package org.json; import*; import java.nio.charset.Charset; /* Public Domain. */ /** * A JSONTokener takes a source string and extracts characters and tokens from * it. It is used by the JSONObject and JSONArray constructors to parse * JSON source strings. * @author * @version 2014-05-03 */ public class JSONTokener { /** current read character position on the current line. */ private long character; /** flag to indicate if the end of the input has been found. */ private boolean eof; /** current read index of the input. */ private long index; /** current line of the input. */ private long line; /** previous character read from the input. */ private char previous; /** Reader for the input. */ private final Reader reader; /** flag to indicate that a previous character was requested. */ private boolean usePrevious; /** the number of characters read in the previous line. */ private long characterPreviousLine; /** * Construct a JSONTokener from a Reader. The caller must close the Reader. * * @param reader A reader. */ public JSONTokener(Reader reader) { this.reader = reader.markSupported() ? reader : new BufferedReader(reader); this.eof = false; this.usePrevious = false; this.previous = 0; this.index = 0; this.character = 1; this.characterPreviousLine = 0; this.line = 1; } /** * Construct a JSONTokener from an InputStream. The caller must close the input stream. * @param inputStream The source. */ public JSONTokener(InputStream inputStream) { this(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); } /** * Construct a JSONTokener from a string. * * @param s A source string. */ public JSONTokener(String s) { this(new StringReader(s)); } /** * Back up one character. This provides a sort of lookahead capability, * so that you can test for a digit or letter before attempting to parse * the next number or identifier. * @throws JSONException Thrown if trying to step back more than 1 step * or if already at the start of the string */ public void back() throws JSONException { if (this.usePrevious || this.index <= 0) { throw new JSONException("Stepping back two steps is not supported"); } this.decrementIndexes(); this.usePrevious = true; this.eof = false; } /** * Decrements the indexes for the {@link #back()} method based on the previous character read. */ private void decrementIndexes() { this.index--; if(this.previous=='\r' || this.previous == '\n') { this.line--; this.character=this.characterPreviousLine ; } else if(this.character > 0){ this.character--; } } /** * Get the hex value of a character (base16). * @param c A character between '0' and '9' or between 'A' and 'F' or * between 'a' and 'f'. * @return An int between 0 and 15, or -1 if c was not a hex digit. */ public static int dehexchar(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return c - '0'; } if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { return c - ('A' - 10); } if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return c - ('a' - 10); } return -1; } /** * Checks if the end of the input has been reached. * * @return true if at the end of the file and we didn't step back */ public boolean end() { return this.eof && !this.usePrevious; } /** * Determine if the source string still contains characters that next() * can consume. * @return true if not yet at the end of the source. * @throws JSONException thrown if there is an error stepping forward * or backward while checking for more data. */ public boolean more() throws JSONException { if(this.usePrevious) { return true; } try { this.reader.mark(1); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JSONException("Unable to preserve stream position", e); } try { // -1 is EOF, but next() can not consume the null character '\0' if( <= 0) { this.eof = true; return false; } this.reader.reset(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JSONException("Unable to read the next character from the stream", e); } return true; } /** * Get the next character in the source string. * * @return The next character, or 0 if past the end of the source string. * @throws JSONException Thrown if there is an error reading the source string. */ public char next() throws JSONException { int c; if (this.usePrevious) { this.usePrevious = false; c = this.previous; } else { try { c =; } catch (IOException exception) { throw new JSONException(exception); } } if (c <= 0) { // End of stream this.eof = true; return 0; } this.incrementIndexes(c); this.previous = (char) c; return this.previous; } /** * Get the last character read from the input or '\0' if nothing has been read yet. * @return the last character read from the input. */ protected char getPrevious() { return this.previous;} /** * Increments the internal indexes according to the previous character * read and the character passed as the current character. * @param c the current character read. */ private void incrementIndexes(int c) { if(c > 0) { this.index++; if(c=='\r') { this.line++; this.characterPreviousLine = this.character; this.character=0; }else if (c=='\n') { if(this.previous != '\r') { this.line++; this.characterPreviousLine = this.character; } this.character=0; } else { this.character++; } } } /** * Consume the next character, and check that it matches a specified * character. * @param c The character to match. * @return The character. * @throws JSONException if the character does not match. */ public char next(char c) throws JSONException { char n =; if (n != c) { if(n > 0) { throw this.syntaxError("Expected '" + c + "' and instead saw '" + n + "'"); } throw this.syntaxError("Expected '" + c + "' and instead saw ''"); } return n; } /** * Get the next n characters. * * @param n The number of characters to take. * @return A string of n characters. * @throws JSONException * Substring bounds error if there are not * n characters remaining in the source string. */ public String next(int n) throws JSONException { if (n == 0) { return ""; } char[] chars = new char[n]; int pos = 0; while (pos < n) { chars[pos] =; if (this.end()) { throw this.syntaxError("Substring bounds