state) {
const charCode = name.toKeyCode();
let evt = new KeyboardEvent(state, {
key: name,
keyCode: charCode,
which: charCode
"key": name,
"keyCode": charCode,
"which": charCode
evt.isValid = true; // Disables fix for bad keyboard input
function mouseEvent(number, state, canvas) {
canvas.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent(state, {"button": number}))
function mouseEvent(number, state, element, event = {"clientX": 0, "clientY" : 0, "screenX": 0, "screenY": 0}) {
element.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent(state, {
"button": number,
"buttons": number,
"clientX": event.clientX,
"clientY" : event.clientY,
"screenX": event.screenX,
"screenY": event.screenY
function wheelEvent(canvas, delta) {
canvas.dispatchEvent(new WheelEvent("wheel", {
function wheelEvent(element, delta) {
element.dispatchEvent(new WheelEvent("wheel", {
"wheelDeltaY": delta
@ -93,12 +118,12 @@ function setButtonVisibility(pointerLocked) {
window.fakelock = null;
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "requestPointerLock", {
value: function() {
window.fakelock = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakelock = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
@ -110,23 +135,23 @@ Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "pointerLockElement", {
// When exitPointerLock is called, this dispatches an event, clears the
Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "exitPointerLock", {
value: function() {
window.fakelock = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakelock = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
window.fakefull = null;
// Stops the client from crashing when fullscreen is requested
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "requestFullscreen", {
value: function() {
window.fakefull = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakefull = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
Object.defineProperty(document, "fullscreenElement", {
get: function() {
@ -134,11 +159,11 @@ Object.defineProperty(document, "fullscreenElement", {
Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "exitFullscreen", {
value: function() {
window.fakefull = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakefull = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
@ -148,17 +173,17 @@ const _createElement = document.createElement;
document.createElement = function(type, ignore) {
this._createElement = _createElement;
var element = this._createElement(type);
if(type == "input" && !ignore) {
document.querySelectorAll('#fileUpload').forEach(e => e.parentNode.removeChild(e));
element.id = "fileUpload";
element.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
element.hidden = true;
element.style.display = "none";
}, {passive: false, once: true});
window.addEventListener('focus', function(e) {
if(type == "input" && !ignore) { // We set the ingore flag to true when we create the hiddenInput
document.querySelectorAll('#fileUpload').forEach(e => e.parentNode.removeChild(e)); // Get rid of any left over fileUpload inputs
element.id = "fileUpload";
element.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
element.hidden = true;
element.style.display = "none";
}, {passive: false, once: true});
window.addEventListener('focus', function(e) {
setTimeout(() => {
element.hidden = true;
element.style.display = "none";
element.style.display = "none";
}, 300)
}, { once: true })
@ -184,7 +209,7 @@ inMenuStyle.textContent = `
// The canvas is created by the client after it finishes unzipping and loading. When the canvas is created, this applies any necessary event listeners
// The canvas is created by the client after it finishes unzipping and loading. When the canvas is created, this applies any necessary event listeners and creates buttons
function waitForElm(selector) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
@ -208,58 +233,119 @@ function createTouchButton(buttonClass, buttonDisplay, elementName) {
touchButton.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e){e.preventDefault()}, false);
touchButton.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e){e.preventDefault()});
return touchButton;
function toggleKeyboard() {
const keyboardInput = document.getElementById('hiddenInput');
if (window.keyboardEnabled) {
window.keyboardEnabled = false;
} else {
window.keyboardEnabled = true;
waitForElm('canvas').then(() => {insertCanvasElements()});
function insertCanvasElements() {
// Translates touchmove events to mousemove events when inGame, and touchmove events to wheele events when inMenu
var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
const touch = e.targetTouches[0]; // We can get away with this because every other touch event will be on different elements
canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
if(window.canvasTouchMode < 2) { // If a touch is initiated but not assigned
if(window.canvasPrimaryID == null) {
window.canvasTouchMode = 1;
const primaryTouch = e.changedTouches[0];
window.canvasPrimaryID = primaryTouch.identifier
canvasTouchStartX = primaryTouch.clientX;
canvasTouchStartY = primaryTouch.clientY;
canvasTouchPreviousX = canvasTouchStartX
canvasTouchPreviousY = canvasTouchStartY
if (!previousTouchX) {
previousTouchX = touch.pageX;
previousTouchY = touch.pageY;
window.touchTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
// If our touch is still set to initiaited, set it to secondary touch
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 1) {
window.canvasTouchMode = 3;
mouseEvent(2, "mousedown", canvas, primaryTouch)
if(window.fakelock) { // We only dispatch mouseup inGame because we want to be able to click + drag items in GUI's
mouseEvent(2, "mouseup", canvas, primaryTouch)
}, 300);
} else if(window.canvasTouchMode == 1 && !window.fakelock) { // If we already have a primary touch, it means we're using two fingers
window.canvasTouchMode = 4;
clearTimeout(window.crouchTimer); // TODO: Find out why this isn't redudnant
e.movementX = touch.pageX - previousTouchX;
e.movementY = touch.pageY - previousTouchY;
var evt = window.fakelock ? new MouseEvent("mousemove", {movementX: e.movementX, movementY: e.movementY}) : new WheelEvent("wheel", {"wheelDeltaY": e.movementY});
previousTouchX = touch.pageX;
previousTouchY = touch.pageY;
}, false);
canvas.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
previousTouchX = null;
previousTouchY = null;
}, false)
//Updates button visibility on load
setButtonVisibility(window.fakelock != null);
// Adds all of the touch screen controls
// Theres probably a better way to do this but this works for now
canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
e.preventDefault() // Prevents window zoom when using two fingers
var primaryTouch;
for (let touchIndex = 0; touchIndex < e.targetTouches.length; touchIndex++) { // Iterate through our touches to find a touch event matching the primary touch ID
if(e.targetTouches[touchIndex].identifier == window.canvasPrimaryID) {
primaryTouch = e.targetTouches[touchIndex];
if(primaryTouch) {
primaryTouch.distanceX = primaryTouch.clientX - canvasTouchStartX;
primaryTouch.distanceY = primaryTouch.clientY - canvasTouchStartY;
primaryTouch.squaredNorm = (primaryTouch.distanceX * primaryTouch.distanceX) + (primaryTouch.distanceY * primaryTouch.distanceY);
primaryTouch.movementX = primaryTouch.clientX - canvasTouchPreviousX;
primaryTouch.movementY = primaryTouch.clientY - canvasTouchPreviousY;
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 1) { // If the primary touch is still only initiated
if (primaryTouch.squaredNorm > 25) { // If our touch becomes a touch + drag
window.canvasTouchMode = 2;
if(!window.fakelock) { // When we're inGame, we don't want to be placing blocks when we are moving the camera around
mouseEvent(1, "mousedown", canvas, primaryTouch);
} else { // If our touch is primary, secondary, scroll or finished
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 4) { // If our touch is scrolling
wheelEvent(canvas, primaryTouch.movementY)
} else {
canvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {
"clientX": primaryTouch.clientX,
"clientY": primaryTouch.clientY,
"screenX": primaryTouch.screenX,
"screenY": primaryTouch.screenY, // The top four are used for item position when in GUI's, the bottom two are for moving the camera inGame
"movementX": primaryTouch.movementX,
"movementY": primaryTouch.movementY
canvasTouchPreviousX = primaryTouch.clientX
canvasTouchPreviousY = primaryTouch.clientY
}, false);
function canvasTouchEnd(e) {
for(let touchIndex = 0; touchIndex < e.changedTouches.length; touchIndex++) { // Iterate through changed touches to find primary touch
if(e.changedTouches[touchIndex].identifier == window.canvasPrimaryID) {
let primaryTouch = e.changedTouches[touchIndex]
// When any of the controlling fingers go away, we want to wait until we aren't receiving any other touch events
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 2) {
mouseEvent(1, "mouseup", canvas, primaryTouch)
} else if (window.canvasTouchMode == 3) {
e.preventDefault(); // This prevents some mobile devices from dispatching a mousedown + mouseup event after a touch is ended
mouseEvent(2, "mouseup", canvas, primaryTouch)
window.canvasTouchMode = 5;
if(e.targetTouches.length == 0) { // We want to wait until all fingers are off the canvas before we reset for the next cycle
window.canvasTouchMode = 0;
window.canvasPrimaryID = null;
canvas.addEventListener("touchend", canvasTouchEnd, false);
canvas.addEventListener("touchcancel", canvasTouchEnd, false); // TODO: Find out why this is different than touchend
setButtonVisibility(window.fakelock != null); //Updates our mobile controls when the canvas finally loads
// All of the touch buttons
let strafeRightButton = createTouchButton("strafeRightButton", "inGame", "div");
strafeRightButton.style.cssText = "left:24vh;bottom:22vh;"
let strafeLeftButton = createTouchButton("strafeLeftButton", "inGame", "div");
strafeLeftButton.style.cssText = "left:5.5vh;bottom:22vh;"
let forwardButton = createTouchButton("forwardButton", "inGame", "div");
let forwardButton = createTouchButton("forwardButton", "inGame", "div"); // We use a div here so can use the targetTouches property of touchmove events. If we didn't it would require me to make an actual touch handler and I don't want to
forwardButton.style.cssText = "left:14vh;bottom:22vh;"
forwardButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){
keyEvent("w", "keydown");
@ -269,12 +355,12 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
}, false);
forwardButton.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
const touch = e.targetTouches[0]; // We can get away with this because every other touch event will be on different elements
const touch = e.targetTouches[0]; // We are just hoping that the user will only ever use one finger on the forward button
if (!startTouchX) {
startTouchX = touch.pageX;
if (!buttonTouchStartX) { // TODO: move this to a touchstart event handler
buttonTouchStartX = touch.pageX;
let movementX = touch.pageX - startTouchX;
let movementX = touch.pageX - buttonTouchStartX;
if((movementX * 10) > window.innerHeight) {
@ -293,7 +379,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
}, false);
forwardButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
keyEvent("w", "keyup");
keyEvent("w", "keyup"); // Luckily, it doesn't seem like eagler cares if we dispatch extra keyup events, so we can get away with just dispatching all of them here
keyEvent("d", "keyup");
keyEvent("a", "keyup");
@ -302,7 +388,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
startTouchX = null;
buttonTouchStartX = null;
}, false);
@ -335,7 +421,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
crouchButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){
keyEvent("shift", "keydown")
window.crouchLock = window.crouchLock ? null : false
crouchTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
window.crouchTimer = setTimeout(function(e) { // Allows us to lock the button after a long press
window.crouchLock = (window.crouchLock != null);
}, 1000);
@ -347,66 +433,127 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
window.crouchLock = false
}, false);
let inventoryButton = createTouchButton("inventoryButton", "inGame");
inventoryButton.style.cssText = "right:19.5vh;bottom:0vh;"
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("e", "keydown")}, false);
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("e", "keyup")}, false);
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("e", "keydown");
}, false);
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){
keyEvent("shift", "keydown"); // Sometimes shift gets stuck on, which interferes with item manipulation in GUI's
keyEvent("shift", "keyup"); // Sometimes shift gets stuck on, which interferes with item manipulation in GUI's
keyEvent("e", "keyup");
}, false);
let exitButton = createTouchButton("exitButton", "inMenu");
exitButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 1vh; right:8vh;"
exitButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keydown")}, false);
exitButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keyup")}, false);
// input for keyboard button
// ---Input Handling---
// This code is a mess, specifically because Android is so so SO inconsistent with how it handles the keyboard
// Some keyboards dispatch key events, some directly append text, and none of them meet the most basic standards supported by most other devices
// This mess is my attempt at dealing with that, and it will most likely only ever be triggered by Android
// It has three main modes.
