package org.json; /* Public Domain. */ import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs. Its external * form is a string wrapped in curly braces with colons between the names and * values, and commas between the values and names. The internal form is an * object having get and opt methods for accessing * the values by name, and put methods for adding or replacing * values by name. The values can be any of these types: Boolean, * JSONArray, JSONObject, Number, * String, or the JSONObject.NULL object. A * JSONObject constructor can be used to convert an external form JSON text * into an internal form whose values can be retrieved with the * get and opt methods, or to convert values into a * JSON text using the put and toString methods. A * get method returns a value if one can be found, and throws an * exception if one cannot be found. An opt method returns a * default value instead of throwing an exception, and so is useful for * obtaining optional values. *

* The generic get() and opt() methods return an * object, which you can cast or query for type. There are also typed * get and opt methods that do type checking and type * coercion for you. The opt methods differ from the get methods in that they * do not throw. Instead, they return a specified value, such as null. *

* The put methods add or replace values in an object. For * example, * *

 * myString = new JSONObject()
 *         .put("JSON", "Hello, World!").toString();
* * produces the string {"JSON": "Hello, World"}. *

* The texts produced by the toString methods strictly conform to * the JSON syntax rules. The constructors are more forgiving in the texts they * will accept: *

* * @author * @version 2016-08-15 */ public class JSONObject { /** * JSONObject.NULL is equivalent to the value that JavaScript calls null, * whilst Java's null is equivalent to the value that JavaScript calls * undefined. */ private static final class Null { /** * There is only intended to be a single instance of the NULL object, * so the clone method returns itself. * * @return NULL. */ @Override protected final Object clone() { return this; } /** * A Null object is equal to the null value and to itself. * * @param object * An object to test for nullness. * @return true if the object parameter is the JSONObject.NULL object or * null. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("lgtm[java/unchecked-cast-in-equals]") public boolean equals(Object object) { return object == null || object == this; } /** * A Null object is equal to the null value and to itself. * * @return always returns 0. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return 0; } /** * Get the "null" string value. * * @return The string "null". */ @Override public String toString() { return "null"; } } /** * Regular Expression Pattern that matches JSON Numbers. This is primarily used for * output to guarantee that we are always writing valid JSON. */ static final Pattern NUMBER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("-?(?:0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:\\.\\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?"); /** * The map where the JSONObject's properties are kept. */ private final Map map; /** * Retrieves the type of the underlying Map in this class. * * @return The class object representing the type of the underlying Map. */ public Class getMapType() { return map.getClass(); } /** * It is sometimes more convenient and less ambiguous to have a * NULL object than to use Java's null value. * JSONObject.NULL.equals(null) returns true. * JSONObject.NULL.toString() returns "null". */ public static final Object NULL = new Null(); /** * Construct an empty JSONObject. */ public JSONObject() { // HashMap is used on purpose to ensure that elements are unordered by // the specification. // JSON tends to be a portable transfer format to allows the container // implementations to rearrange their items for a faster element // retrieval based on associative access. // Therefore, an implementation mustn't rely on the order of the item. = new HashMap(); } /** * Construct a JSONObject from a subset of another JSONObject. An array of * strings is used to identify the keys that should be copied. Missing keys * are ignored. * * @param jo * A JSONObject. * @param names * An array of strings. */ public JSONObject(JSONObject jo, String ... names) { this(names.length); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i += 1) { try { this.putOnce(names[i], jo.opt(names[i])); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } /** * Construct a JSONObject from a JSONTokener. * * @param x * A JSONTokener object containing the source string. * @throws JSONException * If there is a syntax error in the source string or a * duplicated key. */ public JSONObject(JSONTokener x) throws JSONException { this(); char c; String key; if (x.nextClean() != '{') { throw x.syntaxError("A JSONObject text must begin with '{'"); } for (;;) { c = x.nextClean(); switch (c) { case 0: throw x.syntaxError("A JSONObject text must end with '}'"); case '}': return; default: key = x.nextSimpleValue(c).toString(); } // The key is followed by ':'. c = x.nextClean(); if (c != ':') { throw x.syntaxError("Expected a ':' after a key"); } // Use syntaxError(..) to include error location if (key != null) { // Check if key exists if (this.opt(key) != null) { // key already exists throw x.syntaxError("Duplicate key \"" + key + "\""); } // Only add value if non-null Object value = x.nextValue(); if (value!=null) { this.put(key, value); } } // Pairs are separated by ','. switch (x.nextClean()) { case ';': case ',': if (x.nextClean() == '}') { return; } if (x.end()) { throw x.syntaxError("A JSONObject text must end with '}'"); } x.back(); break; case '}': return; default: throw x.syntaxError("Expected a ',' or '}'"); } } } /** * Construct a JSONObject from a Map. * * @param m * A map object that can be used to initialize the contents of * the JSONObject. * @throws JSONException * If a value in the map is non-finite number. * @throws NullPointerException * If a key in the map is null */ public JSONObject(Map m) { this(m, 0, new JSONParserConfiguration()); } /** * Construct a JSONObject from a Map with custom json parse configurations. * * @param m * A map object that can be used to initialize the contents of * the JSONObject. * @param jsonParserConfiguration * Variable to pass parser custom configuration for json parsing. */ public JSONObject(Map m, JSONParserConfiguration jsonParserConfiguration) { this(m, 0, jsonParserConfiguration); } /** * Construct a JSONObject from a map with recursion depth. * */ private JSONObject(Map m, int recursionDepth, JSONParserConfiguration jsonParserConfiguration) { if (recursionDepth > jsonParserConfiguration.getMaxNestingDepth()) { throw new JSONException("JSONObject has reached recursion depth limit of " + jsonParserConfiguration.getMaxNestingDepth()); } if (m == null) { = new HashMap(); } else { = new HashMap(m.size()); for (final Entry e : m.entrySet()) { if(e.getKey() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null key."); } final Object value = e.getValue(); if (value != null) { testValidity(value);, wrap(value, recursionDepth + 1, jsonParserConfiguration)); } } } } /** * Construct a JSONObject from an Object using bean getters. It reflects on * all of the public methods of the object. For each of the methods with no * parameters and a name starting with "get" or * "is" followed by an uppercase letter, the method is invoked, * and a key and the value returned from the getter method are put into the * new JSONObject. *

* The key is formed by removing the "get" or "is" * prefix. If the second remaining character is not upper case, then the * first character is converted to lower case. *

* Methods that are static, return void, * have parameters, or are "bridge" methods, are ignored. *

* For example, if an object has a method named "getName", and * if the result of calling object.getName() is * "Larry Fine", then the JSONObject will contain * "name": "Larry Fine". *

* The {@link JSONPropertyName} annotation can be used on a bean getter to * override key name used in the JSONObject. For example, using the object * above with the getName method, if we annotated it with: *

     * @JSONPropertyName("FullName")
     * public String getName() { return; }
* The resulting JSON object would contain "FullName": "Larry Fine" *

* Similarly, the {@link JSONPropertyName} annotation can be used on non- * get and is methods. We can also override key * name used in the JSONObject as seen below even though the field would normally * be ignored: *

     * @JSONPropertyName("FullName")
     * public String fullName() { return; }
* The resulting JSON object would contain "FullName": "Larry Fine" *

* The {@link JSONPropertyIgnore} annotation can be used to force the bean property * to not be serialized into JSON. If both {@link JSONPropertyIgnore} and * {@link JSONPropertyName} are defined on the same method, a depth comparison is * performed and the one closest to the concrete class being serialized is used. * If both annotations are at the same level, then the {@link JSONPropertyIgnore} * annotation takes precedent and the field is not serialized. * For example, the following declaration would prevent the getName * method from being serialized: *

