/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Guava Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.common.base; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.format; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import com.google.common.annotations.Beta; import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible; /** * Static convenience methods that serve the same purpose as Java language * * assertions, except that they are always enabled. These methods should be * used instead of Java assertions whenever there is a chance the check may fail * "in real life". Example: * *
 * {
 * 	@code
 * 	Bill bill = remoteService.getLastUnpaidBill();
 * 	// In case bug 12345 happens again we'd rather just die
 * 	Verify.verify(bill.status() == Status.UNPAID, "Unexpected bill status: %s", bill.status());
 * }
* *

Comparison to alternatives

* *

* Note: In some cases the differences explained below can be subtle. * When it's unclear which approach to use, don't worry too much about * it; just pick something that seems reasonable and it will be fine. * *

* *

Warning about performance

* *

* Remember that parameter values for message construction must all be computed * eagerly, and autoboxing and varargs array creation may happen as well, even * when the verification succeeds and the message ends up unneeded. * Performance-sensitive verification checks should continue to use usual form: * *

 * {
 * 	@code
 * 	Bill bill = remoteService.getLastUnpaidBill();
 * 	if (bill.status() != Status.UNPAID) {
 * 		throw new VerifyException("Unexpected bill status: " + bill.status());
 * 	}
 * }
* *

Only {@code %s} is supported

* *

* As with {@link Preconditions} error message template strings, only the * {@code "%s"} specifier is supported, not the full range of * {@link java.util.Formatter} specifiers. However, note that if the number of * arguments does not match the number of occurrences of {@code "%s"} in the * format string, {@code Verify} will still behave as expected, and will still * include all argument values in the error message; the message will simply not * be formatted exactly as intended. * *

More information

* * See Conditional * failures explained in the Guava User Guide for advice on when this class * should be used. * * @since 17.0 */ @Beta @GwtCompatible public final class Verify { /** * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a * {@code VerifyException} with no message otherwise. */ public static void verify(boolean expression) { if (!expression) { throw new VerifyException(); } } /** * Ensures that {@code expression} is {@code true}, throwing a * {@code VerifyException} with a custom message otherwise. * * @param expression a boolean expression * @param errorMessageTemplate a template for the exception message should the * check fail. The message is formed by replacing * each {@code %s} placeholder in the template with * an argument. These are matched by position - the * first {@code %s} gets * {@code errorMessageArgs[0]}, etc. Unmatched * arguments will be appended to the formatted * message in square braces. Unmatched placeholders * will be left as-is. * @param errorMessageArgs the arguments to be substituted into the message * template. Arguments are converted to strings * using {@link String#valueOf(Object)}. * @throws VerifyException if {@code expression} is {@code false} */ public static void verify(boolean expression, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, @Nullable Object... errorMessageArgs) { if (!expression) { throw new VerifyException(format(errorMessageTemplate, errorMessageArgs)); } } /** * Ensures that {@code reference} is non-null, throwing a * {@code VerifyException} with a default message otherwise. * * @return {@code reference}, guaranteed to be non-null, for convenience */ public static T verifyNotNull(@Nullable T reference) { return verifyNotNull(reference, "expected a non-null reference"); } /** * Ensures that {@code reference} is non-null, throwing a * {@code VerifyException} with a custom message otherwise. * * @param errorMessageTemplate a template for the exception message should the * check fail. The message is formed by replacing * each {@code %s} placeholder in the template with * an argument. These are matched by position - the * first {@code %s} gets * {@code errorMessageArgs[0]}, etc. Unmatched * arguments will be appended to the formatted * message in square braces. Unmatched placeholders * will be left as-is. * @param errorMessageArgs the arguments to be substituted into the message * template. Arguments are converted to strings * using {@link String#valueOf(Object)}. * @return {@code reference}, guaranteed to be non-null, for convenience */ public static T verifyNotNull(@Nullable T reference, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, @Nullable Object... errorMessageArgs) { verify(reference != null, errorMessageTemplate, errorMessageArgs); return reference; } // TODO(kevinb): consider T verifySingleton(Iterable) to take over for // Iterables.getOnlyElement() private Verify() { } }