package net.minecraft.src; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; public class TcpConnection implements INetworkManager { public static AtomicInteger field_74471_a = new AtomicInteger(); public static AtomicInteger field_74469_b = new AtomicInteger(); /** The object used for synchronization on the send queue. */ private final Object sendQueueLock = new Object(); private final ILogAgent field_98215_i; /** The socket used by this network manager. */ private Socket networkSocket; /** The InetSocketAddress of the remote endpoint */ private final SocketAddress remoteSocketAddress; /** The input stream connected to the socket. */ private volatile DataInputStream socketInputStream; /** The output stream connected to the socket. */ private volatile DataOutputStream socketOutputStream; /** Whether the network is currently operational. */ private volatile boolean isRunning = true; /** * Whether this network manager is currently terminating (and should ignore * further errors). */ private volatile boolean isTerminating = false; /** * Linked list of packets that have been read and are awaiting processing. */ private List readPackets = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); /** Linked list of packets awaiting sending. */ private List dataPackets = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); /** Linked list of packets with chunk data that are awaiting sending. */ private List chunkDataPackets = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); /** A reference to the NetHandler object. */ private NetHandler theNetHandler; /** * Whether this server is currently terminating. If this is a client, this is * always false. */ private boolean isServerTerminating = false; /** The thread used for writing. */ private Thread writeThread; /** The thread used for reading. */ private Thread readThread; /** A String indicating why the network has shutdown. */ private String terminationReason = ""; private Object[] field_74480_w; private int field_74490_x = 0; /** * The length in bytes of the packets in both send queues (data and chunkData). */ private int sendQueueByteLength = 0; public static int[] field_74470_c = new int[256]; public static int[] field_74467_d = new int[256]; public int field_74468_e = 0; boolean isInputBeingDecrypted = false; boolean isOutputEncrypted = false; private SecretKey sharedKeyForEncryption = null; private PrivateKey field_74463_A = null; /** * Delay for sending pending chunk data packets (as opposed to pending non-chunk * data packets) */ private int chunkDataPacketsDelay = 50; public TcpConnection(ILogAgent par1ILogAgent, Socket par2Socket, String par3Str, NetHandler par4NetHandler, PrivateKey par5PrivateKey) throws IOException { this.field_74463_A = par5PrivateKey; this.networkSocket = par2Socket; this.field_98215_i = par1ILogAgent; this.remoteSocketAddress = par2Socket.getRemoteSocketAddress(); this.theNetHandler = par4NetHandler; try { par2Socket.setSoTimeout(30000); par2Socket.setTrafficClass(24); } catch (SocketException var7) { System.err.println(var7.getMessage()); } this.socketInputStream = new DataInputStream(par2Socket.getInputStream()); this.socketOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(par2Socket.getOutputStream(), 5120)); this.readThread = new TcpReaderThread(this, par3Str + " read thread"); this.writeThread = new TcpWriterThread(this, par3Str + " write thread"); this.readThread.start(); this.writeThread.start(); } /** * Sets the NetHandler for this NetworkManager. Server-only. */ public void setNetHandler(NetHandler par1NetHandler) { this.theNetHandler = par1NetHandler; } /** * Adds the packet to the correct send queue (chunk data packets go to a * separate queue). */ public void addToSendQueue(Packet par1Packet) { if (!this.isServerTerminating) { Object var2 = this.sendQueueLock; synchronized (this.sendQueueLock) { this.sendQueueByteLength += par1Packet.getPacketSize() + 1; this.dataPackets.add(par1Packet); } } } /** * Sends