     * @JSONPropertyName("FullName")
     * @JSONPropertyIgnore
     * public String getName() { return; }
* * @param bean * An object that has getter methods that should be used to make * a JSONObject. * @throws JSONException * If a getter returned a non-finite number. */ public JSONObject(Object bean) { this(); this.populateMap(bean); } private JSONObject(Object bean, Set objectsRecord) { this(); this.populateMap(bean, objectsRecord); } /** * Construct a JSONObject from an Object, using reflection to find the * public members. The resulting JSONObject's keys will be the strings from * the names array, and the values will be the field values associated with * those keys in the object. If a key is not found or not visible, then it * will not be copied into the new JSONObject. * * @param object * An object that has fields that should be used to make a * JSONObject. * @param names * An array of strings, the names of the fields to be obtained * from the object. */ public JSONObject(Object object, String ... names) { this(names.length); Class c = object.getClass(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i += 1) { String name = names[i]; try { this.putOpt(name, c.getField(name).get(object)); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } /** * Construct a JSONObject from a source JSON text string. This is the most * commonly used JSONObject constructor. * * @param source * A string beginning with { (left * brace) and ending with } *  (right brace). * @exception JSONException * If there is a syntax error in the source string or a * duplicated key. */ public JSONObject(String source) throws JSONException { this(new JSONTokener(source)); } /** * Construct a JSONObject from a ResourceBundle. * * @param baseName * The ResourceBundle base name. * @param locale * The Locale to load the ResourceBundle for. * @throws JSONException * If any JSONExceptions are detected. */ public JSONObject(String baseName, Locale locale) throws JSONException { this(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(baseName, locale, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); // Iterate through the keys in the bundle. Enumeration keys = bundle.getKeys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Object key = keys.nextElement(); if (key != null) { // Go through the path, ensuring that there is a nested JSONObject for each // segment except the last. Add the value using the last segment's name into // the deepest nested JSONObject. String[] path = ((String) key).split("\\."); int last = path.length - 1; JSONObject target = this; for (int i = 0; i < last; i += 1) { String segment = path[i]; JSONObject nextTarget = target.optJSONObject(segment); if (nextTarget == null) { nextTarget = new JSONObject(); target.put(segment, nextTarget); } target = nextTarget; } target.put(path[last], bundle.getString((String) key)); } } } /** * Constructor to specify an initial capacity of the internal map. Useful for library * internal calls where we know, or at least can best guess, how big this JSONObject * will be. * * @param initialCapacity initial capacity of the internal map. */ protected JSONObject(int initialCapacity){ = new HashMap(initialCapacity); } /** * Accumulate values under a key. It is similar to the put method except * that if there is already an object stored under the key then a JSONArray * is stored under the key to hold all of the accumulated values. If there * is already a JSONArray, then the new value is appended to it. In * contrast, the put method replaces the previous value. * * If only one value is accumulated that is not a JSONArray, then the result * will be the same as using put. But if multiple values are accumulated, * then the result will be like append. * * @param key * A key string. * @param value * An object to be accumulated under the key. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the value is non-finite number. * @throws NullPointerException * If the key is null. */ public JSONObject accumulate(String key, Object value) throws JSONException { testValidity(value); Object object = this.opt(key); if (object == null) { this.put(key, value instanceof JSONArray ? new JSONArray().put(value) : value); } else if (object instanceof JSONArray) { ((JSONArray) object).put(value); } else { this.put(key, new JSONArray().put(object).put(value)); } return this; } /** * Append values to the array under a key. If the key does not exist in the * JSONObject, then the key is put in the JSONObject with its value being a * JSONArray containing the value parameter. If the key was already * associated with a JSONArray, then the value parameter is appended to it. * * @param key * A key string. * @param value * An object to be accumulated under the key. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the value is non-finite number or if the current value associated with * the key is not a JSONArray. * @throws NullPointerException * If the key is null. */ public JSONObject append(String key, Object value) throws JSONException { testValidity(value); Object object = this.opt(key); if (object == null) { this.put(key, new JSONArray().put(value)); } else if (object instanceof JSONArray) { this.put(key, ((JSONArray) object).put(value)); } else { throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "JSONArray", null, null); } return this; } /** * Produce a string from a double. The string "null" will be returned if the * number is not finite. * * @param d * A double. * @return A String. */ public static String doubleToString(double d) { if (Double.isInfinite(d) || Double.isNaN(d)) { return "null"; } // Shave off trailing zeros and decimal point, if possible. String string = Double.toString(d); if (string.indexOf('.') > 0 && string.indexOf('e') < 0 && string.indexOf('E') < 0) { while (string.endsWith("0")) { string = string.substring(0, string.length() - 1); } if (string.endsWith(".")) { string = string.substring(0, string.length() - 1); } } return string; } /** * Get the value object associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return The object associated with the key. * @throws JSONException * if the key is not found. */ public Object get(String key) throws JSONException { if (key == null) { throw new JSONException("Null key."); } Object object = this.opt(key); if (object == null) { throw new JSONException("JSONObject[" + quote(key) + "] not found."); } return object; } /** * Get the enum value associated with a key. * * @param * Enum Type * @param clazz * The type of enum to retrieve. * @param key * A key string. * @return The enum value associated with the key * @throws JSONException * if the key is not found or if the value cannot be converted * to an enum. */ public > E getEnum(Class clazz, String key) throws JSONException { E val = optEnum(clazz, key); if(val==null) { // JSONException should really take a throwable argument. // If it did, I would re-implement this with the Enum.valueOf // method and place any thrown exception in the JSONException throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "enum of type " + quote(clazz.getSimpleName()), opt(key), null); } return val; } /** * Get the boolean value associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return The truth. * @throws JSONException * if the value is not a Boolean or the String "true" or * "false". */ public boolean getBoolean(String key) throws JSONException { Object object = this.get(key); if (object.equals(Boolean.FALSE) || (object instanceof String && ((String) object) .equalsIgnoreCase("false"))) { return false; } else if (object.equals(Boolean.TRUE) || (object instanceof String && ((String) object) .equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) { return true; } throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "Boolean", object, null); } /** * Get the BigInteger value associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return The numeric value. * @throws JSONException * if the key is not found or if the value cannot * be converted to BigInteger. */ public BigInteger getBigInteger(String key) throws JSONException { Object object = this.get(key); BigInteger ret = objectToBigInteger(object, null); if (ret != null) { return ret; } throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "BigInteger", object, null); } /** * Get the BigDecimal value associated with a key. If the value is float or * double, the {@link BigDecimal#BigDecimal(double)} constructor will * be used. See notes on the constructor for conversion issues that may * arise. * * @param key * A key string. * @return The numeric value. * @throws JSONException * if the key is not found or if the value * cannot be converted to BigDecimal. */ public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String key) throws JSONException { Object object = this.get(key); BigDecimal ret = objectToBigDecimal(object, null); if (ret != null) { return ret; } throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "BigDecimal", object, null); } /** * Get the double value associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return The numeric value. * @throws JSONException * if the key is not found or if the value is not a Number * object and cannot be converted to a number. */ public double getDouble(String key) throws JSONException { final Object object = this.get(key); if(object instanceof Number) { return ((Number)object).doubleValue(); } try { return Double.parseDouble(object.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "double", object, e); } } /** * Get the float value associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return The numeric value. * @throws JSONException * if the key is not found or if the value is not a Number * object and cannot be converted to a number. */ public float getFloat(String key) throws JSONException { final Object object = this.get(key); if(object instanceof Number) { return ((Number)object).floatValue(); } try { return Float.parseFloat(object.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "float", object, e); } } /** * Get the Number value associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return The numeric value. * @throws JSONException * if the key is not found or if the value is not a Number * object and cannot be converted to a number. */ public Number getNumber(String key) throws JSONException { Object object = this.get(key); try { if (object instanceof Number) { return (Number)object; } return stringToNumber(object.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "number", object, e); } } /** * Get the int value associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return The integer value. * @throws JSONException * if the key is not found or if the value cannot be converted * to an integer. */ public int getInt(String key) throws JSONException { final Object object = this.get(key); if(object instanceof Number) { return ((Number)object).intValue(); } try { return Integer.parseInt(object.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "int", object, e); } } /** * Get the JSONArray value associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return A JSONArray which is the value. * @throws JSONException * if the key is not found or if the value is not a JSONArray. */ public JSONArray getJSONArray(String key) throws JSONException { Object object = this.get(key); if (object instanceof JSONArray) { return (JSONArray) object; } throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "JSONArray", object, null); } /** * Get the JSONObject value associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return A JSONObject which is the value. * @throws JSONException * if the key is not found or if the value is not a JSONObject. */ public JSONObject getJSONObject(String key) throws JSONException { Object object = this.get(key); if (object instanceof JSONObject) { return (JSONObject) object; } throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "JSONObject", object, null); } /** * Get the long value associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return The long value. * @throws JSONException * if the key is not found or if the value cannot be converted * to a long. */ public long getLong(String key) throws JSONException { final Object object = this.get(key); if(object instanceof Number) { return ((Number)object).longValue(); } try { return Long.parseLong(object.