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/* -*-mode:java; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
/* JOrbis
* Copyright (C) 2000 ymnk, JCraft,Inc.
* Written by: 2000 ymnk<ymnk@jcraft.com>
* Many thanks to
* Monty <monty@xiph.org> and
* The XIPHOPHORUS Company http://www.xiph.org/ .
* JOrbis has been based on their awesome works, Vorbis codec.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package com.jcraft.jorbis;
import com.jcraft.jogg.*;
public class Info {
private static final int OV_EBADPACKET = -136;
private static final int OV_ENOTAUDIO = -135;
private static byte[] _vorbis = "vorbis".getBytes();
private static final int VI_TIMEB = 1;
// private static final int VI_FLOORB=1;
private static final int VI_FLOORB = 2;
// private static final int VI_RESB=1;
private static final int VI_RESB = 3;
private static final int VI_MAPB = 1;
private static final int VI_WINDOWB = 1;
public int version;
public int channels;
public int rate;
// The below bitrate declarations are *hints*.
// Combinations of the three values carry the following implications:
// all three set to the same value:
// implies a fixed rate bitstream
// only nominal set:
// implies a VBR stream that averages the nominal bitrate. No hard
// upper/lower limit
// upper and or lower set:
// implies a VBR bitstream that obeys the bitrate limits. nominal
// may also be set to give a nominal rate.
// none set:
// the coder does not care to speculate.
int bitrate_upper;
int bitrate_nominal;
int bitrate_lower;
// Vorbis supports only short and long blocks, but allows the
// encoder to choose the sizes
int[] blocksizes = new int[2];
// modes are the primary means of supporting on-the-fly different
// blocksizes, different channel mappings (LR or mid-side),
// different residue backends, etc. Each mode consists of a
// blocksize flag and a mapping (along with the mapping setup
int modes;
int maps;
int times;
int floors;
int residues;
int books;
int psys; // encode only
InfoMode[] mode_param = null;
int[] map_type = null;
Object[] map_param = null;
int[] time_type = null;
Object[] time_param = null;
int[] floor_type = null;
Object[] floor_param = null;
int[] residue_type = null;
Object[] residue_param = null;
StaticCodeBook[] book_param = null;
PsyInfo[] psy_param = new PsyInfo[64]; // encode only
// for block long/sort tuning; encode only
int envelopesa;
float preecho_thresh;
float preecho_clamp;
// used by synthesis, which has a full, alloced vi
public void init() {
rate = 0;
public void clear() {
for (int i = 0; i < modes; i++) {
mode_param[i] = null;
mode_param = null;
for (int i = 0; i < maps; i++) { // unpack does the range checking
map_param = null;
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { // unpack does the range checking
time_param = null;
for (int i = 0; i < floors; i++) { // unpack does the range checking
floor_param = null;
for (int i = 0; i < residues; i++) { // unpack does the range checking
residue_param = null;
// the static codebooks *are* freed if you call info_clear, because
// decode side does alloc a 'static' codebook. Calling clear on the
// full codebook does not clear the static codebook (that's our
// responsibility)
for (int i = 0; i < books; i++) {
// just in case the decoder pre-cleared to save space
if (book_param[i] != null) {
book_param[i] = null;
// if(vi->book_param)free(vi->book_param);
book_param = null;
for (int i = 0; i < psys; i++) {
// Header packing/unpacking
int unpack_info(Buffer opb) {
version = opb.read(32);
if (version != 0)
return (-1);
channels = opb.read(8);
rate = opb.read(32);
bitrate_upper = opb.read(32);
bitrate_nominal = opb.read(32);
bitrate_lower = opb.read(32);
blocksizes[0] = 1 << opb.read(4);
blocksizes[1] = 1 << opb.read(4);
if ((rate < 1) || (channels < 1) || (blocksizes[0] < 8) || (blocksizes[1] < blocksizes[0])
|| (opb.read(1) != 1)) {
return (-1);
return (0);
// all of the real encoding details are here. The modes, books,
// everything
int unpack_books(Buffer opb) {
books = opb.read(8) + 1;
if (book_param == null || book_param.length != books)
book_param = new StaticCodeBook[books];
for (int i = 0; i < books; i++) {
book_param[i] = new StaticCodeBook();
if (book_param[i].unpack(opb) != 0) {
return (-1);
// time backend settings
times = opb.read(6) + 1;
if (time_type == null || time_type.length != times)
time_type = new int[times];
if (time_param == null || time_param.length != times)
time_param = new Object[times];
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
time_type[i] = opb.read(16);
if (time_type[i] < 0 || time_type[i] >= VI_TIMEB) {
return (-1);
time_param[i] = FuncTime.time_P[time_type[i]].unpack(this, opb);
if (time_param[i] == null) {
return (-1);
// floor backend settings
floors = opb.read(6) + 1;
if (floor_type == null || floor_type.length != floors)
floor_type = new int[floors];
if (floor_param == null || floor_param.length != floors)
floor_param = new Object[floors];
for (int i = 0; i < floors; i++) {
floor_type[i] = opb.read(16);
if (floor_type[i] < 0 || floor_type[i] >= VI_FLOORB) {
