package plugin; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import ayunami2000.VideoMapPacketCodecBukkit; public class CommandVideoMap implements CommandExecutor { private VideoMapPacketCodecBukkit currentCodecInstance = null; @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender arg0, Command arg1, String arg2, String[] arg3) { if(!(arg0 instanceof Player)) { arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Internal Error: " + ChatColor.WHITE + "CommmandSender must be a Player"); return false; } if(arg3.length == 3 && arg3[0].equalsIgnoreCase("begin")) { try { List mapRows = new ArrayList(); double x = 0.0d; double y = 0.0d; double z = 0.0d; float volume = -1.0f; BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("video_map_config.txt"))); String str; while((str = r.readLine()) != null) { str = str.trim(); if(str.startsWith("#")) { continue; }else if(str.startsWith("x")) { int i = str.indexOf('='); if(i > 0) { x = Double.parseDouble(str.substring(i + 1).trim()); } }else if(str.startsWith("y")) { int i = str.indexOf('='); if(i > 0) { y = Double.parseDouble(str.substring(i + 1).trim()); } }else if(str.startsWith("z")) { int i = str.indexOf('='); if(i > 0) { z = Double.parseDouble(str.substring(i + 1).trim()); } }else if(str.startsWith("volume")) { int i = str.indexOf('='); if(i > 0) { volume = Float.parseFloat(str.substring(i + 1).trim()); } }else { try { String[] digits = str.split(","); int firstInt = Integer.parseInt(digits[0].trim()); int[] newRow = new int[digits.length]; newRow[0] = firstInt; for(int i = 1; i < digits.length; ++i) { newRow[i] = Integer.parseInt(digits[i].trim()); } if(mapRows.size() > 0 && mapRows.get(0).length != newRow.length) { throw new IOException("All rows in map list must be the same length (" + mapRows.get(0).length + " != " + newRow.length + ")"); } mapRows.add(newRow); }catch(NumberFormatException t) { } } } r.close(); if(mapRows.size() > 0) { if(currentCodecInstance != null) { currentCodecInstance.disableVideoBukkit().send((Player)arg0); currentCodecInstance = null; } int[][] matrix = new int[mapRows.size()][mapRows.get(0).length]; for(int i = 0, l = mapRows.size(); i < l; ++i) { for(int j = 0; j < matrix[i].length; ++j) { matrix[i][j] = mapRows.get(i)[j]; } } currentCodecInstance = new VideoMapPacketCodecBukkit(matrix, x, y, z, volume); currentCodecInstance.beginPlaybackBukkit(arg3[1], true, arg3[2].indexOf('.') > 0 ? Float.parseFloat(arg3[2]) : Float.parseFloat(arg3[2] + ".0")).send((Player)arg0); arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Enabled video map, URL:" + ChatColor.WHITE + " " + arg3[1]); return true; }else { throw new IOException("No map rows were defined"); } }catch(IOException ex) { arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Internal Error while reading \'video_map_config.txt\': " + ChatColor.WHITE + ex.toString()); } }else if((arg3.length == 2 || arg3.length == 3) && arg3[0].equalsIgnoreCase("preload")) { int ttl = arg3.length == 3 ? Integer.parseInt(arg3[2]) * 1000 : 180 * 1000; VideoMapPacketCodecBukkit.bufferVideoBukkit(arg3[1], ttl).send((Player)arg0); arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Buffered video URL:" + ChatColor.WHITE + " " + arg3[1] + " " + ChatColor.GREEN + "for " + ChatColor.WHITE + (ttl / 1000) + ChatColor.GREEN + " seconds"); return true; }else { if(arg3.length == 1 && arg3[0].equalsIgnoreCase("stop")) { if(currentCodecInstance != null) { currentCodecInstance.disableVideoBukkit().send((Player)arg0); currentCodecInstance = null; arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Disabled video map"); return true; }else { arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Error: " + ChatColor.WHITE + "no video is loaded"); } }else if(arg3.length == 1 && arg3[0].equalsIgnoreCase("pause")) { if(currentCodecInstance != null) { currentCodecInstance.setPausedBukkit(true).send((Player)arg0); arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Paused video map"); return true; }else { arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Error: " + ChatColor.WHITE + "no video is loaded"); } }else if(arg3.length == 1 && arg3[0].equalsIgnoreCase("resume")) { if(currentCodecInstance != null) { currentCodecInstance.setPausedBukkit(false).send((Player)arg0); arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Resumed video map"); return true; }else { arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Error: " + ChatColor.WHITE + "no video is loaded"); } }else if((arg3.length == 1 || arg3.length == 2) && arg3[0].equalsIgnoreCase("loop")) { if(currentCodecInstance != null) { boolean gottaLoop = arg3.length == 1 || arg3[1].equalsIgnoreCase("true"); currentCodecInstance.setLoopEnableBukkit(gottaLoop).send((Player)arg0); arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + (gottaLoop ? "Enabled video map loop" : "Disabled video map loop")); return true; }else { arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Error: " + ChatColor.WHITE + "no video is loaded"); } }else if(arg3.length == 1 && arg3[0].equalsIgnoreCase("move")) { if(currentCodecInstance != null) { Location l = ((Player)arg0).getLocation(); currentCodecInstance.moveAudioSourceBukkit(l.getX(), l.getY(), l.getZ(), currentCodecInstance.getVolume()).send((Player)arg0); arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Repositioned audio source to " + l.getBlockX() + ", " + l.getBlockY() + ", " + l.getBlockZ()); return true; }else { arg0.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Error: " + ChatColor.WHITE + "no video is loaded"); } } } return false; } }