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "long", object, e); } } /** * Get an array of field names from a JSONObject. * * @param jo * JSON object * @return An array of field names, or null if there are no names. */ public static String[] getNames(JSONObject jo) { if (jo.isEmpty()) { return null; } return jo.keySet().toArray(new String[jo.length()]); } /** * Get an array of public field names from an Object. * * @param object * object to read * @return An array of field names, or null if there are no names. */ public static String[] getNames(Object object) { if (object == null) { return null; } Class klass = object.getClass(); Field[] fields = klass.getFields(); int length = fields.length; if (length == 0) { return null; } String[] names = new String[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { names[i] = fields[i].getName(); } return names; } /** * Get the string associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return A string which is the value. * @throws JSONException * if there is no string value for the key. */ public String getString(String key) throws JSONException { Object object = this.get(key); if (object instanceof String) { return (String) object; } throw wrongValueFormatException(key, "string", object, null); } /** * Determine if the JSONObject contains a specific key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return true if the key exists in the JSONObject. */ public boolean has(String key) { return; } /** * Increment a property of a JSONObject. If there is no such property, * create one with a value of 1 (Integer). If there is such a property, and if it is * an Integer, Long, Double, Float, BigInteger, or BigDecimal then add one to it. * No overflow bounds checking is performed, so callers should initialize the key * prior to this call with an appropriate type that can handle the maximum expected * value. * * @param key * A key string. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If there is already a property with this name that is not an * Integer, Long, Double, or Float. */ public JSONObject increment(String key) throws JSONException { Object value = this.opt(key); if (value == null) { this.put(key, 1); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { this.put(key, ((Integer) value).intValue() + 1); } else if (value instanceof Long) { this.put(key, ((Long) value).longValue() + 1L); } else if (value instanceof BigInteger) { this.put(key, ((BigInteger)value).add(BigInteger.ONE)); } else if (value instanceof Float) { this.put(key, ((Float) value).floatValue() + 1.0f); } else if (value instanceof Double) { this.put(key, ((Double) value).doubleValue() + 1.0d); } else if (value instanceof BigDecimal) { this.put(key, ((BigDecimal)value).add(BigDecimal.ONE)); } else { throw new JSONException("Unable to increment [" + quote(key) + "]."); } return this; } /** * Determine if the value associated with the key is null or if there is no * value. * * @param key * A key string. * @return true if there is no value associated with the key or if the value * is the JSONObject.NULL object. */ public boolean isNull(String key) { return JSONObject.NULL.equals(this.opt(key)); } /** * Get an enumeration of the keys of the JSONObject. Modifying this key Set will also * modify the JSONObject. Use with caution. * * @see Set#iterator() * * @return An iterator of the keys. */ public Iterator keys() { return this.keySet().iterator(); } /** * Get a set of keys of the JSONObject. Modifying this key Set will also modify the * JSONObject. Use with caution. * * @see Map#keySet() * * @return A keySet. */ public Set keySet() { return; } /** * Get a set of entries of the JSONObject. These are raw values and may not * match what is returned by the JSONObject get* and opt* functions. Modifying * the returned EntrySet or the Entry objects contained therein will modify the * backing JSONObject. This does not return a clone or a read-only view. * * Use with caution. * * @see Map#entrySet() * * @return An Entry Set */ protected Set> entrySet() { return; } /** * Get the number of keys stored in the JSONObject. * * @return The number of keys in the JSONObject. */ public int length() { return; } /** * Removes all of the elements from this JSONObject. * The JSONObject will be empty after this call returns. */ public void clear() {; } /** * Check if JSONObject is empty. * * @return true if JSONObject is empty, otherwise false. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return; } /** * Produce a JSONArray containing the names of the elements of this * JSONObject. * * @return A JSONArray containing the key strings, or null if the JSONObject * is empty. */ public JSONArray names() { if( { return null; } return new JSONArray(; } /** * Produce a string from a Number. * * @param number * A Number * @return A String. * @throws JSONException * If n is a non-finite number. */ public static String numberToString(Number number) throws JSONException { if (number == null) { throw new JSONException("Null pointer"); } testValidity(number); // Shave off trailing zeros and decimal point, if possible. String string = number.toString(); if (string.indexOf('.') > 0 && string.indexOf('e') < 0 && string.indexOf('E') < 0) { while (string.endsWith("0")) { string = string.substring(0, string.length() - 1); } if (string.endsWith(".")) { string = string.substring(0, string.length() - 1); } } return string; } /** * Get an optional value associated with a key. * * @param key * A key string. * @return An object which is the value, or null if there is no value. */ public Object opt(String key) { return key == null ? null :; } /** * Get the enum value associated with a key. * * @param * Enum Type * @param clazz * The type of enum to retrieve. * @param key * A key string. * @return The enum value associated with the key or null if not found */ public > E optEnum(Class clazz, String key) { return this.optEnum(clazz, key, null); } /** * Get the enum value associated with a key. * * @param * Enum Type * @param clazz * The type of enum to retrieve. * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default in case the value is not found * @return The enum value associated with the key or defaultValue * if the value is not found or cannot be assigned to clazz */ public > E optEnum(Class clazz, String key, E defaultValue) { try { Object val = this.opt(key); if (NULL.equals(val)) { return defaultValue; } if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(val.getClass())) { // we just checked it! @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E myE = (E) val; return myE; } return Enum.valueOf(clazz, val.toString()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return defaultValue; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Get an optional boolean associated with a key. It returns false if there * is no such key, or if the value is not Boolean.TRUE or the String "true". * * @param key * A key string. * @return The truth. */ public boolean optBoolean(String key) { return this.optBoolean(key, false); } /** * Get an optional boolean associated with a key. It returns the * defaultValue if there is no such key, or if it is not a Boolean or the * String "true" or "false" (case insensitive). * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return The truth. */ public boolean optBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue) { Object val = this.opt(key); if (NULL.equals(val)) { return defaultValue; } if (val instanceof Boolean){ return ((Boolean) val).booleanValue(); } try { // we'll use the get anyway because it does string conversion. return this.getBoolean(key); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Get an optional boolean object associated with a key. It returns false if there * is no such key, or if the value is not Boolean.TRUE or the String "true". * * @param key * A key string. * @return The truth. */ public Boolean optBooleanObject(String key) { return this.optBooleanObject(key, false); } /** * Get an optional boolean object associated with a key. It returns the * defaultValue if there is no such key, or if it is not a Boolean or the * String "true" or "false" (case insensitive). * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return The truth. */ public Boolean optBooleanObject(String key, Boolean defaultValue) { Object val = this.opt(key); if (NULL.equals(val)) { return defaultValue; } if (val instanceof Boolean){ return ((Boolean) val).booleanValue(); } try { // we'll use the get anyway because it does string conversion. return this.getBoolean(key); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Get an optional BigDecimal associated with a key, or the defaultValue if * there is no such key or if its value is not a number. If the value is a * string, an attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. If the value * is float or double, then the {@link BigDecimal#BigDecimal(double)} * constructor will be used. See notes on the constructor for conversion * issues that may arise. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return An object which is the value. */ public BigDecimal optBigDecimal(String key, BigDecimal defaultValue) { Object val = this.opt(key); return objectToBigDecimal(val, defaultValue); } /** * @param val value to convert * @param defaultValue default value to return is the conversion doesn't work or is null. * @return BigDecimal conversion of the original value, or the defaultValue if unable * to convert. */ static BigDecimal objectToBigDecimal(Object val, BigDecimal defaultValue) { return objectToBigDecimal(val, defaultValue, true); } /** * @param val value to convert * @param defaultValue default value to return is the conversion doesn't work or is null. * @param exact When true, then {@link Double} and {@link Float} values will be converted exactly. * When false, they will be converted to {@link String} values before converting to {@link BigDecimal}. * @return BigDecimal conversion of the original value, or the defaultValue if unable * to convert. */ static BigDecimal objectToBigDecimal(Object val, BigDecimal defaultValue, boolean exact) { if (NULL.equals(val)) { return defaultValue; } if (val instanceof BigDecimal){ return (BigDecimal) val; } if (val instanceof BigInteger){ return new BigDecimal((BigInteger) val); } if (val instanceof Double || val instanceof Float){ if (!numberIsFinite((Number)val)) { return defaultValue; } if (exact) { return new BigDecimal(((Number)val).doubleValue()); } // use the string constructor so that we maintain "nice" values for doubles and floats // the double constructor will translate doubles to "exact" values instead of the likely // intended representation return new BigDecimal(val.toString()); } if (val instanceof Long || val instanceof Integer || val instanceof Short || val instanceof Byte){ return new BigDecimal(((Number) val).longValue()); } // don't check if it's a string in case of unchecked Number subclasses try { return new BigDecimal(val.