#line 2 /* * Copyright (c) 2023 lax1dude. All Rights Reserved. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ precision lowp int; precision highp float; precision highp sampler2D; precision highp sampler2DShadow; in vec2 v_position2f; layout(location = 0) out float output1f; uniform sampler2D u_gbufferDepthTexture; uniform sampler2DShadow u_sunShadowDepthTexture; uniform sampler2D u_ditherTexture; uniform mat4 u_inverseViewProjMatrix4f; uniform vec2 u_ditherScale2f; uniform vec3 u_eyePosition3f; uniform float u_sampleStep1f; #define SAMPLES_PER_STEP 8.0 #define SAMPLES_PER_STEP_1 0.125 #ifdef COMPILE_SUN_SHADOW_LOD0 uniform mat4 u_sunShadowMatrixLOD04f; #define SUN_SHADOW_MAP_FRAC 1.0 #endif #ifdef COMPILE_SUN_SHADOW_LOD1 uniform mat4 u_sunShadowMatrixLOD04f; uniform mat4 u_sunShadowMatrixLOD14f; #define SUN_SHADOW_MAP_FRAC 0.5 #endif #ifdef COMPILE_SUN_SHADOW_LOD2 uniform mat4 u_sunShadowMatrixLOD04f; uniform mat4 u_sunShadowMatrixLOD14f; uniform mat4 u_sunShadowMatrixLOD24f; #define SUN_SHADOW_MAP_FRAC 0.3333333 #endif float shadow(in vec3 coords) { vec4 shadowSpacePosition = u_sunShadowMatrixLOD04f * vec4(coords, 1.0); if(shadowSpacePosition.xyz == clamp(shadowSpacePosition.xyz, vec3(0.005), vec3(0.995))) { shadowSpacePosition.y *= SUN_SHADOW_MAP_FRAC; return textureLod(u_sunShadowDepthTexture, shadowSpacePosition.xyz, 0.0); } #if defined(COMPILE_SUN_SHADOW_LOD1) || defined(COMPILE_SUN_SHADOW_LOD2) shadowSpacePosition = u_sunShadowMatrixLOD14f * vec4(coords, 1.0); if(shadowSpacePosition.xyz == clamp(shadowSpacePosition.xyz, vec3(0.005), vec3(0.995))) { shadowSpacePosition.y += 1.0; shadowSpacePosition.y *= SUN_SHADOW_MAP_FRAC; return textureLod(u_sunShadowDepthTexture, shadowSpacePosition.xyz, 0.0); } #endif #ifdef COMPILE_SUN_SHADOW_LOD2 shadowSpacePosition = u_sunShadowMatrixLOD24f * vec4(coords, 1.0); if(shadowSpacePosition.xyz == clamp(shadowSpacePosition.xyz, vec3(0.005), vec3(0.995))) { shadowSpacePosition.y += 2.0; shadowSpacePosition.y *= SUN_SHADOW_MAP_FRAC; return textureLod(u_sunShadowDepthTexture, shadowSpacePosition.xyz, 0.0); } #endif return -1.0; } #define STEP2DST(stepNum) (stepNum * stepNum * 0.06 + stepNum * 0.05) void main() { output1f = 0.0; float depth = textureLod(u_gbufferDepthTexture, v_position2f, 0.0).r; if(depth < 0.00001) { return; } vec4 fragPos4f = vec4(v_position2f, depth, 1.0); fragPos4f.xyz *= 2.0; fragPos4f.xyz -= 1.0; fragPos4f = u_inverseViewProjMatrix4f * fragPos4f; fragPos4f.xyz /= fragPos4f.w; fragPos4f.w = 1.0; fragPos4f.xyz -= u_eyePosition3f; float viewDist = length(fragPos4f.xyz); fragPos4f.xyz /= viewDist; float sampleNum = textureLod(u_ditherTexture, u_ditherScale2f * v_position2f, 0.0).r; sampleNum += u_sampleStep1f * SAMPLES_PER_STEP + 1.0; float cloudSample = STEP2DST(sampleNum); if(cloudSample > viewDist) return; cloudSample = shadow(u_eyePosition3f + fragPos4f.xyz * cloudSample); if(cloudSample < 0.0) return; output1f += cloudSample * SAMPLES_PER_STEP_1; sampleNum += 1.0; cloudSample = STEP2DST(sampleNum); if(cloudSample > viewDist) return; cloudSample = shadow(u_eyePosition3f + fragPos4f.xyz * cloudSample); if(cloudSample < 0.0) return; output1f += cloudSample * SAMPLES_PER_STEP_1; sampleNum += 1.0; cloudSample = STEP2DST(sampleNum); if(cloudSample > viewDist) return; cloudSample = shadow(u_eyePosition3f + fragPos4f.xyz * cloudSample); if(cloudSample < 0.0) return; output1f += cloudSample * SAMPLES_PER_STEP_1; sampleNum += 1.0; cloudSample = STEP2DST(sampleNum); if(cloudSample > viewDist) return; cloudSample = shadow(u_eyePosition3f + fragPos4f.xyz * cloudSample); if(cloudSample < 0.0) return; output1f += cloudSample * SAMPLES_PER_STEP_1; sampleNum += 1.0; cloudSample = STEP2DST(sampleNum); if(cloudSample > viewDist) return; cloudSample = shadow(u_eyePosition3f + fragPos4f.xyz * cloudSample); if(cloudSample < 0.0) return; output1f += cloudSample * SAMPLES_PER_STEP_1; sampleNum += 1.0; cloudSample = STEP2DST(sampleNum); if(cloudSample > viewDist) return; cloudSample = shadow(u_eyePosition3f + fragPos4f.xyz * cloudSample); if(cloudSample < 0.0) return; output1f += cloudSample * SAMPLES_PER_STEP_1; sampleNum += 1.0; cloudSample = STEP2DST(sampleNum); if(cloudSample > viewDist) return; cloudSample = shadow(u_eyePosition3f + fragPos4f.xyz * cloudSample); if(cloudSample < 0.0) return; output1f += cloudSample * SAMPLES_PER_STEP_1; sampleNum += 1.0; cloudSample = STEP2DST(sampleNum); if(cloudSample > viewDist) return; cloudSample = shadow(u_eyePosition3f + fragPos4f.xyz * cloudSample); if(cloudSample < 0.0) return; output1f += cloudSample * SAMPLES_PER_STEP_1; }