// 1) Standard keyboard mode:
// This mode keeps the hiddenInput empty, saves the last key press, and on every keypress checks if it the keys are being pressed incorrectly.
// If there is a problem, it switches to compatibility mode, using beforeinput and input events instead of keydown and keyup
// 2) Compatibility mode:
// This most is most likely going to be used by Android, because Android only every dispatches keyCode 229 for any keypress
// When we enter this mode, we grab the last known key press and redispatch it, and programatically dispatch key events by reading e.inputType and e.data from beforeinput
// Unfortunately, Android is weird with this as well. Sometimes it only dispatches insertCompositionText events, and sometimes it gives the correct inputTypes as well
// Additionally, programmatically setting the input's text contents (BECAUSE ANDROID IGNORES PREVENTDEFAULT AGHHHHH) dispatches a repeat of the previous event
// Luckily, we can check if this happens when we first create the input, which necessitates the third mode:
// 3) Duplicate mode:
// If we are getting duplicate inputs, this mode ignores every other input if it matches the state saved in window.previousKey
// If users make it to this mode and still are having issues, it may be best just to remove support for their device
// ---Input Handling---
let hiddenInput = document.createElement('input', true);
hiddenInput.id = "hiddenInput"
// We are hiding the text input behind button because opacity was causing problems.
hiddenInput.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top: 0vh; margin: auto; left: 8vh; right:0vh;font-size:20px;z-index:-10;color: transparent;text-shadow: 0 0 0 black;";
hiddenInput.value = " " //Allows delete to be detected before input is changed
hiddenInput.addEventListener("input", function(e) {
let inputData = e.data ?? "delete"; // backspace makes null
window.lastKey = inputData
hiddenInput.value = " "; // We need a character to detect deleting
hiddenInput.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top: 0vh; margin: auto; left: 8vh; right:0vh; width: 8vh; height: 8vh;font-size:20px;z-index: -10;color: transparent;text-shadow: 0 0 0 black;"; // We hide the input behind a key because display: none and opacity:0 causes issues
hiddenInput.addEventListener("beforeinput", function(e) { // For some reason beforeinput doesn't have the same deletion problems that input has on Android
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Android ignores this and the prevent default, so this will probably be removed in the future
e.preventDefault(true); // We pass a value because we've hijacked the prevent default function to have a "should bypass" boolean value
let inputData = (e.inputType == "insertLineBreak") ? "return" : (e.data == null ? "delete" : e.data.slice(-1)); // Saves the last key press.
if(!window.lastKey) { // When we first set hiddenInput's text contents to " " we can use this to check if Duplicate Mode is needed
window.console.warn("Enabling blocking duplicate key events. Some functionality may be lost.")
window.inputFix = true;
if(window.keyboardFix) {
if(e.inputType == 'insertText') {
let isShift = (inputData.toLowerCase() != inputData);
if(isShift) {
keyEvent("shift", "keydown")
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
keyEvent("shift", "keyup")
} else {
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
if(e.inputType == "insertLineBreak") { // Detects return key press
keyEvent("enter", "keydown");
keyEvent("enter", "keyup");
} else {
const sliceInputType = e.inputType.slice(0,1); // Android doesn't constiently dispatch the correct inputType, but most of them either start with i for insert or d for delete, so this dumb solution should be good enough.
if(sliceInputType== 'i' && e.data) { // Android sometimes always dispatches insertCompositionText inputTypes, so checking that e.data isn't null is necessary
const isDuplicate = (window.lastKey == inputData) && window.blockNextInput && window.inputFix;
if(isDuplicate) { // If our key press matches the last unblocked key press and we are in duplicaye mode, ignore the input
window.blockNextInput = false;
} else {
let isShift = (inputData.toLowerCase() != inputData);
if(isShift) { // The Eaglerclient only uses e.key, e.keyCode and e.which, so we have to dispatch the shift key event separately
keyEvent("shift", "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
keyEvent("shift", "keyup");
} else {
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
window.blockNextInput = true;
} else if (sliceInputType == 'd' || !e.data) {
keyEvent("backspace", "keydown");
keyEvent("backspace", "keyup");
window.blockNextInput = false; // If we delete a character, there couldn't be a duplicate of the previous key press
} else if (e.inputType == 'deleteContentForward' || e.inputType == 'deleteContentBackward') {
keyEvent("backspace", "keydown")
keyEvent("backspace", "keyup")
window.lastKey = inputData // Saves the last key pressed
hiddenInput.value = " " //This previously allowed us to have a character to delete, but beforeinput doesn't require this. This does allow us to check wether Duplicate Mode is necessary though
}, false);
hiddenInput.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
if(!(e.key && e.keyCode && e.which) && !window.keyboardFix) {
console.warn("Switching from keydown to input events due to invalid KeyboardEvent. Some functionality will be lost.")
hiddenInput.addEventListener("input", function(e) { // Since we are using beforeInput for input detection, setting the text contents of hiddenInput causes weird behavior, so we use input instead
if (hiddenInput.value != " ") { // Avoid updating it if not needed so Duplicate Mode doesn't throw a fit
hiddenInput.value = " ";
}, false);
hiddenInput.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { // Enables Compatibility Mode if we receive an invalid key press event
if((e.keyCode == 229 || e.which == 229) && !window.keyboardFix) {
window.console.warn("Switching from keydown to input events due to invalid KeyboardEvent. Some functionality will be lost.")
window.keyboardFix = true;
if(window.lastKey) {
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keydown")
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keyup")
if(window.lastKey) { // Resend the last saved key press (which is being tracked by the beforeinput event listener) so the transition to Compatibility Mode isn't noticeable
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keydown");
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keyup");
}, false);
hiddenInput.addEventListener("blur", function(e) { // Updates window.hiddenInputFocused to reflect the actual state of the focus
window.hiddenInputFocused = false;
let keyboardButton = createTouchButton("keyboardButton", "inMenu");
keyboardButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 6vh; right:0vh;"
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){e.preventDefault();hiddenInput.blur()}, false);
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){e.preventDefault();toggleKeyboard()}, false);
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){
}, false);
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){
if(window.hiddenInputFocused) {
} else {
window.hiddenInputFocused = true;
}, false);
let placeButton = createTouchButton("placeButton", "inGame");
placeButton.style.cssText = "right:6vh;bottom:37vh;"
@ -424,17 +571,17 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
selectButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){mouseEvent(1, "mouseup", canvas)}, false);
let scrollUpButton = createTouchButton("scrollUpButton", "inGame");
scrollUpButton.style.cssText = "right:6.6vh;bottom:0vh;"
scrollUpButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){wheelEvent(canvas, -10)}, false);
let scrollDownButton = createTouchButton("scrollDownButton", "inGame");
scrollDownButton.style.cssText = "right:25.8vh;bottom:0vh;"
scrollDownButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){wheelEvent(canvas, 10)}, false);
let throwButton = createTouchButton("throwButton", "inGame");
throwButton.style.cssText = "right:13vh;bottom:0vh;"
throwButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("q", "keydown")}, false);
throwButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("q", "keyup")}, false);
@ -444,7 +591,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
sprintButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("r", "keydown");
window.sprintLock = window.sprintLock ? null : false
sprintTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
window.sprintTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
window.sprintLock = (window.sprintLock != null);
}, 1000);
@ -456,22 +603,22 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
window.sprintLock = false
}, false);
let pauseButton = createTouchButton("pauseButton", "inGame");
pauseButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 0vh; right: 0vh;"
pauseButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keydown")}, false);
pauseButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keyup")}, false);
let chatButton = createTouchButton("chatButton", "inGame");
chatButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 0vh; right: 14vh;"
chatButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("t", "keydown")}, false);
chatButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("t", "keydown")}, false); // For some reason dispatching a keyup event for this closes the chat, which is really weird
let perspectiveButton = createTouchButton("perspectiveButton", "inGame");
perspectiveButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 0vh; right: 28vh;"
perspectiveButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("f", "keydown");
@ -483,7 +630,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
}, false);
let screenshotButton = createTouchButton("screenshotButton", "inGame");
screenshotButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 28vh; right: 0vh;"
screenshotButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("f", "keydown");
@ -496,7 +643,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
let coordinatesButton = createTouchButton("coordinatesButton", "inGame");
coordinatesButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 14vh; right: 0vh;"
coordinatesButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 14vh; right: 0vh;"
coordinatesButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("f", "keydown");
keyEvent("3", "keydown");
@ -510,6 +657,19 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
// CSS for touch screen buttons, along with fixing iOS's issues with 100vh ignoring the naviagtion bar, and actually disabling zoom because safari ignores user-scalable=no :(
let customStyle = document.createElement("style");
customStyle.textContent = `
html, body, canvas {
height: 100svh !important;
height: -webkit-fill-available !important;
touch-action: pan-x pan-y;
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
outline: none;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
.mobileControl {
position: absolute;
width: 9vh;
@ -540,10 +700,6 @@ customStyle.textContent = `
height: 6vh;
margin: 1vh 0vh;
html, body {
height: -webkit-fill-available !important;
touch-action: pan-x pan-y;
.hide {
display: none;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# <img src=".github/assets/logo.png" alt="EPM Logo" align="right" width="120px">Eagler Pocket Mobile v1.31
# <img src=".github/assets/logo.png" alt="EPM Logo" align="right" width="120px">Eagler Pocket Mobile v1.40
A revamp of FlamedDogo99's eaglercraft mobile UI using pocked edition UI.<br>
Now currently just a reskin with different positions!