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Get an optional BigInteger associated with a key, or the defaultValue if * there is no such key or if its value is not a number. If the value is a * string, an attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return An object which is the value. */ public BigInteger optBigInteger(String key, BigInteger defaultValue) { Object val = this.opt(key); return objectToBigInteger(val, defaultValue); } /** * @param val value to convert * @param defaultValue default value to return is the conversion doesn't work or is null. * @return BigInteger conversion of the original value, or the defaultValue if unable * to convert. */ static BigInteger objectToBigInteger(Object val, BigInteger defaultValue) { if (NULL.equals(val)) { return defaultValue; } if (val instanceof BigInteger){ return (BigInteger) val; } if (val instanceof BigDecimal){ return ((BigDecimal) val).toBigInteger(); } if (val instanceof Double || val instanceof Float){ if (!numberIsFinite((Number)val)) { return defaultValue; } return new BigDecimal(((Number) val).doubleValue()).toBigInteger(); } if (val instanceof Long || val instanceof Integer || val instanceof Short || val instanceof Byte){ return BigInteger.valueOf(((Number) val).longValue()); } // don't check if it's a string in case of unchecked Number subclasses try { // the other opt functions handle implicit conversions, i.e. // jo.put("double",1.1d); // jo.optInt("double"); -- will return 1, not an error // this conversion to BigDecimal then to BigInteger is to maintain // that type cast support that may truncate the decimal. final String valStr = val.toString(); if(isDecimalNotation(valStr)) { return new BigDecimal(valStr).toBigInteger(); } return new BigInteger(valStr); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Get an optional double associated with a key, or NaN if there is no such * key or if its value is not a number. If the value is a string, an attempt * will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A string which is the key. * @return An object which is the value. */ public double optDouble(String key) { return this.optDouble(key, Double.NaN); } /** * Get an optional double associated with a key, or the defaultValue if * there is no such key or if its value is not a number. If the value is a * string, an attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return An object which is the value. */ public double optDouble(String key, double defaultValue) { Number val = this.optNumber(key); if (val == null) { return defaultValue; } return val.doubleValue(); } /** * Get an optional Double object associated with a key, or NaN if there is no such * key or if its value is not a number. If the value is a string, an attempt * will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A string which is the key. * @return An object which is the value. */ public Double optDoubleObject(String key) { return this.optDoubleObject(key, Double.NaN); } /** * Get an optional Double object associated with a key, or the defaultValue if * there is no such key or if its value is not a number. If the value is a * string, an attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return An object which is the value. */ public Double optDoubleObject(String key, Double defaultValue) { Number val = this.optNumber(key); if (val == null) { return defaultValue; } return val.doubleValue(); } /** * Get the optional float value associated with an index. NaN is returned * if there is no value for the index, or if the value is not a number and * cannot be converted to a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @return The value. */ public float optFloat(String key) { return this.optFloat(key, Float.NaN); } /** * Get the optional float value associated with an index. The defaultValue * is returned if there is no value for the index, or if the value is not a * number and cannot be converted to a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default value. * @return The value. */ public float optFloat(String key, float defaultValue) { Number val = this.optNumber(key); if (val == null) { return defaultValue; } final float floatValue = val.floatValue(); // if (Float.isNaN(floatValue) || Float.isInfinite(floatValue)) { // return defaultValue; // } return floatValue; } /** * Get the optional Float object associated with an index. NaN is returned * if there is no value for the index, or if the value is not a number and * cannot be converted to a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @return The object. */ public Float optFloatObject(String key) { return this.optFloatObject(key, Float.NaN); } /** * Get the optional Float object associated with an index. The defaultValue * is returned if there is no value for the index, or if the value is not a * number and cannot be converted to a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default object. * @return The object. */ public Float optFloatObject(String key, Float defaultValue) { Number val = this.optNumber(key); if (val == null) { return defaultValue; } final Float floatValue = val.floatValue(); // if (Float.isNaN(floatValue) || Float.isInfinite(floatValue)) { // return defaultValue; // } return floatValue; } /** * Get an optional int value associated with a key, or zero if there is no * such key or if the value is not a number. If the value is a string, an * attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @return An object which is the value. */ public int optInt(String key) { return this.optInt(key, 0); } /** * Get an optional int value associated with a key, or the default if there * is no such key or if the value is not a number. If the value is a string, * an attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return An object which is the value. */ public int optInt(String key, int defaultValue) { final Number val = this.optNumber(key, null); if (val == null) { return defaultValue; } return val.intValue(); } /** * Get an optional Integer object associated with a key, or zero if there is no * such key or if the value is not a number. If the value is a string, an * attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @return An object which is the value. */ public Integer optIntegerObject(String key) { return this.optIntegerObject(key, 0); } /** * Get an optional Integer object associated with a key, or the default if there * is no such key or if the value is not a number. If the value is a string, * an attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return An object which is the value. */ public Integer optIntegerObject(String key, Integer defaultValue) { final Number val = this.optNumber(key, null); if (val == null) { return defaultValue; } return val.intValue(); } /** * Get an optional JSONArray associated with a key. It returns null if there * is no such key, or if its value is not a JSONArray. * * @param key * A key string. * @return A JSONArray which is the value. */ public JSONArray optJSONArray(String key) { return this.optJSONArray(key, null); } /** * Get an optional JSONArray associated with a key, or the default if there * is no such key, or if its value is not a JSONArray. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return A JSONArray which is the value. */ public JSONArray optJSONArray(String key, JSONArray defaultValue) { Object object = this.opt(key); return object instanceof JSONArray ? (JSONArray) object : defaultValue; } /** * Get an optional JSONObject associated with a key. It returns null if * there is no such key, or if its value is not a JSONObject. * * @param key * A key string. * @return A JSONObject which is the value. */ public JSONObject optJSONObject(String key) { return this.optJSONObject(key, null); } /** * Get an optional JSONObject associated with a key, or the default if there * is no such key or if the value is not a JSONObject. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return An JSONObject which is the value. */ public JSONObject optJSONObject(String key, JSONObject defaultValue) { Object object = this.opt(key); return object instanceof JSONObject ? (JSONObject) object : defaultValue; } /** * Get an optional long value associated with a key, or zero if there is no * such key or if the value is not a number. If the value is a string, an * attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @return An object which is the value. */ public long optLong(String key) { return this.optLong(key, 0); } /** * Get an optional long value associated with a key, or the default if there * is no such key or if the value is not a number. If the value is a string, * an attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return An object which is the value. */ public long optLong(String key, long defaultValue) { final Number val = this.optNumber(key, null); if (val == null) { return defaultValue; } return val.longValue(); } /** * Get an optional Long object associated with a key, or zero if there is no * such key or if the value is not a number. If the value is a string, an * attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @return An object which is the value. */ public Long optLongObject(String key) { return this.optLongObject(key, 0L); } /** * Get an optional Long object associated with a key, or the default if there * is no such key or if the value is not a number. If the value is a string, * an attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return An object which is the value. */ public Long optLongObject(String key, Long defaultValue) { final Number val = this.optNumber(key, null); if (val == null) { return defaultValue; } return val.longValue(); } /** * Get an optional {@link Number} value associated with a key, or null * if there is no such key or if the value is not a number. If the value is a string, * an attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number ({@link BigDecimal}). This method * would be used in cases where type coercion of the number value is unwanted. * * @param key * A key string. * @return An object which is the value. */ public Number optNumber(String key) { return this.optNumber(key, null); } /** * Get an optional {@link Number} value associated with a key, or the default if there * is no such key or if the value is not a number. If the value is a string, * an attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number. This method * would be used in cases where type coercion of the number value is unwanted. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return An object which is the value. */ public Number optNumber(String key, Number defaultValue) { Object val = this.opt(key); if (NULL.equals(val)) { return defaultValue; } if (val instanceof Number){ return (Number) val; } try { return stringToNumber(val.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Get an optional string associated with a key. It returns an empty string * if there is no such key. If the value is not a string and is not null, * then it is converted to a string. * * @param key * A key string. * @return A string which is the value. */ public String optString(String key) { return this.optString(key, ""); } /** * Get an optional string associated with a key. It returns the defaultValue * if there is no such key. * * @param key * A key string. * @param defaultValue * The default. * @return A string which is the value. */ public String optString(String key, String defaultValue) { Object object = this.opt(key); return NULL.equals(object) ? defaultValue : object.toString(); } /** * Populates the internal map of the JSONObject with the bean properties. The * bean can not be recursive. * * @see JSONObject#JSONObject(Object) * * @param bean * the bean * @throws JSONException * If a getter returned a non-finite number. */ private void populateMap(Object bean) { populateMap(bean, Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap())); } private void populateMap(Object bean, Set objectsRecord) { Class klass = bean.getClass(); // If klass is a System class then set includeSuperClass to false. boolean includeSuperClass = klass.getClassLoader() != null; Method[] methods = includeSuperClass ? klass.getMethods() : klass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (final Method method : methods) { final int modifiers = method.