# Eagler Mobile LogoEagler Mobile [![](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/FlamedDogo99/EaglerMobile?style=flat-square&logo=github&logoColor=white&label=GitHub&color=181717)](https://github.com/FlamedDogo99/EaglerMobile/releases) [![](https://img.shields.io/github/license/FlamedDogo99/EaglerMobile?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/FlamedDogo99/EaglerMobile/blob/master/LICENSE) ## About Eagler Mobile brings new functionality and benefits for the EaglerCraft web client by providing mobile-friendly touch controls, keyboard access, and other settings configurable through the EaglerCraft client.
![Eagler Mobile Screenshot](images/preview.png)
## Installation The easiest way to use Eagler Mobile is to use a userscript application such as Greasemonkey, however since Eagler Mobile is plain JavaScript you can easily deploy it in other ways as well. As an example we've included `eaglermobile.ef.js` which can be run as a mod on [EaglerForge](https://github.com/eaglerforge/EaglerForge).
See more examples --- 1. **Self hosted** If you are hosting the EaglerCraft client on your own server, you can include the mobile script in the `index.html` folder as a script. ```js ``` 2. **Other userscript applications** Non-mobile browsers: - Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Edge, Opera Next, Microsoft Edge: [Tampermonkey](https://www.tampermonkey.net) iOS: - Safari: [Userscripts](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/userscripts/id1463298887) - Orion: [Tampermonkey](https://www.tampermonkey.net) Android: - FireFox: [Tampermonkey](https://www.tampermonkey.net) - Kiwi Browser: [Tampermonkey](https://www.tampermonkey.net) ---
If you want to download the source, no building is required. The best way to download the source is with Git: ```sh git clone https://github.com/FlamedDogo99/EaglerMobile.git ``` ## Contributing ### Suggestions and bug reports If you found a bug or have a suggestion [create an issue](https://github.com/FlamedDogo99/EaglerMobile/issues/new/choose) after checking for duplicates. ### Features and documentation #### Fake API's - Pointerlock methods such as `Element.prototype.requestPointerLock`, `document.pointerLockElement`, and `document.exitPointerLock` are replaced with vanilla JavaScript that mimics pointerlock functionality. This allows the EaglerCraft client to load. - Fullscreen methods such as `Element.prototype.requestFullscreen`, `document.fullscreenElement`, and `document.exitFullscreen` are replaced with vanilla JavaScript that mimics fullscreen functionality. This fixes a crash due with viewport dimensions. #### Keyboard Events - The EaglerCraft client captures keypress through a `keydown` event listener. Because Android devices currently have an issue with `keydown` and `keyup` events, Eagler Mobile dynamically toggles between capturing `keydown` and `input` events. The state is saved in window.keyboardFix, and is toggled if a faulty keyboard event is detected. - To dispatch keyboard events, Eagler Mobile requires the use of the `keyEvent` function, in order to maintain functionality for `input` event listeners. For example, typing an uppercase `h` in the chat is as simple as: ```js keyEvent("shift", "keydown"); keyEvent("h", "keydown"); ``` #### Mobile controls - Eagler Mobile controls can either be shown in-game or in-menu. When creating a an element you can achieve this simply by either adding the `inGame` or `inMenu` class. - Simple gesture controls such as scrolling, single pressing, and long pressing have been implemented, however there are currently no functions provided to easily bring this functionality to other elements. #### File uploads - On MacOS and iOS safari, the EaglerCraft client's implementation of triggering the file selection dialog does not work. A rudimentary fix has been added for now. ## License Eagler Mobile is licensed under the terms of the [Apache License, Version 2.0](https://github.com/FlamedDogo99/EaglerMobile/blob/main/LICENSE). ## Intended future features - [ ] **Gamepad support**: Mapping gamepad inputs to `keyEvent`, `wheelEvent` and `mouseEvent` functions, and implenting a controllable fake cursor for menus. - [ ] **File upload improvements**: Adding a cancel button and improving the styling - [ ] **Dynamic enable and disable of features**: Seperating gamepad controls, touch controls, pointerlock fix, and upload fix into seperate functions which can be enabled and disabled by the user