a data packet if there is one to send, or sends a chunk data packet if * there is one and the counter is up, or does nothing. */ private boolean sendPacket() { boolean var1 = false; try { int[] var10000; int var10001; Packet var2; if (this.field_74468_e == 0 || !this.dataPackets.isEmpty() && System.currentTimeMillis() - ((Packet) this.dataPackets.get(0)).creationTimeMillis >= (long) this.field_74468_e) { var2 = this.func_74460_a(false); if (var2 != null) { Packet.writePacket(var2, this.socketOutputStream); if (var2 instanceof Packet252SharedKey && !this.isOutputEncrypted) { if (!this.theNetHandler.isServerHandler()) { this.sharedKeyForEncryption = ((Packet252SharedKey) var2).getSharedKey(); } this.encryptOuputStream(); } var10000 = field_74467_d; var10001 = var2.getPacketId(); var10000[var10001] += var2.getPacketSize() + 1; var1 = true; } } if (this.chunkDataPacketsDelay-- <= 0 && (this.field_74468_e == 0 || !this.chunkDataPackets.isEmpty() && System.currentTimeMillis() - ((Packet) this.chunkDataPackets .get(0)).creationTimeMillis >= (long) this.field_74468_e)) { var2 = this.func_74460_a(true); if (var2 != null) { Packet.writePacket(var2, this.socketOutputStream); var10000 = field_74467_d; var10001 = var2.getPacketId(); var10000[var10001] += var2.getPacketSize() + 1; this.chunkDataPacketsDelay = 0; var1 = true; } } return var1; } catch (Exception var3) { if (!this.isTerminating) { this.onNetworkError(var3); } return false; } } private Packet func_74460_a(boolean par1) { Packet var2 = null; List var3 = par1 ? this.chunkDataPackets : this.dataPackets; Object var4 = this.sendQueueLock; synchronized (this.sendQueueLock) { while (!var3.isEmpty() && var2 == null) { var2 = (Packet) var3.remove(0); this.sendQueueByteLength -= var2.getPacketSize() + 1; if (this.func_74454_a(var2, par1)) { var2 = null; } } return var2; } } private boolean func_74454_a(Packet par1Packet, boolean par2) { if (!par1Packet.isRealPacket()) { return false; } else { List var3 = par2 ? this.chunkDataPackets : this.dataPackets; Iterator var4 = var3.iterator(); Packet var5; do { if (!var4.hasNext()) { return false; } var5 = (Packet); } while (var5.getPacketId() != par1Packet.getPacketId()); return par1Packet.containsSameEntityIDAs(var5); } } /** * Wakes reader and writer threads */ public void wakeThreads() { if (this.readThread != null) { this.readThread.interrupt(); } if (this.writeThread != null) { this.writeThread.interrupt(); } } /** * Reads a single packet from the input stream and adds it to the read queue. If * no packet is read, it shuts down the network. */ private boolean readPacket() { boolean var1 = false; try { Packet var2 = Packet.readPacket(this.field_98215_i, this.socketInputStream, this.theNetHandler.isServerHandler(), this.networkSocket); if (var2 != null) { if (var2 instanceof Packet252SharedKey && !this.isInputBeingDecrypted) { if (this.theNetHandler.isServerHandler()) { this.sharedKeyForEncryption = ((Packet252SharedKey) var2).getSharedKey(this.field_74463_A); } this.decryptInputStream(); } int[] var10000 = field_74470_c; int var10001 = var2.getPacketId(); var10000[var10001] += var2.getPacketSize() + 1; if (!this.isServerTerminating) { if (var2.canProcessAsync() && this.theNetHandler.canProcessPacketsAsync()) { this.field_74490_x = 0; var2.processPacket(this.theNetHandler); } else { this.readPackets.add(var2); } } var1 = true; } else { this.networkShutdown("disconnect.endOfStream", new Object[0]); } return var1; } catch (Exception var3) { if (!this.isTerminating) { this.onNetworkError(var3); } return false; } } /** * Used to report network errors and causes a network shutdown. */ private void onNetworkError(Exception par1Exception) { par1Exception.printStackTrace(); this.networkShutdown("disconnect.genericReason", new Object[] { "Internal exception: " + par1Exception.toString() }); } /** * Shuts down the network with the specified reason. Closes all streams and * sockets, spawns