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && !method.isBridge() && method.getReturnType() != Void.TYPE && isValidMethodName(method.getName())) { final String key = getKeyNameFromMethod(method); if (key != null && !key.isEmpty()) { try { final Object result = method.invoke(bean); if (result != null) { // check cyclic dependency and throw error if needed // the wrap and populateMap combination method is // itself DFS recursive if (objectsRecord.contains(result)) { throw recursivelyDefinedObjectException(key); } objectsRecord.add(result); testValidity(result);, wrap(result, objectsRecord)); objectsRecord.remove(result); // we don't use the result anywhere outside of wrap // if it's a resource we should be sure to close it // after calling toString if (result instanceof Closeable) { try { ((Closeable) result).close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } } catch (IllegalAccessException ignore) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) { } catch (InvocationTargetException ignore) { } } } } } private static boolean isValidMethodName(String name) { return !"getClass".equals(name) && !"getDeclaringClass".equals(name); } private static String getKeyNameFromMethod(Method method) { final int ignoreDepth = getAnnotationDepth(method, JSONPropertyIgnore.class); if (ignoreDepth > 0) { final int forcedNameDepth = getAnnotationDepth(method, JSONPropertyName.class); if (forcedNameDepth < 0 || ignoreDepth <= forcedNameDepth) { // the hierarchy asked to ignore, and the nearest name override // was higher or non-existent return null; } } JSONPropertyName annotation = getAnnotation(method, JSONPropertyName.class); if (annotation != null && annotation.value() != null && !annotation.value().isEmpty()) { return annotation.value(); } String key; final String name = method.getName(); if (name.startsWith("get") && name.length() > 3) { key = name.substring(3); } else if (name.startsWith("is") && name.length() > 2) { key = name.substring(2); } else { return null; } // if the first letter in the key is not uppercase, then skip. // This is to maintain backwards compatibility before PR406 // ( if (key.length() == 0 || Character.isLowerCase(key.charAt(0))) { return null; } if (key.length() == 1) { key = key.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); } else if (!Character.isUpperCase(key.charAt(1))) { key = key.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) + key.substring(1); } return key; } /** * Searches the class hierarchy to see if the method or it's super * implementations and interfaces has the annotation. * * @param * type of the annotation * * @param m * method to check * @param annotationClass * annotation to look for * @return the {@link Annotation} if the annotation exists on the current method * or one of its super class definitions */ private static A getAnnotation(final Method m, final Class annotationClass) { // if we have invalid data the result is null if (m == null || annotationClass == null) { return null; } if (m.isAnnotationPresent(annotationClass)) { return m.getAnnotation(annotationClass); } // if we've already reached the Object class, return null; Class c = m.getDeclaringClass(); if (c.getSuperclass() == null) { return null; } // check directly implemented interfaces for the method being checked for (Class i : c.getInterfaces()) { try { Method im = i.getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes()); return getAnnotation(im, annotationClass); } catch (final SecurityException ex) { continue; } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex) { continue; } } //If the superclass is Object, no annotations will be found any more if (c.getSuperclass().equals(Object.class)) return null; try { return getAnnotation( c.getSuperclass().getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes()), annotationClass); } catch (final SecurityException ex) { return null; } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex) { return null; } } /** * Searches the class hierarchy to see if the method or it's super * implementations and interfaces has the annotation. Returns the depth of the * annotation in the hierarchy. * * @param m * method to check * @param annotationClass * annotation to look for * @return Depth of the annotation or -1 if the annotation is not on the method. */ private static int getAnnotationDepth(final Method m, final Class annotationClass) { // if we have invalid data the result is -1 if (m == null || annotationClass == null) { return -1; } if (m.isAnnotationPresent(annotationClass)) { return 1; } // if we've already reached the Object class, return -1; Class c = m.getDeclaringClass(); if (c.getSuperclass() == null) { return -1; } // check directly implemented interfaces for the method being checked for (Class i : c.getInterfaces()) { try { Method im = i.getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes()); int d = getAnnotationDepth(im, annotationClass); if (d > 0) { // since the annotation was on the interface, add 1 return d + 1; } } catch (final SecurityException ex) { continue; } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex) { continue; } } //If the superclass is Object, no annotations will be found any more if (c.getSuperclass().equals(Object.class)) return -1; try { int d = getAnnotationDepth( c.getSuperclass().getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes()), annotationClass); if (d > 0) { // since the annotation was on the superclass, add 1 return d + 1; } return -1; } catch (final SecurityException ex) { return -1; } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex) { return -1; } } /** * Put a key/boolean pair in the JSONObject. * * @param key * A key string. * @param value * A boolean which is the value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the value is non-finite number. * @throws NullPointerException * If the key is null. */ public JSONObject put(String key, boolean value) throws JSONException { return this.put(key, value ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } /** * Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, where the value will be a * JSONArray which is produced from a Collection. * * @param key * A key string. * @param value * A Collection value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the value is non-finite number. * @throws NullPointerException * If the key is null. */ public JSONObject put(String key, Collection value) throws JSONException { return this.put(key, new JSONArray(value)); } /** * Put a key/double pair in the JSONObject. * * @param key * A key string. * @param value * A double which is the value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the value is non-finite number. * @throws NullPointerException * If the key is null. */ public JSONObject put(String key, double value) throws JSONException { return this.put(key, Double.valueOf(value)); } /** * Put a key/float pair in the JSONObject. * * @param key * A key string. * @param value * A float which is the value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the value is non-finite number. * @throws NullPointerException * If the key is null. */ public JSONObject put(String key, float value) throws JSONException { return this.put(key, Float.valueOf(value)); } /** * Put a key/int pair in the JSONObject. * * @param key * A key string. * @param value * An int which is the value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the value is non-finite number. * @throws NullPointerException * If the key is null. */ public JSONObject put(String key, int value) throws JSONException { return this.put(key, Integer.valueOf(value)); } /** * Put a key/long pair in the JSONObject. * * @param key * A key string. * @param value * A long which is the value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the value is non-finite number. * @throws NullPointerException * If the key is null. */ public JSONObject put(String key, long value) throws JSONException { return this.put(key, Long.valueOf(value)); } /** * Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, where the value will be a * JSONObject which is produced from a Map. * * @param key * A key string. * @param value * A Map value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the value is non-finite number. * @throws NullPointerException * If the key is null. */ public JSONObject put(String key, Map value) throws JSONException { return this.put(key, new JSONObject(value)); } /** * Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject. If the value is null, then the * key will be removed from the JSONObject if it is present. * * @param key * A key string. * @param value * An object which is the value. It should be of one of these * types: Boolean, Double, Integer, JSONArray, JSONObject, Long, * String, or the JSONObject.NULL object. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the value is non-finite number. * @throws NullPointerException * If the key is null. */ public JSONObject put(String key, Object value) throws JSONException { if (key == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null key."); } if (value != null) { testValidity(value);, value); } else { this.remove(key); } return this; } /** * Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, but only if the key and the value * are both non-null, and only if there is not already a member with that * name. * * @param key * key to insert into * @param value * value to insert * @return this. * @throws JSONException * if the key is a duplicate */ public JSONObject putOnce(String key, Object value) throws JSONException { if (key != null && value != null) { if (this.opt(key) != null) { throw new JSONException("Duplicate key \"" + key + "\""); } return this.put(key, value); } return this; } /** * Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, but only if the key and the value * are both non-null. * * @param key * A key string. * @param value * An object which is the value. It should be of one of these * types: Boolean, Double, Integer, JSONArray, JSONObject, Long, * String, or the JSONObject.NULL object. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the value is a non-finite number. */ public JSONObject putOpt(String key, Object value) throws JSONException { if (key != null && value != null) { return this.put(key, value); } return this; } /** * Creates a JSONPointer using an initialization string and tries to * match it to an item within this JSONObject. For example, given a * JSONObject initialized with this document: *
     * {
     *     "a":{"b":"c"}
     * }
* and this JSONPointer string: *
     * "/a/b"
* Then this method will return the String "c". * A JSONPointerException may be thrown from code called by this method. * * @param jsonPointer string that can be used to create a JSONPointer * @return the item matched by the JSONPointer, otherwise null */ public Object query(String jsonPointer) { return query(new JSONPointer(jsonPointer)); } /** * Uses a user initialized JSONPointer and tries to * match it to an item within this JSONObject. For example, given a * JSONObject initialized with this document: *
     * {
     *     "a":{"b":"c"}
     * }
* and this JSONPointer: *
     * "/a/b"
