From e4b4a0be61ea391c671190c2949f42e19d814c9d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FlamedDogo99 <> Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 19:22:49 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Fixed formatting issues Detabbed --- eaglermobile.user.js | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) diff --git a/eaglermobile.user.js b/eaglermobile.user.js index 355cf07..50805c0 100644 --- a/eaglermobile.user.js +++ b/eaglermobile.user.js @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ // This is generally a bad practice, but we need to run scripts in the main context before the DOM loads. Because we are only matching, the use of unsafeWindow should be safe to use. // If someone knows a better way of doing this, please create an issue try { - unsafeWindow.console.warn("DANGER: This userscript is using unsafeWindow. Unsafe websites could potentially use this to gain access to data and other content that the browser normally wouldn't allow!") + unsafeWindow.console.warn("DANGER: This userscript is using unsafeWindow. Unsafe websites could potentially use this to gain access to data and other content that the browser normally wouldn't allow!") Object.defineProperty(window, "clientWindow", { - value: unsafeWindow - }); + value: unsafeWindow + }); } catch { - Object.defineProperty(window, "clientWindow", { - value: window - }); + Object.defineProperty(window, "clientWindow", { + value: window + }); } function isMobile() { @@ -112,12 +112,12 @@ function setButtonVisibility(pointerLocked) { clientWindow.fakelock = null; Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "requestPointerLock", { - value: function() { - clientWindow.fakelock = this - document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange')); - setButtonVisibility(true); - return true - } + value: function() { + clientWindow.fakelock = this + document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange')); + setButtonVisibility(true); + return true + } }); @@ -129,23 +129,23 @@ Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "pointerLockElement", { }); // When exitPointerLock is called, this dispatches an event, clears the Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "exitPointerLock", { - value: function() { - clientWindow.fakelock = null - document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange')); - setButtonVisibility(false); - return true - } + value: function() { + clientWindow.fakelock = null + document.dispatchEvent(new Event('pointerlockchange')); + setButtonVisibility(false); + return true + } }); // FULLSCREEN clientWindow.fakefull = null; // Stops the client from crashing when fullscreen is requested Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "requestFullscreen", { - value: function() { - clientWindow.fakefull = this - document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange')); - return true - } + value: function() { + clientWindow.fakefull = this + document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange')); + return true + } }); Object.defineProperty(document, "fullscreenElement", { get: function() { @@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ Object.defineProperty(document, "fullscreenElement", { } }); Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "exitFullscreen", { - value: function() { - clientWindow.fakefull = null - document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange')); - return true - } + value: function() { + clientWindow.fakefull = null + document.dispatchEvent(new Event('fullscreenchange')); + return true + } }); // FILE UPLOADING @@ -168,16 +168,16 @@ document.createElement = function(type, ignore) { this._createElement = _createElement; var element = this._createElement(type); if(type == "input" && !ignore) { - document.querySelectorAll('#fileUpload').forEach(e => e.parentNode.removeChild(e)); - = "fileUpload"; - element.addEventListener('change', function(e) { - element.hidden = true; - = "none"; - }, {passive: false, once: true}); - clientWindow.addEventListener('focus', function(e) { + document.querySelectorAll('#fileUpload').forEach(e => e.parentNode.removeChild(e)); + = "fileUpload"; + element.addEventListener('change', function(e) { + element.hidden = true; + = "none"; + }, {passive: false, once: true}); + clientWindow.addEventListener('focus', function(e) { setTimeout(() => { element.hidden = true; - = "none"; + = "none"; }, 300) }, { once: true }) document.body.appendChild(element); @@ -387,34 +387,34 @@ function insertCanvasElements() { hiddenInput.value = " " //Allows delete to be detected before input is changed hiddenInput.addEventListener("input", function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); - e.preventDefault(true); + e.preventDefault(true); let inputData = == null ? "delete" :; if(!clientWindow.lastKey) { // If we get an event before any keys have been pressed, we know that setting the hiddenInput creates duplicate input events, so we can apply the fix - clientWindow.console.warn("Enabling blocking duplicate key events. Some functionality may be lost.") - clientWindow.inputFix = true; + clientWindow.console.warn("Enabling blocking duplicate key events. Some functionality may be lost.") + clientWindow.inputFix = true; } clientWindow.console.log(`Received input by ${e.inputType}: ${} -> ${inputData}`); hiddenInput.value = " "; if(clientWindow.keyboardFix) { - const sliceInputType = e.inputType.slice(0,1); // This is a really dumb way to do this because it's not future-proof, but its the easiest way to deal with Android + const sliceInputType = e.inputType.slice(0,1); // This is a really dumb way to do this because it's not future-proof, but its the easiest way to deal with Android if(sliceInputType== 'i') { - const isDuplicate = (clientWindow.lastKey == inputData) && clientWindow.blockNextInput && clientWindow.inputFix; - if(isDuplicate) { - clientWindow.blockNextInput = false; - } else { - let isShift = (inputData.toLowerCase() != inputData); - if(isShift) { - keyEvent("shift", "keydown") - keyEvent(inputData, "keydown"); - keyEvent(inputData, "keyup"); - keyEvent("shift", "keyup") - } else { - keyEvent(inputData, "keydown"); - keyEvent(inputData, "keyup"); - } - clientWindow.blockNextInput = true; - } + const isDuplicate = (clientWindow.lastKey == inputData) && clientWindow.blockNextInput && clientWindow.inputFix; + if(isDuplicate) { + clientWindow.blockNextInput = false; + } else { + let isShift = (inputData.toLowerCase() != inputData); + if(isShift) { + keyEvent("shift", "keydown") + keyEvent(inputData, "keydown"); + keyEvent(inputData, "keyup"); + keyEvent("shift", "keyup") + } else { + keyEvent(inputData, "keydown"); + keyEvent(inputData, "keyup"); + } + clientWindow.blockNextInput = true; + } } else if (sliceInputType == 'd') { keyEvent("backspace", "keydown"); keyEvent("backspace", "keyup"); @@ -426,11 +426,11 @@ function insertCanvasElements() { }, false); hiddenInput.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { if((e.keyCode == 229 || e.which == 229) && !clientWindow.keyboardFix) { - clientWindow.console.warn("Switching from keydown to input events due to invalid KeyboardEvent. Some functionality will be lost.") + clientWindow.console.warn("Switching from keydown to input events due to invalid KeyboardEvent. Some functionality will be lost.") clientWindow.keyboardFix = true; if(clientWindow.lastKey) { - keyEvent(clientWindow.lastKey, "keydown"); - keyEvent(clientWindow.lastKey, "keyup"); + keyEvent(clientWindow.lastKey, "keydown"); + keyEvent(clientWindow.lastKey, "keyup"); } } }, false); @@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ customStyle.textContent = ` outline:none; box-shadow: none; border: none; - pointer-events: none !important; + pointer-events: none !important; } html, body, canvas { height: -webkit-fill-available !important; @@ -590,14 +590,14 @@ customStyle.textContent = ` display: none; } #fileUpload { - position: absolute; - left: 0; - right: 100vw; - top: 0; - bottom: 100vh; - width: 100vw; - height: 100vh; - background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5); + position: absolute; + left: 0; + right: 100vw; + top: 0; + bottom: 100vh; + width: 100vw; + height: 100vh; + background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5); } .strafeRightButton { background-image: url("");