# This is the main configuration file for Bukkit. # As you can see, there's actually not that much to configure without any plugins. # For a reference for any variable inside this file, check out the bukkit wiki at # http://wiki.bukkit.org/Bukkit.yml settings: allow-end: true warn-on-overload: true permissions-file: permissions.yml update-folder: update ping-packet-limit: 100 use-exact-login-location: false plugin-profiling: false connection-throttle: 4000 query-plugins: true deprecated-verbose: default shutdown-message: Server closed spawn-limits: monsters: 70 animals: 15 water-animals: 5 ambient: 15 chunk-gc: period-in-ticks: 600 load-threshold: 0 ticks-per: animal-spawns: 400 monster-spawns: 1 autosave: 0 auto-updater: enabled: true on-broken: - warn-console - warn-ops on-update: - warn-console - warn-ops preferred-channel: rb host: dl.bukkit.org suggest-channels: true database: username: bukkit isolation: SERIALIZABLE driver: org.sqlite.JDBC password: walrus url: jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db