* Then this method will return the String "c". * A JSONPointerException may be thrown from code called by this method. * * @param jsonPointer string that can be used to create a JSONPointer * @return the item matched by the JSONPointer, otherwise null */ public Object query(JSONPointer jsonPointer) { return jsonPointer.queryFrom(this); } /** * Queries and returns a value from this object using {@code jsonPointer}, or * returns null if the query fails due to a missing key. * * @param jsonPointer the string representation of the JSON pointer * @return the queried value or {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code jsonPointer} has invalid syntax */ public Object optQuery(String jsonPointer) { return optQuery(new JSONPointer(jsonPointer)); } /** * Queries and returns a value from this object using {@code jsonPointer}, or * returns null if the query fails due to a missing key. * * @param jsonPointer The JSON pointer * @return the queried value or {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code jsonPointer} has invalid syntax */ public Object optQuery(JSONPointer jsonPointer) { try { return jsonPointer.queryFrom(this); } catch (JSONPointerException e) { return null; } } /** * Produce a string in double quotes with backslash sequences in all the * right places. A backslash will be inserted within </, producing * <\/, allowing JSON text to be delivered in HTML. In JSON text, a * string cannot contain a control character or an unescaped quote or * backslash. * * @param string * A String * @return A String correctly formatted for insertion in a JSON text. */ @SuppressWarnings("resource") public static String quote(String string) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { return quote(string, sw).toString(); } catch (IOException ignored) { // will never happen - we are writing to a string writer return ""; } } /** * Quotes a string and appends the result to a given Writer. * * @param string The input string to be quoted. * @param w The Writer to which the quoted string will be appended. * @return The same Writer instance after appending the quoted string. * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs while writing to the Writer. */ public static Writer quote(String string, Writer w) throws IOException { if (string == null || string.isEmpty()) { w.write("\"\""); return w; } char b; char c = 0; String hhhh; int i; int len = string.length(); w.write('"'); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { b = c; c = string.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\\': case '"': w.write('\\'); w.write(c); break; case '/': if (b == '<') { w.write('\\'); } w.write(c); break; case '\b': w.write("\\b"); break; case '\t': w.write("\\t"); break; case '\n': w.write("\\n"); break; case '\f': w.write("\\f"); break; case '\r': w.write("\\r"); break; default: if (c < ' ' || (c >= '\u0080' && c < '\u00a0') || (c >= '\u2000' && c < '\u2100')) { w.write("\\u"); hhhh = Integer.toHexString(c); w.write("0000", 0, 4 - hhhh.length()); w.write(hhhh); } else { w.write(c); } } } w.write('"'); return w; } /** * Remove a name and its value, if present. * * @param key * The name to be removed. * @return The value that was associated with the name, or null if there was * no value. */ public Object remove(String key) { return; } /** * Determine if two JSONObjects are similar. * They must contain the same set of names which must be associated with * similar values. * * @param other The other JSONObject * @return true if they are equal */ public boolean similar(Object other) { try { if (!(other instanceof JSONObject)) { return false; } if (!this.keySet().equals(((JSONObject)other).keySet())) { return false; } for (final Entry entry : this.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); Object valueThis = entry.getValue(); Object valueOther = ((JSONObject)other).get(name); if(valueThis == valueOther) { continue; } if(valueThis == null) { return false; } if (valueThis instanceof JSONObject) { if (!((JSONObject)valueThis).similar(valueOther)) { return false; } } else if (valueThis instanceof JSONArray) { if (!((JSONArray)valueThis).similar(valueOther)) { return false; } } else if (valueThis instanceof Number && valueOther instanceof Number) { if (!isNumberSimilar((Number)valueThis, (Number)valueOther)) { return false; } } else if (valueThis instanceof JSONString && valueOther instanceof JSONString) { if (!((JSONString) valueThis).toJSONString().equals(((JSONString) valueOther).toJSONString())) { return false; } } else if (!valueThis.equals(valueOther)) { return false; } } return true; } catch (Throwable exception) { return false; } } /** * Compares two numbers to see if they are similar. * * If either of the numbers are Double or Float instances, then they are checked to have * a finite value. If either value is not finite (NaN or ±infinity), then this * function will always return false. If both numbers are finite, they are first checked * to be the same type and implement {@link Comparable}. If they do, then the actual * {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} is called. If they are not the same type, or don't * implement Comparable, then they are converted to {@link BigDecimal}s. Finally the * BigDecimal values are compared using {@link BigDecimal#compareTo(BigDecimal)}. * * @param l the Left value to compare. Can not be null. * @param r the right value to compare. Can not be null. * @return true if the numbers are similar, false otherwise. */ static boolean isNumberSimilar(Number l, Number r) { if (!numberIsFinite(l) || !numberIsFinite(r)) { // non-finite numbers are never similar return false; } // if the classes are the same and implement Comparable // then use the built in compare first. if(l.getClass().equals(r.getClass()) && l instanceof Comparable) { @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) int compareTo = ((Comparable)l).compareTo(r); return compareTo==0; } // BigDecimal should be able to handle all of our number types that we support through // documentation. Convert to BigDecimal first, then use the Compare method to // decide equality. final BigDecimal lBigDecimal = objectToBigDecimal(l, null, false); final BigDecimal rBigDecimal = objectToBigDecimal(r, null, false); if (lBigDecimal == null || rBigDecimal == null) { return false; } return lBigDecimal.compareTo(rBigDecimal) == 0; } private static boolean numberIsFinite(Number n) { if (n instanceof Double && (((Double) n).isInfinite() || ((Double) n).isNaN())) { return false; } else if (n instanceof Float && (((Float) n).isInfinite() || ((Float) n).isNaN())) { return false; } return true; } /** * Tests if the value should be tried as a decimal. It makes no test if there are actual digits. * * @param val value to test * @return true if the string is "-0" or if it contains '.', 'e', or 'E', false otherwise. */ protected static boolean isDecimalNotation(final String val) { return val.indexOf('.') > -1 || val.indexOf('e') > -1 || val.indexOf('E') > -1 || "-0".equals(val); } /** * Try to convert a string into a number, boolean, or null. If the string * can't be converted, return the string. * * @param string * A String. can not be null. * @return A simple JSON value. * @throws NullPointerException * Thrown if the string is null. */ // Changes to this method must be copied to the corresponding method in // the XML class to keep full support for Android public static Object stringToValue(String string) { if ("".equals(string)) { return string; } // check JSON key words true/false/null if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(string)) { return Boolean.TRUE; } if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(string)) { return Boolean.FALSE; } if ("null".equalsIgnoreCase(string)) { return JSONObject.NULL; } /* * If it might be a number, try converting it. If a number cannot be * produced, then the value will just be a string. */ char initial = string.charAt(0); if ((initial >= '0' && initial <= '9') || initial == '-') { try { return stringToNumber(string); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } return string; } /** * Converts a string to a number using the narrowest possible type. Possible * returns for this function are BigDecimal, Double, BigInteger, Long, and Integer. * When a Double is returned, it should always be a valid Double and not NaN or +-infinity. * * @param val value to convert * @return Number representation of the value. * @throws NumberFormatException thrown if the value is not a valid number. A public * caller should catch this and wrap it in a {@link JSONException} if applicable. */ protected static Number stringToNumber(final String val) throws NumberFormatException { char initial = val.charAt(0); if ((initial >= '0' && initial <= '9') || initial == '-') { // decimal representation if (isDecimalNotation(val)) { // Use a BigDecimal all the time so we keep the original // representation. BigDecimal doesn't support -0.0, ensure we // keep that by forcing a decimal. try { BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(val); if(initial == '-' && BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(bd)==0) { return Double.valueOf(-0.0); } return bd; } catch (NumberFormatException retryAsDouble) { // this is to support "Hex Floats" like this: 0x1.0P-1074 try { Double d = Double.valueOf(val); if(d.isNaN() || d.isInfinite()) { throw new NumberFormatException("val ["+val+"] is not a valid number."); } return d; } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { throw new NumberFormatException("val ["+val+"] is not a valid number."); } } } // block items like 00 01 etc. Java number parsers treat these as Octal. if(initial == '0' && val.length() > 1) { char at1 = val.charAt(1); if(at1 >= '0' && at1 <= '9') { throw new NumberFormatException("val ["+val+"] is not a valid number."); } } else if (initial == '-' && val.length() > 2) { char at1 = val.charAt(1); char at2 = val.charAt(2); if(at1 == '0' && at2 >= '0' && at2 <= '9') { throw new NumberFormatException("val ["+val+"] is not a valid number."); } } // integer representation. // This will narrow any values to the smallest reasonable Object representation // (Integer, Long, or BigInteger) // BigInteger down conversion: We use a similar bitLength compare as // BigInteger#intValueExact uses. Increases GC, but objects hold // only what they need. i.e. Less runtime overhead if the value is // long lived. BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(val); if(bi.bitLength() <= 31){ return Integer.valueOf(bi.intValue()); } if(bi.bitLength() <= 63){ return Long.valueOf(bi.longValue()); } return bi; } throw new NumberFormatException("val ["+val+"] is not a valid number."); } /** * Throw an exception if the object is a NaN or infinite number. * * @param o * The object to test. * @throws JSONException * If o is a non-finite number. */ public static void testValidity(Object o) throws JSONException { if (o instanceof Number && !numberIsFinite((Number) o)) { throw new JSONException("JSON does not allow non-finite numbers."); } } /** * Produce a JSONArray containing the values of the members of this * JSONObject. * * @param names * A JSONArray containing a list of key strings. This determines * the sequence of the values in the result. * @return A JSONArray of values. * @throws JSONException * If any of the values are non-finite numbers. */ public JSONArray toJSONArray(JSONArray names) throws JSONException { if (names == null || names.isEmpty()) { return null; } JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); i += 1) { ja.put(this.opt(names.getString(i))); } return ja; } /** * Make a JSON text of this JSONObject. For compactness, no whitespace is * added. If this would not result in a syntactically correct JSON text, * then null will be returned instead. *

