Eagler Mobile brings new functionality and benefits for the EaglerCraft web client by providing mobile-friendly touch controls, keyboard access, and other settings configurable through the EaglerCraft client.
The easiest way to use Eagler Mobile is to use a userscript application such as Greasemonkey, however since Eagler Mobile is plain JavaScript you can easily deploy it in other ways as well. As an example we've included `eaglermobile.ef.js` which can be run as a mod on [EaglerForge](https://github.com/eaglerforge/EaglerForge).
Eagler Mobile provides a variety of mobile controls and gestures to navigate the EaglerCraft client. While many controls mimic Minecraft Pocket Edition's controls, other controls have been added to interact with Minecraft Java Edition features.
|Short touch| Primary click | **On Drag**: Mouse movement
|Long touch| Secondary click | **On Drag**: Mouse movement
|Two finger touch| Scroll |
> Because Eagler Mobile does not directly inject code into the EaglerCraft client, Eagler Mobile's touch controls only work for the standard control scheme that the EaglerCraft client is set to start with. Editing the controls in the EaglerCraft client could create unintended behavior.
If you found a bug or have a suggestion [create an issue](https://github.com/FlamedDogo99/EaglerMobile/issues/new/choose) after checking for duplicates.
- Pointerlock methods such as `Element.prototype.requestPointerLock`, `document.pointerLockElement`, and `document.exitPointerLock` are replaced with vanilla JavaScript that mimics pointerlock functionality. This allows the EaglerCraft client to load.
- Fullscreen methods such as `Element.prototype.requestFullscreen`, `document.fullscreenElement`, and `document.exitFullscreen` are replaced with vanilla JavaScript that mimics fullscreen functionality. This fixes a crash due with viewport dimensions.
- The EaglerCraft client captures keypress through a `keydown` event listener. Because Android devices currently have an issue with `keydown` and `keyup` events, Eagler Mobile dynamically toggles between capturing `keydown` and `input` events. The state is saved in window.keyboardFix, and is toggled if a faulty keyboard event is detected.
- To dispatch keyboard events, Eagler Mobile requires the use of the `keyEvent` function, in order to maintain functionality for `input` event listeners. For example, typing an uppercase `h` in the chat is as simple as:
- Eagler Mobile controls can either be shown in-game or in-menu. When creating a an element you can achieve this simply by either adding the `inGame` or `inMenu` class.
- Simple gesture controls such as scrolling, single pressing, and long pressing have been implemented, however there are currently no functions provided to easily bring this functionality to other elements.
#### File uploads
- On MacOS and iOS safari, the EaglerCraft client's implementation of triggering the file selection dialog does not work. A rudimentary fix has been added for now.
- [ ]**Gamepad support**: Mapping gamepad inputs to `keyEvent`, `wheelEvent` and `mouseEvent` functions, and implenting a controllable fake cursor for menus.
- [ ]**File upload improvements**: Adding a cancel button and improving the styling
- [ ]**Dynamic enable and disable of features**: Seperating gamepad controls, touch controls, pointerlock fix, and upload fix into seperate functions which can be enabled and disabled by the user