@ -8,10 +8,11 @@
## Versions
__v1.40__ - Updated to the most modern version from FlamedDogo.<br>
__v1.31__ - Added offline file (code update in the future).<br>
__v1.3__ - Condensed code into one file and updated to match original.<br>
__v1.30__ - Condensed code into one file and updated to match original.<br>
[eaglercraft.com](https://eaglercraft.com) is using __v1.3__
[eaglercraft.com](https://eaglercraft.com) is using __v1.31__
@ -36,11 +37,11 @@
- [x] Crouch lock on hold
- [x] Sprint button (sperate from double tapping forward)
- [ ] Misc Platform support (Controller, Keyboard arrows, etc)
- [ ] Cancel button for file upload
- [ ] Styling for file upload
- [x] Cancel button for file upload
- [x] Styling for file upload
- [x] Back button for Kiwi browser?
- [x] Re-orginize button layout (With new icons)
- [ ] Redo the display button functions
- [x] Redo the display button functions
- [x] Pocket Edition UI
- [x] Updated code from main
- [x] Bug fixes from original

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
// Removed brainless unsafeWindow
console.log("Eagler Pocket Mobile v1.40")
// TODO: remove the mobile check is implement the dynamic enabling and disabling of individual features
function isMobile() {
try {
@ -9,39 +12,55 @@ function isMobile() {
if(!isMobile()) {
alert("WARNING: This script was created for mobile, and may break functionality in non-mobile browsers!");
window.keyboardEnabled = false;
window.crouchLock = false;
window.sprintLock = false;
window.keyboardFix = false; // temporarily set to true until I can figure out whats going wrong with the event listener in charge of switching it
// Used for changing touchmove events to mousemove events
var previousTouchX = null;
var previousTouchY = null;
var startTouchX = null;
// better charCodeAt function
// TODO: consolidate all of these into a single object?
window.crouchLock = false; // Used for crouch mobile control
window.sprintLock = false; // Used for sprint mobile control
window.keyboardFix = false; // keyboardFix ? "Standard Keyboard" : "Compatibility Mode"
window.inputFix = false; // If true, Duplicate Mode
window.blockNextInput = false; // Used for Duplicate Mode
window.hiddenInputFocused = false; // Used for keyboard display on mobile
window.canvasTouchMode = 0; // Used for canvas touch handling
0 Idle
1 Touch initiated
2 Primary touch
3 Secondary touch
4 Scroll
5 Finished
window.canvasTouchStartX = null;
window.canvasTouchStartY = null;
window.canvasTouchPreviousX = null;
window.canvasTouchPreviousY = null;
window.canvasPrimaryID = null;
window.buttonTouchStartX = null;
// charCodeAt is designed for unicode characters, and doesn't match the behavior of the keyCodes used by KeyboardEvents, thus necessitating this function
String.prototype.toKeyCode = function() {
const keyCodeList = {"0": 48, "1": 49, "2": 50, "3": 51, "4": 52, "5": 53, "6": 54, "7": 55, "8": 56, "9": 57, "backspace": 8, "tab": 9, "enter": 13, "shift": 16, "ctrl": 17, "alt": 18, "pause_break": 19, "caps_lock": 20, "escape": 27, " ": 32, "page_up": 33, "page_down": 34, "end": 35, "home": 36, "left_arrow": 37, "up_arrow": 38, "right_arrow": 39, "down_arrow": 40, "insert": 45, "delete": 46, "a": 65, "b": 66, "c": 67, "d": 68, "e": 69, "f": 70, "g": 71, "h": 72, "i": 73, "j": 74, "k": 75, "l": 76, "m": 77, "n": 78, "o": 79, "p": 80, "q": 81, "r": 82, "s": 83, "t": 84, "u": 85, "v": 86, "w": 87, "x": 88, "y": 89, "z": 90, "left_window_key": 91, "right_window_key": 92, "select_key": 93, "numpad_0": 96, "numpad_1": 97, "numpad_2": 98, "numpad_3": 99, "numpad_4": 100, "numpad_5": 101, "numpad_6": 102, "numpad_7": 103, "numpad_8": 104, "numpad_9": 105, "*": 106, "+": 107, "-": 109, ".": 110, "/": 111, "f1": 112, "f2": 113, "f3": 114, "f4": 115, "f5": 116, "f6": 117, "f7": 118, "f8": 119, "f9": 120, "f10": 121, "f11": 122, "f12": 123, "num_lock": 144, "scroll_lock": 145, ";": 186, "=": 187, ",": 188, "-": 189, ".": 190, "/": 191, "`": 192, "[": 219, "\\": 220, "]": 221, "\"": 222};
const keyCodeList = {"0": 48, "1": 49, "2": 50, "3": 51, "4": 52, "5": 53, "6": 54, "7": 55, "8": 56, "9": 57, "backspace": 8, "tab": 9, "enter": 13, "shift": 16, "ctrl": 17, "alt": 18, "pause_break": 19, "caps_lock": 20, "escape": 27, " ": 32, "page_up": 33, "page_down": 34, "end": 35, "home": 36, "left_arrow": 37, "up_arrow": 38, "right_arrow": 39, "down_arrow": 40, "insert": 45, "delete": 46, "a": 65, "b": 66, "c": 67, "d": 68, "e": 69, "f": 70, "g": 71, "h": 72, "i": 73, "j": 74, "k": 75, "l": 76, "m": 77, "n": 78, "o": 79, "p": 80, "q": 81, "r": 82, "s": 83, "t": 84, "u": 85, "v": 86, "w": 87, "x": 88, "y": 89, "z": 90, "left_window_key": 91, "right_window_key": 92, "select_key": 93, "numpad_0": 96, "numpad_1": 97, "numpad_2": 98, "numpad_3": 99, "numpad_4": 100, "numpad_5": 101, "numpad_6": 102, "numpad_7": 103, "numpad_8": 104, "numpad_9": 105, "*": 106, "+": 107, "-": 109, ".": 110, "/": 111, "f1": 112, "f2": 113, "f3": 114, "f4": 115, "f5": 116, "f6": 117, "f7": 118, "f8": 119, "f9": 120, "f10": 121, "f11": 122, "f12": 123, "num_lock": 144, "scroll_lock": 145, ";": 186, "=": 187, ",": 188, "-": 189, ".": 190, "/": 191, "\u0060": 192, "[": 219, "\u005C": 220, "]": 221, "\u0022": 222};
return keyCodeList[this];
// Ignores keydown events that don't have the isValid parameter set to true
// Overrides the addEventListener behavior to all code injection on keydown event listeners. This function has thrown TypeErrors on some Android devices because fn is not recognized as a function
// This is used by Compatibility Mode to block invalid keyEvents
const _addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
Object.defineProperty(EventTarget.prototype, "addEventListener", {
value: function (type, fn, ...rest) {
if(type == 'keydown') {
if(type == 'keydown') { // Check if a keydown event is being added
_addEventListener.call(this, type, function(...args) {
if(!args[0].isValid && window.keyboardFix) {
if(args[0].isTrusted && window.keyboardFix) { // When we are in compatibility mode, we ignore all trusted keyboard events
return fn.apply(this, args);
return fn.apply(this, args); // Appends the rest of the function specified by addEventListener
}, ...rest);
} else {
} else { // If it's not a keydown event, behave like normal (hopefully)
_addEventListener.call(this, type, fn, ...rest);
// Allows typing in #hiddenInput
// Overrides preventDefault, because on some (Android) devices you couldn't type into hiddenInput
const _preventDefault = Event.prototype.preventDefault;
Event.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
if(document.activeElement.id != "hiddenInput") {
Event.prototype.preventDefault = function(shouldBypass) {
if(document.activeElement.id != "hiddenInput" || shouldBypass) { // activeElement is what element is currently focused
this._preventDefault = _preventDefault;
@ -54,18 +73,24 @@ Event.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
function keyEvent(name, state) {
const charCode = name.toKeyCode();
let evt = new KeyboardEvent(state, {
key: name,
keyCode: charCode,
which: charCode
"key": name,
"keyCode": charCode,
"which": charCode
evt.isValid = true; // Disables fix for bad keyboard input
function mouseEvent(number, state, canvas) {
canvas.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent(state, {"button": number}))
function mouseEvent(number, state, element, event = {"clientX": 0, "clientY" : 0, "screenX": 0, "screenY": 0}) {
element.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent(state, {
"button": number,
"buttons": number,
"clientX": event.clientX,
"clientY" : event.clientY,
"screenX": event.screenX,
"screenY": event.screenY
function wheelEvent(canvas, delta) {
canvas.dispatchEvent(new WheelEvent("wheel", {
function wheelEvent(element, delta) {
element.dispatchEvent(new WheelEvent("wheel", {
"wheelDeltaY": delta
@ -80,12 +105,12 @@ function setButtonVisibility(pointerLocked) {
window.fakelock = null;
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "requestPointerLock", {
value: function() {
window.fakelock = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakelock = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
@ -97,23 +122,23 @@ Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "pointerLockElement", {
// When exitPointerLock is called, this dispatches an event, clears the
Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "exitPointerLock", {
value: function() {
window.fakelock = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakelock = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
window.fakefull = null;
// Stops the client from crashing when fullscreen is requested
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "requestFullscreen", {
value: function() {
window.fakefull = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakefull = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
Object.defineProperty(document, "fullscreenElement", {
get: function() {
@ -121,11 +146,11 @@ Object.defineProperty(document, "fullscreenElement", {
Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "exitFullscreen", {
value: function() {
window.fakefull = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakefull = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
@ -135,17 +160,17 @@ const _createElement = document.createElement;
document.createElement = function(type, ignore) {
this._createElement = _createElement;
var element = this._createElement(type);
if(type == "input" && !ignore) {
document.querySelectorAll('#fileUpload').forEach(e => e.parentNode.removeChild(e));
element.id = "fileUpload";
element.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
element.hidden = true;
element.style.display = "none";
}, {passive: false, once: true});
window.addEventListener('focus', function(e) {
if(type == "input" && !ignore) { // We set the ingore flag to true when we create the hiddenInput
document.querySelectorAll('#fileUpload').forEach(e => e.parentNode.removeChild(e)); // Get rid of any left over fileUpload inputs
element.id = "fileUpload";
element.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
element.hidden = true;
element.style.display = "none";
}, {passive: false, once: true});
window.addEventListener('focus', function(e) {
setTimeout(() => {
element.hidden = true;