* Warning: This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical. * * * @return a printable, displayable, portable, transmittable representation * of the object, beginning with { (left * brace) and ending with } (right * brace). */ @Override public String toString() { try { return this.toString(0); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Make a pretty-printed JSON text of this JSONObject. * *


{@code indentFactor > 0}
and the {@link JSONObject} * has only one key, then the object will be output on a single line: *
{@code {"key": 1}}
* *

If an object has 2 or more keys, then it will be output across * multiple lines:

{@code {
     *  "key1": 1,
     *  "key2": "value 2",
     *  "key3": 3
     * }}

* Warning: This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical. * * * @param indentFactor * The number of spaces to add to each level of indentation. * @return a printable, displayable, portable, transmittable representation * of the object, beginning with { (left * brace) and ending with } (right * brace). * @throws JSONException * If the object contains an invalid number. */ @SuppressWarnings("resource") public String toString(int indentFactor) throws JSONException { StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); return this.write(w, indentFactor, 0).toString(); } /** * Make a JSON text of an Object value. If the object has an * value.toJSONString() method, then that method will be used to produce the * JSON text. The method is required to produce a strictly conforming text. * If the object does not contain a toJSONString method (which is the most * common case), then a text will be produced by other means. If the value * is an array or Collection, then a JSONArray will be made from it and its * toJSONString method will be called. If the value is a MAP, then a * JSONObject will be made from it and its toJSONString method will be * called. Otherwise, the value's toString method will be called, and the * result will be quoted. * *