return (-1);
floor_param[i] = FuncFloor.floor_P[floor_type[i]].unpack(this, opb);
if (floor_param[i] == null) {
return (-1);
// residue backend settings
residues = opb.read(6) + 1;
if (residue_type == null || residue_type.length != residues)
residue_type = new int[residues];
if (residue_param == null || residue_param.length != residues)
residue_param = new Object[residues];
for (int i = 0; i < residues; i++) {
residue_type[i] = opb.read(16);
if (residue_type[i] < 0 || residue_type[i] >= VI_RESB) {
return (-1);
residue_param[i] = FuncResidue.residue_P[residue_type[i]].unpack(this, opb);
if (residue_param[i] == null) {
return (-1);
// map backend settings
maps = opb.read(6) + 1;
if (map_type == null || map_type.length != maps)
map_type = new int[maps];
if (map_param == null || map_param.length != maps)
map_param = new Object[maps];
for (int i = 0; i < maps; i++) {
map_type[i] = opb.read(16);
if (map_type[i] < 0 || map_type[i] >= VI_MAPB) {
return (-1);
map_param[i] = FuncMapping.mapping_P[map_type[i]].unpack(this, opb);
if (map_param[i] == null) {
return (-1);
// mode settings
modes = opb.read(6) + 1;
if (mode_param == null || mode_param.length != modes)
mode_param = new InfoMode[modes];
for (int i = 0; i < modes; i++) {
mode_param[i] = new InfoMode();
mode_param[i].blockflag = opb.read(1);
mode_param[i].windowtype = opb.read(16);
mode_param[i].transformtype = opb.read(16);
mode_param[i].mapping = opb.read(8);
if ((mode_param[i].windowtype >= VI_WINDOWB) || (mode_param[i].transformtype >= VI_WINDOWB)
|| (mode_param[i].mapping >= maps)) {
return (-1);
if (opb.read(1) != 1) {
return (-1);
return (0);
// The Vorbis header is in three packets; the initial small packet in
// the first page that identifies basic parameters, a second packet
// with bitstream comments and a third packet that holds the
// codebook.
public int synthesis_headerin(Comment vc, Packet op) {
Buffer opb = new Buffer();
if (op != null) {
opb.readinit(op.packet_base, op.packet, op.bytes);
// Which of the three types of header is this?
// Also verify header-ness, vorbis
byte[] buffer = new byte[6];
int packtype = opb.read(8);
opb.read(buffer, 6);
if (buffer[0] != 'v' || buffer[1] != 'o' || buffer[2] != 'r' || buffer[3] != 'b' || buffer[4] != 'i'
|| buffer[5] != 's') {
// not a vorbis header
return (-1);
switch (packtype) {
case 0x01: // least significant *bit* is read first
if (op.b_o_s == 0) {
// Not the initial packet
return (-1);
if (rate != 0) {
// previously initialized info header
return (-1);
return (unpack_info(opb));
case 0x03: // least significant *bit* is read first
if (rate == 0) {
// um... we didn't get the initial header
return (-1);
return (vc.unpack(opb));
case 0x05: // least significant *bit* is read first
if (rate == 0 || vc.vendor == null) {
// um... we didn;t get the initial header or comments yet
return (-1);
return (unpack_books(opb));
// Not a valid vorbis header type
// return(-1);
return (-1);
// pack side
int pack_info(Buffer opb) {
// preamble
opb.write(0x01, 8);
// basic information about the stream
opb.write(0x00, 32);
opb.write(channels, 8);
opb.write(rate, 32);
opb.write(bitrate_upper, 32);
opb.write(bitrate_nominal, 32);
opb.write(bitrate_lower, 32);
opb.write(Util.ilog2(blocksizes[0]), 4);
opb.write(Util.ilog2(blocksizes[1]), 4);
opb.write(1, 1);
return (0);
int pack_books(Buffer opb) {
opb.write(0x05, 8);
// books
opb.write(books - 1, 8);
for (int i = 0; i < books; i++) {
if (book_param[i].pack(opb) != 0) {
// goto err_out;
return (-1);
// times
opb.write(times - 1, 6);
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
opb.write(time_type[i], 16);
FuncTime.time_P[time_type[i]].pack(this.time_param[i], opb);
// floors
opb.write(floors - 1, 6);
for (int i = 0; i < floors; i++) {
opb.write(floor_type[i], 16);
FuncFloor.floor_P[floor_type[i]].pack(floor_param[i], opb);
// residues
opb.write(residues - 1, 6);
for (int i = 0; i < residues; i++) {
opb.write(residue_type[i], 16);
FuncResidue.residue_P[residue_type[i]].pack(residue_param[i], opb);
// maps
opb.write(maps - 1, 6);
for (int i = 0; i < maps; i++) {
opb.write(map_type[i], 16);
FuncMapping.mapping_P[map_type[i]].pack(this, map_param[i], opb);
// modes
opb.write(modes - 1, 6);
for (int i = 0; i < modes; i++) {
opb.write(mode_param[i].blockflag, 1);
opb.write(mode_param[i].windowtype, 16);
opb.write(mode_param[i].transformtype, 16);
opb.write(mode_param[i].mapping, 8);
opb.write(1, 1);
return (0);
public int blocksize(Packet op) {
// codec_setup_info
Buffer opb = new Buffer();
int mode;
opb.readinit(op.packet_base, op.packet, op.bytes);
/* Check the packet type */
if (opb.read(1) != 0) {
/* Oops. This is not an audio data packet */
return (OV_ENOTAUDIO);
int modebits = 0;
int v = modes;
while (v > 1) {
v >>>= 1;
/* read our mode and pre/post windowsize */
mode = opb.read(modebits);
if (mode == -1)
return (blocksizes[mode_param[mode].blockflag]);
public String toString() {
return "version:" + version + ", channels:" + channels + ", rate:" + rate
+ ", bitrate:" + bitrate_upper + "," + bitrate_nominal + ","
+ bitrate_lower;