element.style.display = "none";
element.style.display = "none";
}, 300)
}, { once: true })
@ -171,7 +196,7 @@ inMenuStyle.textContent = `
// The canvas is created by the client after it finishes unzipping and loading. When the canvas is created, this applies any necessary event listeners
// The canvas is created by the client after it finishes unzipping and loading. When the canvas is created, this applies any necessary event listeners and creates buttons
function waitForElm(selector) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
@ -195,58 +220,119 @@ function createTouchButton(buttonClass, buttonDisplay, elementName) {
touchButton.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e){e.preventDefault()}, false);
touchButton.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e){e.preventDefault()});
return touchButton;
function toggleKeyboard() {
const keyboardInput = document.getElementById('hiddenInput');
if (window.keyboardEnabled) {
window.keyboardEnabled = false;
} else {
window.keyboardEnabled = true;
waitForElm('canvas').then(() => {insertCanvasElements()});
function insertCanvasElements() {
// Translates touchmove events to mousemove events when inGame, and touchmove events to wheele events when inMenu
var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
const touch = e.targetTouches[0]; // We can get away with this because every other touch event will be on different elements
canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
if(window.canvasTouchMode < 2) { // If a touch is initiated but not assigned
if(window.canvasPrimaryID == null) {
window.canvasTouchMode = 1;
const primaryTouch = e.changedTouches[0];
window.canvasPrimaryID = primaryTouch.identifier
canvasTouchStartX = primaryTouch.clientX;
canvasTouchStartY = primaryTouch.clientY;
canvasTouchPreviousX = canvasTouchStartX
canvasTouchPreviousY = canvasTouchStartY
if (!previousTouchX) {
previousTouchX = touch.pageX;
previousTouchY = touch.pageY;
window.touchTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
// If our touch is still set to initiaited, set it to secondary touch
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 1) {
window.canvasTouchMode = 3;
mouseEvent(2, "mousedown", canvas, primaryTouch)
if(window.fakelock) { // We only dispatch mouseup inGame because we want to be able to click + drag items in GUI's
mouseEvent(2, "mouseup", canvas, primaryTouch)
}, 300);
} else if(window.canvasTouchMode == 1 && !window.fakelock) { // If we already have a primary touch, it means we're using two fingers
window.canvasTouchMode = 4;
clearTimeout(window.crouchTimer); // TODO: Find out why this isn't redudnant
e.movementX = touch.pageX - previousTouchX;
e.movementY = touch.pageY - previousTouchY;
var evt = window.fakelock ? new MouseEvent("mousemove", {movementX: e.movementX, movementY: e.movementY}) : new WheelEvent("wheel", {"wheelDeltaY": e.movementY});
previousTouchX = touch.pageX;
previousTouchY = touch.pageY;
}, false);
canvas.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
previousTouchX = null;
previousTouchY = null;
}, false)
//Updates button visibility on load
setButtonVisibility(window.fakelock != null);
// Adds all of the touch screen controls
// Theres probably a better way to do this but this works for now
canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
e.preventDefault() // Prevents window zoom when using two fingers
var primaryTouch;
for (let touchIndex = 0; touchIndex < e.targetTouches.length; touchIndex++) { // Iterate through our touches to find a touch event matching the primary touch ID
if(e.targetTouches[touchIndex].identifier == window.canvasPrimaryID) {
primaryTouch = e.targetTouches[touchIndex];
if(primaryTouch) {
primaryTouch.distanceX = primaryTouch.clientX - canvasTouchStartX;
primaryTouch.distanceY = primaryTouch.clientY - canvasTouchStartY;
primaryTouch.squaredNorm = (primaryTouch.distanceX * primaryTouch.distanceX) + (primaryTouch.distanceY * primaryTouch.distanceY);
primaryTouch.movementX = primaryTouch.clientX - canvasTouchPreviousX;
primaryTouch.movementY = primaryTouch.clientY - canvasTouchPreviousY;
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 1) { // If the primary touch is still only initiated
if (primaryTouch.squaredNorm > 25) { // If our touch becomes a touch + drag
window.canvasTouchMode = 2;
if(!window.fakelock) { // When we're inGame, we don't want to be placing blocks when we are moving the camera around
mouseEvent(1, "mousedown", canvas, primaryTouch);
} else { // If our touch is primary, secondary, scroll or finished
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 4) { // If our touch is scrolling
wheelEvent(canvas, primaryTouch.movementY)
} else {
canvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {
"clientX": primaryTouch.clientX,
"clientY": primaryTouch.clientY,
"screenX": primaryTouch.screenX,
"screenY": primaryTouch.screenY, // The top four are used for item position when in GUI's, the bottom two are for moving the camera inGame
"movementX": primaryTouch.movementX,
"movementY": primaryTouch.movementY
canvasTouchPreviousX = primaryTouch.clientX
canvasTouchPreviousY = primaryTouch.clientY
}, false);
function canvasTouchEnd(e) {
for(let touchIndex = 0; touchIndex < e.changedTouches.length; touchIndex++) { // Iterate through changed touches to find primary touch
if(e.changedTouches[touchIndex].identifier == window.canvasPrimaryID) {
let primaryTouch = e.changedTouches[touchIndex]
// When any of the controlling fingers go away, we want to wait until we aren't receiving any other touch events
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 2) {
mouseEvent(1, "mouseup", canvas, primaryTouch)
} else if (window.canvasTouchMode == 3) {
e.preventDefault(); // This prevents some mobile devices from dispatching a mousedown + mouseup event after a touch is ended
mouseEvent(2, "mouseup", canvas, primaryTouch)
window.canvasTouchMode = 5;
if(e.targetTouches.length == 0) { // We want to wait until all fingers are off the canvas before we reset for the next cycle
window.canvasTouchMode = 0;
window.canvasPrimaryID = null;
canvas.addEventListener("touchend", canvasTouchEnd, false);
canvas.addEventListener("touchcancel", canvasTouchEnd, false); // TODO: Find out why this is different than touchend
setButtonVisibility(window.fakelock != null); //Updates our mobile controls when the canvas finally loads
// All of the touch buttons
let strafeRightButton = createTouchButton("strafeRightButton", "inGame", "div");
strafeRightButton.style.cssText = "left:24vh;bottom:22vh;"
let strafeLeftButton = createTouchButton("strafeLeftButton", "inGame", "div");
strafeLeftButton.style.cssText = "left:5.5vh;bottom:22vh;"
let forwardButton = createTouchButton("forwardButton", "inGame", "div");
let forwardButton = createTouchButton("forwardButton", "inGame", "div"); // We use a div here so can use the targetTouches property of touchmove events. If we didn't it would require me to make an actual touch handler and I don't want to
forwardButton.style.cssText = "left:14vh;bottom:22vh;"
forwardButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){
keyEvent("w", "keydown");
@ -256,12 +342,12 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
}, false);
forwardButton.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
const touch = e.targetTouches[0]; // We can get away with this because every other touch event will be on different elements
const touch = e.targetTouches[0]; // We are just hoping that the user will only ever use one finger on the forward button
if (!startTouchX) {
startTouchX = touch.pageX;
if (!buttonTouchStartX) { // TODO: move this to a touchstart event handler
buttonTouchStartX = touch.pageX;
let movementX = touch.pageX - startTouchX;
let movementX = touch.pageX - buttonTouchStartX;
if((movementX * 10) > window.innerHeight) {
@ -280,7 +366,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
}, false);
forwardButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
keyEvent("w", "keyup");
keyEvent("w", "keyup"); // Luckily, it doesn't seem like eagler cares if we dispatch extra keyup events, so we can get away with just dispatching all of them here
keyEvent("d", "keyup");
keyEvent("a", "keyup");
@ -289,7 +375,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
startTouchX = null;
buttonTouchStartX = null;
}, false);
@ -322,7 +408,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
crouchButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){
keyEvent("shift", "keydown")
window.crouchLock = window.crouchLock ? null : false
crouchTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
window.crouchTimer = setTimeout(function(e) { // Allows us to lock the button after a long press
window.crouchLock = (window.crouchLock != null);
}, 1000);
@ -334,66 +420,127 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
window.crouchLock = false
}, false);
let inventoryButton = createTouchButton("inventoryButton", "inGame");
inventoryButton.style.cssText = "right:19.5vh;bottom:0vh;"
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("e", "keydown")}, false);
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("e", "keyup")}, false);
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("e", "keydown");
}, false);
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){
keyEvent("shift", "keydown"); // Sometimes shift gets stuck on, which interferes with item manipulation in GUI's
keyEvent("shift", "keyup"); // Sometimes shift gets stuck on, which interferes with item manipulation in GUI's
keyEvent("e", "keyup");
}, false);
let exitButton = createTouchButton("exitButton", "inMenu");
exitButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 1vh; right:8vh;"
exitButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keydown")}, false);
exitButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keyup")}, false);
// input for keyboard button
// ---Input Handling---
// This code is a mess, specifically because Android is so so SO inconsistent with how it handles the keyboard
// Some keyboards dispatch key events, some directly append text, and none of them meet the most basic standards supported by most other devices
// This mess is my attempt at dealing with that, and it will most likely only ever be triggered by Android
// It has three main modes.