* Warning: This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical. * * @param value * The value to be serialized. * @return a printable, displayable, transmittable representation of the * object, beginning with { (left * brace) and ending with } (right * brace). * @throws JSONException * If the value is or contains an invalid number. */ public static String valueToString(Object value) throws JSONException { // moves the implementation to JSONWriter as: // 1. It makes more sense to be part of the writer class // 2. For Android support this method is not available. By implementing it in the Writer // Android users can use the writer with the built in Android JSONObject implementation. return JSONWriter.valueToString(value); } /** * Wrap an object, if necessary. If the object is null, return the NULL * object. If it is an array or collection, wrap it in a JSONArray. If it is * a map, wrap it in a JSONObject. If it is a standard property (Double, * String, et al) then it is already wrapped. Otherwise, if it comes from * one of the java packages, turn it into a string. And if it doesn't, try * to wrap it in a JSONObject. If the wrapping fails, then null is returned. * * @param object * The object to wrap * @return The wrapped value */ public static Object wrap(Object object) { return wrap(object, null); } /** * Wrap an object, if necessary. If the object is null, return the NULL * object. If it is an array or collection, wrap it in a JSONArray. If it is * a map, wrap it in a JSONObject. If it is a standard property (Double, * String, et al) then it is already wrapped. Otherwise, if it comes from * one of the java packages, turn it into a string. And if it doesn't, try * to wrap it in a JSONObject. If the wrapping fails, then null is returned. * * @param object * The object to wrap * @param recursionDepth * Variable for tracking the count of nested object creations. * @param jsonParserConfiguration * Variable to pass parser custom configuration for json parsing. * @return The wrapped value */ static Object wrap(Object object, int recursionDepth, JSONParserConfiguration jsonParserConfiguration) { return wrap(object, null, recursionDepth, jsonParserConfiguration); } private static Object wrap(Object object, Set objectsRecord) { return wrap(object, objectsRecord, 0, new JSONParserConfiguration()); } private static Object wrap(Object object, Set objectsRecord, int recursionDepth, JSONParserConfiguration jsonParserConfiguration) { try { if (NULL.equals(object)) { return NULL; } if (object instanceof JSONObject || object instanceof JSONArray || NULL.equals(object) || object instanceof JSONString || object instanceof Byte || object instanceof Character || object instanceof Short || object instanceof Integer || object instanceof Long || object instanceof Boolean || object instanceof Float || object instanceof Double || object instanceof String || object instanceof BigInteger || object instanceof BigDecimal || object instanceof Enum) { return object; } if (object instanceof Collection) { Collection coll = (Collection) object; return new JSONArray(coll, recursionDepth, jsonParserConfiguration); } if (object.getClass().isArray()) { return new JSONArray(object); } if (object instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map) object; return new JSONObject(map, recursionDepth, jsonParserConfiguration); } Package objectPackage = object.getClass().getPackage(); String objectPackageName = objectPackage != null ? objectPackage .getName() : ""; if (objectPackageName.startsWith("java.") || objectPackageName.startsWith("javax.") || object.getClass().getClassLoader() == null) { return object.toString(); } if (objectsRecord != null) { return new JSONObject(object, objectsRecord); } return new JSONObject(object); } catch (JSONException exception) { throw exception; } catch (Exception exception) { return null; } } /** * Write the contents of the JSONObject as JSON text to a writer. For * compactness, no whitespace is added. *

* Warning: This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical. * * @param writer the writer object * @return The writer. * @throws JSONException if a called function has an error */ public Writer write(Writer writer) throws JSONException { return this.write(writer, 0, 0); } @SuppressWarnings("resource") static final Writer writeValue(Writer writer, Object value, int indentFactor, int indent) throws JSONException, IOException { if (value == null || value.equals(null)) { writer.write("null"); } else if (value instanceof JSONString) { Object o; try { o = ((JSONString) value).toJSONString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JSONException(e); } writer.write(o != null ? o.toString() : quote(value.toString())); } else if (value instanceof Number) { // not all Numbers may match actual JSON Numbers. i.e. fractions or Imaginary final String numberAsString = numberToString((Number) value); if(NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(numberAsString).matches()) { writer.write(numberAsString); } else { // The Number value is not a valid JSON number. // Instead we will quote it as a string quote(numberAsString, writer); } } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { writer.write(value.toString()); } else if (value instanceof Enum) { writer.write(quote(((Enum)value).name())); } else if (value instanceof JSONObject) { ((JSONObject) value).write(writer, indentFactor, indent); } else if (value instanceof JSONArray) { ((JSONArray) value).write(writer, indentFactor, indent); } else if (value instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map) value; new JSONObject(map).write(writer, indentFactor, indent); } else if (value instanceof Collection) { Collection coll = (Collection) value; new JSONArray(coll).write(writer, indentFactor, indent); } else if (value.getClass().isArray()) { new JSONArray(value).write(writer, indentFactor, indent); } else { quote(value.toString(), writer); } return writer; } static final void indent(Writer writer, int indent) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i += 1) { writer.write(' '); } } /** * Write the contents of the JSONObject as JSON text to a writer. * *


{@code indentFactor > 0}
and the {@link JSONObject} * has only one key, then the object will be output on a single line: *
{@code {"key": 1}}
* *

If an object has 2 or more keys, then it will be output across * multiple lines:

{@code {
     *  "key1": 1,
     *  "key2": "value 2",
     *  "key3": 3
     * }}

* Warning: This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical. * * * @param writer * Writes the serialized JSON * @param indentFactor * The number of spaces to add to each level of indentation. * @param indent * The indentation of the top level. * @return The writer. * @throws JSONException if a called function has an error or a write error * occurs */ @SuppressWarnings("resource") public Writer write(Writer writer, int indentFactor, int indent) throws JSONException { try { boolean needsComma = false; final int length = this.length(); writer.write('{'); if (length == 1) { final Entry entry = this.entrySet().iterator().next(); final String key = entry.getKey(); writer.write(quote(key)); writer.write(':'); if (indentFactor > 0) { writer.write(' '); } try{ writeValue(writer, entry.getValue(), indentFactor, indent); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JSONException("Unable to write JSONObject value for key: " + key, e); } } else if (length != 0) { final int newIndent = indent + indentFactor; for (final Entry entry : this.entrySet()) { if (needsComma) { writer.write(','); } if (indentFactor > 0) { writer.write('\n'); } indent(writer, newIndent); final String key = entry.getKey(); writer.write(quote(key)); writer.write(':'); if (indentFactor > 0) { writer.write(' '); } try { writeValue(writer, entry.getValue(), indentFactor, newIndent); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JSONException("Unable to write JSONObject value for key: " + key, e); } needsComma = true; } if (indentFactor > 0) { writer.write('\n'); } indent(writer, indent); } writer.write('}'); return writer; } catch (IOException exception) { throw new JSONException(exception); } } /** * Returns a java.util.Map containing all of the entries in this object. * If an entry in the object is a JSONArray or JSONObject it will also * be converted. *

* Warning: This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical. * * @return a java.util.Map containing the entries of this object */ public Map toMap() { Map results = new HashMap(); for (Entry entry : this.entrySet()) { Object value; if (entry.getValue() == null || NULL.equals(entry.getValue())) { value = null; } else if (entry.getValue() instanceof JSONObject) { value = ((JSONObject) entry.getValue()).toMap(); } else if (entry.getValue() instanceof JSONArray) { value = ((JSONArray) entry.getValue()).toList(); } else { value = entry.getValue(); } results.put(entry.getKey(), value); } return results; } /** * Create a new JSONException in a common format for incorrect conversions. * @param key name of the key * @param valueType the type of value being coerced to * @param cause optional cause of the coercion failure * @return JSONException that can be thrown. */ private static JSONException wrongValueFormatException( String key, String valueType, Object value, Throwable cause) { if(value == null) { return new JSONException( "JSONObject[" + quote(key) + "] is not a " + valueType + " (null)." , cause); } // don't try to toString collections or known object types that could be large. if(value instanceof Map || value instanceof Iterable || value instanceof JSONObject) { return new JSONException( "JSONObject[" + quote(key) + "] is not a " + valueType + " (" + value.getClass() + ")." , cause); } return new JSONException( "JSONObject[" + quote(key) + "] is not a " + valueType + " (" + value.getClass() + " : " + value + ")." , cause); } /** * Create a new JSONException in a common format for recursive object definition. * @param key name of the key * @return JSONException that can be thrown. */ private static JSONException recursivelyDefinedObjectException(String key) { return new JSONException( "JavaBean object contains recursively defined member variable of key " + quote(key) ); } /** * For a prospective number, remove the leading zeros * @param value prospective number * @return number without leading zeros */ private static String removeLeadingZerosOfNumber(String value){ if (value.equals("-")){return value;} boolean negativeFirstChar = (value.charAt(0) == '-'); int counter = negativeFirstChar ? 1:0; while (counter < value.length()){ if (value.charAt(counter) != '0'){ if (negativeFirstChar) {return "-".concat(value.substring(counter));} return value.substring(counter); } ++counter; } if (negativeFirstChar) {return "-0";} return "0"; } }