error"); } pos += 1; } return new String(chars); } /** * Get the next char in the string, skipping whitespace. * @throws JSONException Thrown if there is an error reading the source string. * @return A character, or 0 if there are no more characters. */ public char nextClean() throws JSONException { for (;;) { char c =; if (c == 0 || c > ' ') { return c; } } } /** * Return the characters up to the next close quote character. * Backslash processing is done. The formal JSON format does not * allow strings in single quotes, but an implementation is allowed to * accept them. * @param quote The quoting character, either * " (double quote) or * ' (single quote). * @return A String. * @throws JSONException Unterminated string. */ public String nextString(char quote) throws JSONException { char c; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (;;) { c =; switch (c) { case 0: case '\n': case '\r': throw this.syntaxError("Unterminated string"); case '\\': c =; switch (c) { case 'b': sb.append('\b'); break; case 't': sb.append('\t'); break; case 'n': sb.append('\n'); break; case 'f': sb.append('\f'); break; case 'r': sb.append('\r'); break; case 'u': try { sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt(, 16)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw this.syntaxError("Illegal escape.", e); } break; case '"': case '\'': case '\\': case '/': sb.append(c); break; default: throw this.syntaxError("Illegal escape."); } break; default: if (c == quote) { return sb.toString(); } sb.append(c); } } } /** * Get the text up but not including the specified character or the * end of line, whichever comes first. * @param delimiter A delimiter character. * @return A string. * @throws JSONException Thrown if there is an error while searching * for the delimiter */ public String nextTo(char delimiter) throws JSONException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (;;) { char c =; if (c == delimiter || c == 0 || c == '\n' || c == '\r') { if (c != 0) { this.back(); } return sb.toString().trim(); } sb.append(c); } } /** * Get the text up but not including one of the specified delimiter * characters or the end of line, whichever comes first. * @param delimiters A set of delimiter characters. * @return A string, trimmed. * @throws JSONException Thrown if there is an error while searching * for the delimiter */ public String nextTo(String delimiters) throws JSONException { char c; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (;;) { c =; if (delimiters.indexOf(c) >= 0 || c == 0 || c == '\n' || c == '\r') { if (c != 0) { this.back(); } return sb.toString().trim(); } sb.append(c); } } /** * Get the next value. The value can be a Boolean, Double, Integer, * JSONArray, JSONObject, Long, or String, or the JSONObject.NULL object. * @throws JSONException If syntax error. * * @return An object. */ public Object nextValue() throws JSONException { char c = this.nextClean(); switch (c) { case '{': this.back(); try { return new JSONObject(this); } catch (StackOverflowError e) { throw new JSONException("JSON Array or Object depth too large to process.", e); } case '[': this.back(); try { return new JSONArray(this); } catch (StackOverflowError e) { throw new JSONException("JSON Array or Object depth too large to process.", e); } } return nextSimpleValue(c); } Object nextSimpleValue(char c) { String string; switch (c) { case '"': case '\'': return this.nextString(c); } /* * Handle unquoted text. This could be the values true, false, or * null, or it can be a number. An implementation (such as this one) * is allowed to also accept non-standard forms. * * Accumulate characters until we reach the end of the text or a * formatting character. */ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (c >= ' ' && ",:]}/\\\"[{;=#".indexOf(c) < 0) { sb.append(c); c =; } if (!this.eof) { this.back(); } string = sb.toString().trim(); if ("".equals(string)) { throw this.syntaxError("Missing value"); } return JSONObject.stringToValue(string); } /** * Skip characters until the next character is the requested character. * If the requested character is not found, no characters are skipped. * @param to A character to skip to. * @return The requested character, or zero if the requested character * is not found. * @throws JSONException Thrown if there is an error while searching * for the to character */ public char skipTo(char to) throws JSONException { char c; try { long startIndex = this.index; long startCharacter = this.character; long startLine = this.line; this.reader.mark(1000000); do { c =; if (c == 0) { // in some readers, reset() may throw an exception if // the remaining portion of the input is greater than // the mark size (1,000,000 above). this.reader.reset(); this.index = startIndex; this.character = startCharacter; this.line = startLine; return 0; } } while (c != to); this.reader.mark(1); } catch (IOException exception) { throw new JSONException(exception); } this.back(); return c; } /** * Make a JSONException to signal a syntax error. * * @param message The error message. * @return A JSONException object, suitable for throwing */ public JSONException syntaxError(String message) { return new JSONException(message + this.toString()); } /** * Make a JSONException to signal a syntax error. * * @param message The error message. * @param causedBy The throwable that caused the error. * @return A JSONException object, suitable for throwing */ public JSONException syntaxError(String message, Throwable causedBy) { return new JSONException(message + this.toString(), causedBy); } /** * Make a printable string of this JSONTokener. * * @return " at {index} [character {character} line {line}]" */ @Override public String toString() { return " at " + this.index + " [character " + this.character + " line " + this.line + "]"; } /** * Closes the underlying reader, releasing any resources associated with it. * * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs while closing the reader. */ public void close() throws IOException { if(reader!=null){ reader.close(); } } }