// 1) Standard keyboard mode:
// This mode keeps the hiddenInput empty, saves the last key press, and on every keypress checks if it the keys are being pressed incorrectly.
// If there is a problem, it switches to compatibility mode, using beforeinput and input events instead of keydown and keyup
// 2) Compatibility mode:
// This most is most likely going to be used by Android, because Android only every dispatches keyCode 229 for any keypress
// When we enter this mode, we grab the last known key press and redispatch it, and programatically dispatch key events by reading e.inputType and e.data from beforeinput
// Unfortunately, Android is weird with this as well. Sometimes it only dispatches insertCompositionText events, and sometimes it gives the correct inputTypes as well
// Additionally, programmatically setting the input's text contents (BECAUSE ANDROID IGNORES PREVENTDEFAULT AGHHHHH) dispatches a repeat of the previous event
// Luckily, we can check if this happens when we first create the input, which necessitates the third mode:
// 3) Duplicate mode:
// If we are getting duplicate inputs, this mode ignores every other input if it matches the state saved in window.previousKey
// If users make it to this mode and still are having issues, it may be best just to remove support for their device
// ---Input Handling---
let hiddenInput = document.createElement('input', true);
hiddenInput.id = "hiddenInput"
// We are hiding the text input behind button because opacity was causing problems.
hiddenInput.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top: 0vh; margin: auto; left: 8vh; right:0vh;font-size:20px;z-index:-10;color: transparent;text-shadow: 0 0 0 black;";
hiddenInput.value = " " //Allows delete to be detected before input is changed
hiddenInput.addEventListener("input", function(e) {
let inputData = e.data ?? "delete"; // backspace makes null
window.lastKey = inputData
hiddenInput.value = " "; // We need a character to detect deleting
hiddenInput.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top: 0vh; margin: auto; left: 8vh; right:0vh; width: 8vh; height: 8vh;font-size:20px;z-index: -10;color: transparent;text-shadow: 0 0 0 black;"; // We hide the input behind a key because display: none and opacity:0 causes issues
hiddenInput.addEventListener("beforeinput", function(e) { // For some reason beforeinput doesn't have the same deletion problems that input has on Android
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Android ignores this and the prevent default, so this will probably be removed in the future
e.preventDefault(true); // We pass a value because we've hijacked the prevent default function to have a "should bypass" boolean value
let inputData = (e.inputType == "insertLineBreak") ? "return" : (e.data == null ? "delete" : e.data.slice(-1)); // Saves the last key press.
if(!window.lastKey) { // When we first set hiddenInput's text contents to " " we can use this to check if Duplicate Mode is needed
window.console.warn("Enabling blocking duplicate key events. Some functionality may be lost.")
window.inputFix = true;
if(window.keyboardFix) {
if(e.inputType == 'insertText') {
let isShift = (inputData.toLowerCase() != inputData);
if(isShift) {
keyEvent("shift", "keydown")
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
keyEvent("shift", "keyup")
} else {
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
if(e.inputType == "insertLineBreak") { // Detects return key press
keyEvent("enter", "keydown");
keyEvent("enter", "keyup");
} else {
const sliceInputType = e.inputType.slice(0,1); // Android doesn't constiently dispatch the correct inputType, but most of them either start with i for insert or d for delete, so this dumb solution should be good enough.
if(sliceInputType== 'i' && e.data) { // Android sometimes always dispatches insertCompositionText inputTypes, so checking that e.data isn't null is necessary
const isDuplicate = (window.lastKey == inputData) && window.blockNextInput && window.inputFix;
if(isDuplicate) { // If our key press matches the last unblocked key press and we are in duplicaye mode, ignore the input
window.blockNextInput = false;
} else {
let isShift = (inputData.toLowerCase() != inputData);
if(isShift) { // The Eaglerclient only uses e.key, e.keyCode and e.which, so we have to dispatch the shift key event separately
keyEvent("shift", "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
keyEvent("shift", "keyup");
} else {
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
window.blockNextInput = true;
} else if (sliceInputType == 'd' || !e.data) {
keyEvent("backspace", "keydown");
keyEvent("backspace", "keyup");
window.blockNextInput = false; // If we delete a character, there couldn't be a duplicate of the previous key press
} else if (e.inputType == 'deleteContentForward' || e.inputType == 'deleteContentBackward') {
keyEvent("backspace", "keydown")
keyEvent("backspace", "keyup")
window.lastKey = inputData // Saves the last key pressed
hiddenInput.value = " " //This previously allowed us to have a character to delete, but beforeinput doesn't require this. This does allow us to check wether Duplicate Mode is necessary though
}, false);
hiddenInput.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
if(!(e.key && e.keyCode && e.which) && !window.keyboardFix) {
console.warn("Switching from keydown to input events due to invalid KeyboardEvent. Some functionality will be lost.")
hiddenInput.addEventListener("input", function(e) { // Since we are using beforeInput for input detection, setting the text contents of hiddenInput causes weird behavior, so we use input instead
if (hiddenInput.value != " ") { // Avoid updating it if not needed so Duplicate Mode doesn't throw a fit
hiddenInput.value = " ";
}, false);
hiddenInput.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { // Enables Compatibility Mode if we receive an invalid key press event
if((e.keyCode == 229 || e.which == 229) && !window.keyboardFix) {
window.console.warn("Switching from keydown to input events due to invalid KeyboardEvent. Some functionality will be lost.")
window.keyboardFix = true;
if(window.lastKey) {
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keydown")
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keyup")
if(window.lastKey) { // Resend the last saved key press (which is being tracked by the beforeinput event listener) so the transition to Compatibility Mode isn't noticeable
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keydown");
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keyup");
}, false);
hiddenInput.addEventListener("blur", function(e) { // Updates window.hiddenInputFocused to reflect the actual state of the focus
window.hiddenInputFocused = false;
let keyboardButton = createTouchButton("keyboardButton", "inMenu");
keyboardButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 6vh; right:0vh;"
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){e.preventDefault();hiddenInput.blur()}, false);
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){e.preventDefault();toggleKeyboard()}, false);
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){
}, false);
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){
if(window.hiddenInputFocused) {
} else {
window.hiddenInputFocused = true;
}, false);
let placeButton = createTouchButton("placeButton", "inGame");
placeButton.style.cssText = "right:6vh;bottom:37vh;"
@ -411,17 +558,17 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
selectButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){mouseEvent(1, "mouseup", canvas)}, false);
let scrollUpButton = createTouchButton("scrollUpButton", "inGame");
scrollUpButton.style.cssText = "right:6.6vh;bottom:0vh;"
scrollUpButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){wheelEvent(canvas, -10)}, false);
let scrollDownButton = createTouchButton("scrollDownButton", "inGame");
scrollDownButton.style.cssText = "right:25.8vh;bottom:0vh;"
scrollDownButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){wheelEvent(canvas, 10)}, false);
let throwButton = createTouchButton("throwButton", "inGame");
throwButton.style.cssText = "right:13vh;bottom:0vh;"
throwButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("q", "keydown")}, false);
throwButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("q", "keyup")}, false);
@ -431,7 +578,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
sprintButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("r", "keydown");
window.sprintLock = window.sprintLock ? null : false
sprintTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
window.sprintTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
window.sprintLock = (window.sprintLock != null);
}, 1000);
@ -443,22 +590,22 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
window.sprintLock = false
}, false);
let pauseButton = createTouchButton("pauseButton", "inGame");
pauseButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 0vh; right: 0vh;"
pauseButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keydown")}, false);
pauseButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keyup")}, false);
let chatButton = createTouchButton("chatButton", "inGame");
chatButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 0vh; right: 14vh;"
chatButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("t", "keydown")}, false);
chatButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("t", "keydown")}, false); // For some reason dispatching a keyup event for this closes the chat, which is really weird
let perspectiveButton = createTouchButton("perspectiveButton", "inGame");
perspectiveButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 0vh; right: 28vh;"
perspectiveButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("f", "keydown");
@ -470,7 +617,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
}, false);
let screenshotButton = createTouchButton("screenshotButton", "inGame");
screenshotButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 28vh; right: 0vh;"
screenshotButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("f", "keydown");
@ -483,7 +630,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
let coordinatesButton = createTouchButton("coordinatesButton", "inGame");
coordinatesButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 14vh; right: 0vh;"
coordinatesButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 14vh; right: 0vh;"
coordinatesButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("f", "keydown");
keyEvent("3", "keydown");
@ -497,6 +644,19 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
// CSS for touch screen buttons, along with fixing iOS's issues with 100vh ignoring the naviagtion bar, and actually disabling zoom because safari ignores user-scalable=no :(
let customStyle = document.createElement("style");
customStyle.textContent = `
html, body, canvas {
height: 100svh !important;
height: -webkit-fill-available !important;
touch-action: pan-x pan-y;
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
outline: none;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
.mobileControl {
position: absolute;
width: 9vh;
@ -527,10 +687,6 @@ customStyle.textContent = `
height: 6vh;
margin: 1vh 0vh;
html, body {
height: -webkit-fill-available !important;
touch-action: pan-x pan-y;
.hide {
display: none;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
// Removed brainless unsafeWindow
console.log("Eagler Pocket Mobile v1.40")
// TODO: remove the mobile check is implement the dynamic enabling and disabling of individual features
function isMobile() {
try {
@ -9,39 +12,55 @@ function isMobile() {
if(!isMobile()) {
alert("WARNING: This script was created for mobile, and may break functionality in non-mobile browsers!");
window.keyboardEnabled = false;
window.crouchLock = false;
window.sprintLock = false;
window.keyboardFix = false; // temporarily set to true until I can figure out whats going wrong with the event listener in charge of switching it
// Used for changing touchmove events to mousemove events
var previousTouchX = null;
var previousTouchY = null;
var startTouchX = null;
// better charCodeAt function
// TODO: consolidate all of these into a single object?