NetworkMasterThread to stop reading and writing threads. */ public void networkShutdown(String par1Str, Object... par2ArrayOfObj) { if (this.isRunning) { this.isTerminating = true; this.terminationReason = par1Str; this.field_74480_w = par2ArrayOfObj; this.isRunning = false; (new TcpMasterThread(this)).start(); try { this.socketInputStream.close(); } catch (Throwable var6) { ; } try { this.socketOutputStream.close(); } catch (Throwable var5) { ; } try { this.networkSocket.close(); } catch (Throwable var4) { ; } this.socketInputStream = null; this.socketOutputStream = null; this.networkSocket = null; } } /** * Checks timeouts and processes all pending read packets. */ public void processReadPackets() { if (this.sendQueueByteLength > 2097152) { this.networkShutdown("disconnect.overflow", new Object[0]); } if (this.readPackets.isEmpty()) { if (this.field_74490_x++ == 1200) { this.networkShutdown("disconnect.timeout", new Object[0]); } } else { this.field_74490_x = 0; } int var1 = 1000; while (!this.readPackets.isEmpty() && var1-- >= 0) { Packet var2 = (Packet) this.readPackets.remove(0); var2.processPacket(this.theNetHandler); } this.wakeThreads(); if (this.isTerminating && this.readPackets.isEmpty()) { this.theNetHandler.handleErrorMessage(this.terminationReason, this.field_74480_w); } } /** * Returns the socket address of the remote side. Server-only. */ public SocketAddress getRemoteAddress() { return this.remoteSocketAddress; } /** * Shuts down the server. (Only actually used on the server) */ public void serverShutdown() { if (!this.isServerTerminating) { this.wakeThreads(); this.isServerTerminating = true; this.readThread.interrupt(); (new TcpMonitorThread(this)).start(); } } private void decryptInputStream() throws IOException { this.isInputBeingDecrypted = true; InputStream var1 = this.networkSocket.getInputStream(); this.socketInputStream = new DataInputStream( CryptManager.decryptInputStream(this.sharedKeyForEncryption, var1)); } /** * flushes the stream and replaces it with an encryptedOutputStream */ private void encryptOuputStream() throws IOException { this.socketOutputStream.flush(); this.isOutputEncrypted = true; BufferedOutputStream var1 = new BufferedOutputStream( CryptManager.encryptOuputStream(this.sharedKeyForEncryption, this.networkSocket.getOutputStream()), 5120); this.socketOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(var1); } /** * Returns the number of chunk data packets waiting to be sent. */ public int getNumChunkDataPackets() { return this.chunkDataPackets.size(); } public Socket getSocket() { return this.networkSocket; } /** * Whether the network is operational. */ static boolean isRunning(TcpConnection par0TcpConnection) { return par0TcpConnection.isRunning; } /** * Is the server terminating? Client side aways returns false. */ static boolean isServerTerminating(TcpConnection par0TcpConnection) { return par0TcpConnection.isServerTerminating; } /** * Static accessor to readPacket. */ static boolean readNetworkPacket(TcpConnection par0TcpConnection) { return par0TcpConnection.readPacket(); } /** * Static accessor to sendPacket. */ static boolean sendNetworkPacket(TcpConnection par0TcpConnection) { return par0TcpConnection.sendPacket(); } static DataOutputStream getOutputStream(TcpConnection par0TcpConnection) { return par0TcpConnection.socketOutputStream; } /** * Gets whether the Network manager is terminating. */ static boolean isTerminating(TcpConnection par0TcpConnection) { return par0TcpConnection.isTerminating; } /** * Sends the network manager an error */ static void sendError(TcpConnection par0TcpConnection, Exception par1Exception) { par0TcpConnection.onNetworkError(par1Exception); } /** * Returns the read thread. */ static Thread getReadThread(TcpConnection par0TcpConnection) { return par0TcpConnection.readThread; } /** * Returns the write thread. */ static Thread getWriteThread(TcpConnection par0TcpConnection) { return par0TcpConnection.writeThread; } }