window.crouchLock = false; // Used for crouch mobile control
window.sprintLock = false; // Used for sprint mobile control
window.keyboardFix = false; // keyboardFix ? "Standard Keyboard" : "Compatibility Mode"
window.inputFix = false; // If true, Duplicate Mode
window.blockNextInput = false; // Used for Duplicate Mode
window.hiddenInputFocused = false; // Used for keyboard display on mobile
window.canvasTouchMode = 0; // Used for canvas touch handling
0 Idle
1 Touch initiated
2 Primary touch
3 Secondary touch
4 Scroll
5 Finished
window.canvasTouchStartX = null;
window.canvasTouchStartY = null;
window.canvasTouchPreviousX = null;
window.canvasTouchPreviousY = null;
window.canvasPrimaryID = null;
window.buttonTouchStartX = null;
// charCodeAt is designed for unicode characters, and doesn't match the behavior of the keyCodes used by KeyboardEvents, thus necessitating this function
String.prototype.toKeyCode = function() {
const keyCodeList = {"0": 48, "1": 49, "2": 50, "3": 51, "4": 52, "5": 53, "6": 54, "7": 55, "8": 56, "9": 57, "backspace": 8, "tab": 9, "enter": 13, "shift": 16, "ctrl": 17, "alt": 18, "pause_break": 19, "caps_lock": 20, "escape": 27, " ": 32, "page_up": 33, "page_down": 34, "end": 35, "home": 36, "left_arrow": 37, "up_arrow": 38, "right_arrow": 39, "down_arrow": 40, "insert": 45, "delete": 46, "a": 65, "b": 66, "c": 67, "d": 68, "e": 69, "f": 70, "g": 71, "h": 72, "i": 73, "j": 74, "k": 75, "l": 76, "m": 77, "n": 78, "o": 79, "p": 80, "q": 81, "r": 82, "s": 83, "t": 84, "u": 85, "v": 86, "w": 87, "x": 88, "y": 89, "z": 90, "left_window_key": 91, "right_window_key": 92, "select_key": 93, "numpad_0": 96, "numpad_1": 97, "numpad_2": 98, "numpad_3": 99, "numpad_4": 100, "numpad_5": 101, "numpad_6": 102, "numpad_7": 103, "numpad_8": 104, "numpad_9": 105, "*": 106, "+": 107, "-": 109, ".": 110, "/": 111, "f1": 112, "f2": 113, "f3": 114, "f4": 115, "f5": 116, "f6": 117, "f7": 118, "f8": 119, "f9": 120, "f10": 121, "f11": 122, "f12": 123, "num_lock": 144, "scroll_lock": 145, ";": 186, "=": 187, ",": 188, "-": 189, ".": 190, "/": 191, "`": 192, "[": 219, "\\": 220, "]": 221, "\"": 222};
const keyCodeList = {"0": 48, "1": 49, "2": 50, "3": 51, "4": 52, "5": 53, "6": 54, "7": 55, "8": 56, "9": 57, "backspace": 8, "tab": 9, "enter": 13, "shift": 16, "ctrl": 17, "alt": 18, "pause_break": 19, "caps_lock": 20, "escape": 27, " ": 32, "page_up": 33, "page_down": 34, "end": 35, "home": 36, "left_arrow": 37, "up_arrow": 38, "right_arrow": 39, "down_arrow": 40, "insert": 45, "delete": 46, "a": 65, "b": 66, "c": 67, "d": 68, "e": 69, "f": 70, "g": 71, "h": 72, "i": 73, "j": 74, "k": 75, "l": 76, "m": 77, "n": 78, "o": 79, "p": 80, "q": 81, "r": 82, "s": 83, "t": 84, "u": 85, "v": 86, "w": 87, "x": 88, "y": 89, "z": 90, "left_window_key": 91, "right_window_key": 92, "select_key": 93, "numpad_0": 96, "numpad_1": 97, "numpad_2": 98, "numpad_3": 99, "numpad_4": 100, "numpad_5": 101, "numpad_6": 102, "numpad_7": 103, "numpad_8": 104, "numpad_9": 105, "*": 106, "+": 107, "-": 109, ".": 110, "/": 111, "f1": 112, "f2": 113, "f3": 114, "f4": 115, "f5": 116, "f6": 117, "f7": 118, "f8": 119, "f9": 120, "f10": 121, "f11": 122, "f12": 123, "num_lock": 144, "scroll_lock": 145, ";": 186, "=": 187, ",": 188, "-": 189, ".": 190, "/": 191, "\u0060": 192, "[": 219, "\u005C": 220, "]": 221, "\u0022": 222};
return keyCodeList[this];
// Ignores keydown events that don't have the isValid parameter set to true
// Overrides the addEventListener behavior to all code injection on keydown event listeners. This function has thrown TypeErrors on some Android devices because fn is not recognized as a function
// This is used by Compatibility Mode to block invalid keyEvents
const _addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
Object.defineProperty(EventTarget.prototype, "addEventListener", {
value: function (type, fn, ...rest) {
if(type == 'keydown') {
if(type == 'keydown') { // Check if a keydown event is being added
_addEventListener.call(this, type, function(...args) {
if(!args[0].isValid && window.keyboardFix) {
if(args[0].isTrusted && window.keyboardFix) { // When we are in compatibility mode, we ignore all trusted keyboard events
return fn.apply(this, args);
return fn.apply(this, args); // Appends the rest of the function specified by addEventListener
}, ...rest);
} else {
} else { // If it's not a keydown event, behave like normal (hopefully)
_addEventListener.call(this, type, fn, ...rest);
// Allows typing in #hiddenInput
// Overrides preventDefault, because on some (Android) devices you couldn't type into hiddenInput
const _preventDefault = Event.prototype.preventDefault;
Event.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
if(document.activeElement.id != "hiddenInput") {
Event.prototype.preventDefault = function(shouldBypass) {
if(document.activeElement.id != "hiddenInput" || shouldBypass) { // activeElement is what element is currently focused
this._preventDefault = _preventDefault;
@ -54,18 +73,24 @@ Event.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
function keyEvent(name, state) {
const charCode = name.toKeyCode();
let evt = new KeyboardEvent(state, {
key: name,
keyCode: charCode,
which: charCode
"key": name,
"keyCode": charCode,
"which": charCode
evt.isValid = true; // Disables fix for bad keyboard input
function mouseEvent(number, state, canvas) {
canvas.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent(state, {"button": number}))
function mouseEvent(number, state, element, event = {"clientX": 0, "clientY" : 0, "screenX": 0, "screenY": 0}) {
element.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent(state, {
"button": number,
"buttons": number,
"clientX": event.clientX,
"clientY" : event.clientY,
"screenX": event.screenX,
"screenY": event.screenY
function wheelEvent(canvas, delta) {
canvas.dispatchEvent(new WheelEvent("wheel", {
function wheelEvent(element, delta) {
element.dispatchEvent(new WheelEvent("wheel", {
"wheelDeltaY": delta
@ -80,12 +105,12 @@ function setButtonVisibility(pointerLocked) {
window.fakelock = null;
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "requestPointerLock", {
value: function() {
window.fakelock = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakelock = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
@ -97,23 +122,23 @@ Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "pointerLockElement", {
// When exitPointerLock is called, this dispatches an event, clears the
Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "exitPointerLock", {
value: function() {
window.fakelock = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakelock = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange'));
return true
window.fakefull = null;
// Stops the client from crashing when fullscreen is requested
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "requestFullscreen", {
value: function() {
window.fakefull = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakefull = this
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
Object.defineProperty(document, "fullscreenElement", {
get: function() {
@ -121,11 +146,11 @@ Object.defineProperty(document, "fullscreenElement", {
Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "exitFullscreen", {
value: function() {
window.fakefull = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
value: function() {
window.fakefull = null
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange'));
return true
@ -135,17 +160,17 @@ const _createElement = document.createElement;
document.createElement = function(type, ignore) {
this._createElement = _createElement;
var element = this._createElement(type);
if(type == "input" && !ignore) {
document.querySelectorAll('#fileUpload').forEach(e => e.parentNode.removeChild(e));
element.id = "fileUpload";
element.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
element.hidden = true;
element.style.display = "none";
}, {passive: false, once: true});
window.addEventListener('focus', function(e) {
if(type == "input" && !ignore) { // We set the ingore flag to true when we create the hiddenInput
document.querySelectorAll('#fileUpload').forEach(e => e.parentNode.removeChild(e)); // Get rid of any left over fileUpload inputs
element.id = "fileUpload";
element.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
element.hidden = true;
element.style.display = "none";
}, {passive: false, once: true});
window.addEventListener('focus', function(e) {
setTimeout(() => {
element.hidden = true;
element.style.display = "none";
element.style.display = "none";
}, 300)
}, { once: true })
@ -171,7 +196,7 @@ inMenuStyle.textContent = `
// The canvas is created by the client after it finishes unzipping and loading. When the canvas is created, this applies any necessary event listeners
// The canvas is created by the client after it finishes unzipping and loading. When the canvas is created, this applies any necessary event listeners and creates buttons
function waitForElm(selector) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
@ -195,58 +220,119 @@ function createTouchButton(buttonClass, buttonDisplay, elementName) {
touchButton.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e){e.preventDefault()}, false);
touchButton.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e){e.preventDefault()});
return touchButton;
function toggleKeyboard() {
const keyboardInput = document.getElementById('hiddenInput');
if (window.keyboardEnabled) {
window.keyboardEnabled = false;
} else {
window.keyboardEnabled = true;
waitForElm('canvas').then(() => {insertCanvasElements()});
function insertCanvasElements() {
// Translates touchmove events to mousemove events when inGame, and touchmove events to wheele events when inMenu
var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
const touch = e.targetTouches[0]; // We can get away with this because every other touch event will be on different elements
canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
if(window.canvasTouchMode < 2) { // If a touch is initiated but not assigned
if(window.canvasPrimaryID == null) {
window.canvasTouchMode = 1;
const primaryTouch = e.changedTouches[0];
window.canvasPrimaryID = primaryTouch.identifier
canvasTouchStartX = primaryTouch.clientX;
canvasTouchStartY = primaryTouch.clientY;
canvasTouchPreviousX = canvasTouchStartX
canvasTouchPreviousY = canvasTouchStartY
if (!previousTouchX) {
previousTouchX = touch.pageX;
previousTouchY = touch.pageY;
window.touchTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
// If our touch is still set to initiaited, set it to secondary touch
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 1) {
window.canvasTouchMode = 3;
mouseEvent(2, "mousedown", canvas, primaryTouch)
if(window.fakelock) { // We only dispatch mouseup inGame because we want to be able to click + drag items in GUI's
mouseEvent(2, "mouseup", canvas, primaryTouch)
}, 300);
} else if(window.canvasTouchMode == 1 && !window.fakelock) { // If we already have a primary touch, it means we're using two fingers
window.canvasTouchMode = 4;
clearTimeout(window.crouchTimer); // TODO: Find out why this isn't redudnant
e.movementX = touch.pageX - previousTouchX;
e.movementY = touch.pageY - previousTouchY;
var evt = window.fakelock ? new MouseEvent("mousemove", {movementX: e.movementX, movementY: e.movementY}) : new WheelEvent("wheel", {"wheelDeltaY": e.movementY});
previousTouchX = touch.pageX;
previousTouchY = touch.pageY;
}, false);
canvas.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
previousTouchX = null;
previousTouchY = null;
}, false)
//Updates button visibility on load
setButtonVisibility(window.fakelock != null);
// Adds all of the touch screen controls
// Theres probably a better way to do this but this works for now
canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
e.preventDefault() // Prevents window zoom when using two fingers
var primaryTouch;
for (let touchIndex = 0; touchIndex < e.targetTouches.length; touchIndex++) { // Iterate through our touches to find a touch event matching the primary touch ID
if(e.targetTouches[touchIndex].identifier == window.canvasPrimaryID) {
primaryTouch = e.targetTouches[touchIndex];
if(primaryTouch) {
primaryTouch.distanceX = primaryTouch.clientX - canvasTouchStartX;
primaryTouch.distanceY = primaryTouch.clientY - canvasTouchStartY;
primaryTouch.squaredNorm = (primaryTouch.distanceX * primaryTouch.distanceX) + (primaryTouch.distanceY * primaryTouch.distanceY);
primaryTouch.movementX = primaryTouch.clientX - canvasTouchPreviousX;
primaryTouch.movementY = primaryTouch.clientY - canvasTouchPreviousY;
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 1) { // If the primary touch is still only initiated
if (primaryTouch.squaredNorm > 25) { // If our touch becomes a touch + drag
window.canvasTouchMode = 2;
if(!window.fakelock) { // When we're inGame, we don't want to be placing blocks when we are moving the camera around
mouseEvent(1, "mousedown", canvas, primaryTouch);
} else { // If our touch is primary, secondary, scroll or finished
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 4) { // If our touch is scrolling
wheelEvent(canvas, primaryTouch.movementY)
} else {
canvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {
"clientX": primaryTouch.clientX,
"clientY": primaryTouch.clientY,
"screenX": primaryTouch.screenX,
"screenY": primaryTouch.screenY, // The top four are used for item position when in GUI's, the bottom two are for moving the camera inGame
"movementX": primaryTouch.movementX,
"movementY": primaryTouch.movementY
canvasTouchPreviousX = primaryTouch.clientX
canvasTouchPreviousY = primaryTouch.clientY
}, false);
function canvasTouchEnd(e) {
for(let touchIndex = 0; touchIndex < e.changedTouches.length; touchIndex++) { // Iterate through changed touches to find primary touch
if(e.changedTouches[touchIndex].identifier == window.canvasPrimaryID) {
let primaryTouch = e.changedTouches[touchIndex]
// When any of the controlling fingers go away, we want to wait until we aren't receiving any other touch events
if(window.canvasTouchMode == 2) {
mouseEvent(1, "mouseup", canvas, primaryTouch)
} else if (window.canvasTouchMode == 3) {
e.preventDefault(); // This prevents some mobile devices from dispatching a mousedown + mouseup event after a touch is ended
mouseEvent(2, "mouseup", canvas, primaryTouch)
window.canvasTouchMode = 5;
if(e.targetTouches.length == 0) { // We want to wait until all fingers are off the canvas before we reset for the next cycle
window.canvasTouchMode = 0;
window.canvasPrimaryID = null;
canvas.addEventListener("touchend", canvasTouchEnd, false);
canvas.addEventListener("touchcancel", canvasTouchEnd, false); // TODO: Find out why this is different than touchend
setButtonVisibility(window.fakelock != null); //Updates our mobile controls when the canvas finally loads
// All of the touch buttons
let strafeRightButton = createTouchButton("strafeRightButton", "inGame", "div");
strafeRightButton.style.cssText = "left:24vh;bottom:22vh;"
let strafeLeftButton = createTouchButton("strafeLeftButton", "inGame", "div");
strafeLeftButton.style.cssText = "left:5.5vh;bottom:22vh;"
let forwardButton = createTouchButton("forwardButton", "inGame", "div");
let forwardButton = createTouchButton("forwardButton", "inGame", "div"); // We use a div here so can use the targetTouches property of touchmove events. If we didn't it would require me to make an actual touch handler and I don't want to
forwardButton.style.cssText = "left:14vh;bottom:22vh;"
forwardButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){
keyEvent("w", "keydown");
@ -256,12 +342,12 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
}, false);
forwardButton.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
const touch = e.targetTouches[0]; // We can get away with this because every other touch event will be on different elements
const touch = e.targetTouches[0]; // We are just hoping that the user will only ever use one finger on the forward button
if (!startTouchX) {
startTouchX = touch.pageX;
if (!buttonTouchStartX) { // TODO: move this to a touchstart event handler
buttonTouchStartX = touch.pageX;
let movementX = touch.pageX - startTouchX;
let movementX = touch.pageX - buttonTouchStartX;
if((movementX * 10) > window.innerHeight) {
@ -280,7 +366,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
}, false);
forwardButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
keyEvent("w", "keyup");
keyEvent("w", "keyup"); // Luckily, it doesn't seem like eagler cares if we dispatch extra keyup events, so we can get away with just dispatching all of them here
keyEvent("d", "keyup");
keyEvent("a", "keyup");
@ -289,7 +375,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
startTouchX = null;
buttonTouchStartX = null;
}, false);
@ -322,7 +408,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
crouchButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){
keyEvent("shift", "keydown")
window.crouchLock = window.crouchLock ? null : false
crouchTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
window.crouchTimer = setTimeout(function(e) { // Allows us to lock the button after a long press
window.crouchLock = (window.crouchLock != null);
}, 1000);
@ -334,66 +420,127 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
window.crouchLock = false
}, false);
let inventoryButton = createTouchButton("inventoryButton", "inGame");
inventoryButton.style.cssText = "right:19.5vh;bottom:0vh;"
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("e", "keydown")}, false);
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("e", "keyup")}, false);
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("e", "keydown");
}, false);
inventoryButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){
keyEvent("shift", "keydown"); // Sometimes shift gets stuck on, which interferes with item manipulation in GUI's
keyEvent("shift", "keyup"); // Sometimes shift gets stuck on, which interferes with item manipulation in GUI's
keyEvent("e", "keyup");
}, false);
let exitButton = createTouchButton("exitButton", "inMenu");
exitButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 1vh; right:8vh;"
exitButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keydown")}, false);
exitButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keyup")}, false);
// input for keyboard button
// ---Input Handling---
// This code is a mess, specifically because Android is so so SO inconsistent with how it handles the keyboard
// Some keyboards dispatch key events, some directly append text, and none of them meet the most basic standards supported by most other devices
// This mess is my attempt at dealing with that, and it will most likely only ever be triggered by Android
// It has three main modes.
// 1) Standard keyboard mode:
// This mode keeps the hiddenInput empty, saves the last key press, and on every keypress checks if it the keys are being pressed incorrectly.
// If there is a problem, it switches to compatibility mode, using beforeinput and input events instead of keydown and keyup
// 2) Compatibility mode:
// This most is most likely going to be used by Android, because Android only every dispatches keyCode 229 for any keypress
// When we enter this mode, we grab the last known key press and redispatch it, and programatically dispatch key events by reading e.inputType and e.data from beforeinput
// Unfortunately, Android is weird with this as well. Sometimes it only dispatches insertCompositionText events, and sometimes it gives the correct inputTypes as well
// Additionally, programmatically setting the input's text contents (BECAUSE ANDROID IGNORES PREVENTDEFAULT AGHHHHH) dispatches a repeat of the previous event
// Luckily, we can check if this happens when we first create the input, which necessitates the third mode:
// 3) Duplicate mode:
// If we are getting duplicate inputs, this mode ignores every other input if it matches the state saved in window.previousKey
// If users make it to this mode and still are having issues, it may be best just to remove support for their device
// ---Input Handling---
let hiddenInput = document.createElement('input', true);
hiddenInput.id = "hiddenInput"
// We are hiding the text input behind button because opacity was causing problems.
hiddenInput.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top: 0vh; margin: auto; left: 8vh; right:0vh;font-size:20px;z-index:-10;color: transparent;text-shadow: 0 0 0 black;";
hiddenInput.value = " " //Allows delete to be detected before input is changed
hiddenInput.addEventListener("input", function(e) {
let inputData = e.data ?? "delete"; // backspace makes null
window.lastKey = inputData
hiddenInput.value = " "; // We need a character to detect deleting
hiddenInput.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top: 0vh; margin: auto; left: 8vh; right:0vh; width: 8vh; height: 8vh;font-size:20px;z-index: -10;color: transparent;text-shadow: 0 0 0 black;"; // We hide the input behind a key because display: none and opacity:0 causes issues
hiddenInput.addEventListener("beforeinput", function(e) { // For some reason beforeinput doesn't have the same deletion problems that input has on Android
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Android ignores this and the prevent default, so this will probably be removed in the future
e.preventDefault(true); // We pass a value because we've hijacked the prevent default function to have a "should bypass" boolean value
let inputData = (e.inputType == "insertLineBreak") ? "return" : (e.data == null ? "delete" : e.data.slice(-1)); // Saves the last key press.
if(!window.lastKey) { // When we first set hiddenInput's text contents to " " we can use this to check if Duplicate Mode is needed
window.console.warn("Enabling blocking duplicate key events. Some functionality may be lost.")
window.inputFix = true;
if(window.keyboardFix) {
if(e.inputType == 'insertText') {
let isShift = (inputData.toLowerCase() != inputData);
if(isShift) {
keyEvent("shift", "keydown")
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
keyEvent("shift", "keyup")
} else {
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
if(e.inputType == "insertLineBreak") { // Detects return key press
keyEvent("enter", "keydown");
keyEvent("enter", "keyup");
} else {
const sliceInputType = e.inputType.slice(0,1); // Android doesn't constiently dispatch the correct inputType, but most of them either start with i for insert or d for delete, so this dumb solution should be good enough.
if(sliceInputType== 'i' && e.data) { // Android sometimes always dispatches insertCompositionText inputTypes, so checking that e.data isn't null is necessary
const isDuplicate = (window.lastKey == inputData) && window.blockNextInput && window.inputFix;
if(isDuplicate) { // If our key press matches the last unblocked key press and we are in duplicaye mode, ignore the input
window.blockNextInput = false;
} else {
let isShift = (inputData.toLowerCase() != inputData);
if(isShift) { // The Eaglerclient only uses e.key, e.keyCode and e.which, so we have to dispatch the shift key event separately
keyEvent("shift", "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
keyEvent("shift", "keyup");
} else {
keyEvent(inputData, "keydown");
keyEvent(inputData, "keyup");
window.blockNextInput = true;
} else if (sliceInputType == 'd' || !e.data) {
keyEvent("backspace", "keydown");
keyEvent("backspace", "keyup");
window.blockNextInput = false; // If we delete a character, there couldn't be a duplicate of the previous key press
} else if (e.inputType == 'deleteContentForward' || e.inputType == 'deleteContentBackward') {
keyEvent("backspace", "keydown")
keyEvent("backspace", "keyup")
window.lastKey = inputData // Saves the last key pressed
hiddenInput.value = " " //This previously allowed us to have a character to delete, but beforeinput doesn't require this. This does allow us to check wether Duplicate Mode is necessary though
}, false);
hiddenInput.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
if(!(e.key && e.keyCode && e.which) && !window.keyboardFix) {
console.warn("Switching from keydown to input events due to invalid KeyboardEvent. Some functionality will be lost.")
hiddenInput.addEventListener("input", function(e) { // Since we are using beforeInput for input detection, setting the text contents of hiddenInput causes weird behavior, so we use input instead
if (hiddenInput.value != " ") { // Avoid updating it if not needed so Duplicate Mode doesn't throw a fit
hiddenInput.value = " ";
}, false);
hiddenInput.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { // Enables Compatibility Mode if we receive an invalid key press event
if((e.keyCode == 229 || e.which == 229) && !window.keyboardFix) {
window.console.warn("Switching from keydown to input events due to invalid KeyboardEvent. Some functionality will be lost.")
window.keyboardFix = true;
if(window.lastKey) {
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keydown")
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keyup")
if(window.lastKey) { // Resend the last saved key press (which is being tracked by the beforeinput event listener) so the transition to Compatibility Mode isn't noticeable
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keydown");
keyEvent(window.lastKey, "keyup");
}, false);
hiddenInput.addEventListener("blur", function(e) { // Updates window.hiddenInputFocused to reflect the actual state of the focus
window.hiddenInputFocused = false;
let keyboardButton = createTouchButton("keyboardButton", "inMenu");
keyboardButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 6vh; right:0vh;"
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){e.preventDefault();hiddenInput.blur()}, false);
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){e.preventDefault();toggleKeyboard()}, false);
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){
}, false);
keyboardButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){
if(window.hiddenInputFocused) {
} else {
window.hiddenInputFocused = true;
}, false);
let placeButton = createTouchButton("placeButton", "inGame");
placeButton.style.cssText = "right:6vh;bottom:37vh;"
@ -411,17 +558,17 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
selectButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){mouseEvent(1, "mouseup", canvas)}, false);
let scrollUpButton = createTouchButton("scrollUpButton", "inGame");
scrollUpButton.style.cssText = "right:6.6vh;bottom:0vh;"
scrollUpButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){wheelEvent(canvas, -10)}, false);
let scrollDownButton = createTouchButton("scrollDownButton", "inGame");
scrollDownButton.style.cssText = "right:25.8vh;bottom:0vh;"
scrollDownButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){wheelEvent(canvas, 10)}, false);
let throwButton = createTouchButton("throwButton", "inGame");
throwButton.style.cssText = "right:13vh;bottom:0vh;"
throwButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("q", "keydown")}, false);
throwButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("q", "keyup")}, false);
@ -431,7 +578,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
sprintButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("r", "keydown");
window.sprintLock = window.sprintLock ? null : false
sprintTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
window.sprintTimer = setTimeout(function(e) {
window.sprintLock = (window.sprintLock != null);
}, 1000);
@ -443,22 +590,22 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
window.sprintLock = false
}, false);
let pauseButton = createTouchButton("pauseButton", "inGame");
pauseButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 0vh; right: 0vh;"
pauseButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keydown")}, false);
pauseButton.addEventListener("touchend", function(e){keyEvent("`", "keyup")}, false);
let chatButton = createTouchButton("chatButton", "inGame");
chatButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 0vh; right: 14vh;"
chatButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("t", "keydown")}, false);
chatButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e){keyEvent("t", "keydown")}, false); // For some reason dispatching a keyup event for this closes the chat, which is really weird
let perspectiveButton = createTouchButton("perspectiveButton", "inGame");
perspectiveButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 0vh; right: 28vh;"
perspectiveButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("f", "keydown");
@ -470,7 +617,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
}, false);
let screenshotButton = createTouchButton("screenshotButton", "inGame");
screenshotButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 28vh; right: 0vh;"
screenshotButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("f", "keydown");
@ -483,7 +630,7 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
let coordinatesButton = createTouchButton("coordinatesButton", "inGame");
coordinatesButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 14vh; right: 0vh;"
coordinatesButton.style.cssText = "top: 0.5vh; margin: auto; left: 14vh; right: 0vh;"
coordinatesButton.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
keyEvent("f", "keydown");
keyEvent("3", "keydown");
@ -497,6 +644,19 @@ function insertCanvasElements() {
// CSS for touch screen buttons, along with fixing iOS's issues with 100vh ignoring the naviagtion bar, and actually disabling zoom because safari ignores user-scalable=no :(
let customStyle = document.createElement("style");
customStyle.textContent = `
html, body, canvas {
height: 100svh !important;
height: -webkit-fill-available !important;
touch-action: pan-x pan-y;
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
outline: none;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
.mobileControl {
position: absolute;
width: 9vh;
@ -527,10 +687,6 @@ customStyle.textContent = `
height: 6vh;
margin: 1vh 0vh;
html, body {
height: -webkit-fill-available !important;
touch-action: pan-x pan-y;
.hide {
display: none;