"use strict"; const sourceMap = window.sourceMap; sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer.initialize({ "lib/mappings.wasm": "mappings.wasm" }); var appElements = null; const sourceMapURLs = new Map(); const sourceMapLoaded = new Map(); var isShowingOriginal = true; var hasInput = false; var dotsInterval = -1; var dotsCounter = 1; function hideDots() { if(dotsInterval !== -1) { clearInterval(dotsInterval); dotsInterval = -1; } } function sourceMapListLoaded(jsonFile) { var selector = appElements.sourceMaps; selector.disabled = false; while(selector.firstChild) { selector.removeChild(selector.firstChild); } const mapsList = jsonFile.sourceMaps; if(mapsList.length > 0) { var customOption = document.createElement("option"); customOption.value = "_custom"; customOption.appendChild(document.createTextNode("upload...")); selector.appendChild(customOption); for(var i = 0; i < mapsList.length; ++i) { var name = mapsList[i].name; sourceMapURLs.set(name, mapsList[i].url); var newOption = document.createElement("option"); newOption.value = name; newOption.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); selector.appendChild(newOption); } selector.value = mapsList[0].name; } hideDots(); appElements.fetchingMessage.style.display = "none"; appElements.inputTextArea.style.display = "block"; appElements.outputTextArea.style.display = "none"; } function sourceMapListError(err) { hideDots(); appElements.fetchingMessage.style.color = "#FF7777"; appElements.fetchingMessage.innerText = "Failed to load source map list!"; console.error(err); } function updateDots() { appElements.loadingDots.innerText = ".".repeat(dotsCounter); dotsCounter = (dotsCounter + 1) % 4; } function extractVersionFromFile(lines) { for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { var s = lines[i].trim(); if(s.startsWith("eaglercraft.version") || s.startsWith("version")) { var v = s.split("="); if(v.length === 2) { var eq = v[1].trim(); if(eq.startsWith("\"")) { eq = eq.substring(1); } if(eq.endsWith("\"")) { eq = eq.substring(0, eq.length - 1); } return eq; } } } return null; } var updateTimeout = -1; var lastValue = ""; var hadPaste = false; function textAreaInputHandler() { if(updateTimeout !== -1) { clearTimeout(updateTimeout); } setTimeout(() => { const oldValue = lastValue; var newLength = (lastValue = appElements.inputTextArea.value).trim().length; if(oldValue.trim().length == 0) { if(newLength > 0) { if(hadPaste) { hadPaste = false; var vers = extractVersionFromFile(lastValue.split(/\r?\n/g)); if(vers !== null) { for(var k of sourceMapURLs.keys()) { if(vers === k) { appElements.sourceMaps.value = k; break; } } } setButton(true); } } } if(newLength > 0) { if(!hasInput) { appElements.showOriginal.style.display = "inline"; appElements.showDecoded.style.display = "inline"; hasInput = true; } appElements.showDecoded.classList.remove("toggleShowDisabled"); }else { appElements.showDecoded.classList.add("toggleShowDisabled"); } }, 300); } function textAreaPasteHandler() { textAreaInputHandler(); hadPaste = true; } function clearDecodedView() { var cnt = appElements.outputContent; while(cnt.firstChild) { cnt.removeChild(cnt.firstChild); } } function showInfo(str, err) { clearDecodedView(); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str)); span.style.fontSize = "20px"; if(err) { span.style.color = "#FF9999"; } appElements.outputContent.appendChild(span); } function highlightLine(line) { var e = document.createElement("span"); e.style.color = "#FFFF77"; e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(line)); return e; } function formatLine(srcMapLine) { if(srcMapLine.line !== null) { if(srcMapLine.name === null) { return (srcMapLine.source === null ? "" : srcMapLine.source) + ":" + srcMapLine.line + (srcMapLine.column > 0 ? ":" + srcMapLine.column : ""); }else { return "" + srcMapLine.name + " (" + (srcMapLine.source === null ? "" : srcMapLine.source) + ":" + srcMapLine.line + ":" + (srcMapLine.column > 0 ? ":" + srcMapLine.column : "") + ")"; } }else { return null; } } function getIndent(line) { var ret = ""; for(var i = 0; i < line.length; ++i) { var c = line.charAt(i); if(c === " " || c === "\t") { ret += c; }else { break; } } return ret; } function makeBold(str) { return "" + str.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">") + ""; } function printVersionWarning(vers) { const v = appElements.sourceMaps.value; if(sourceMapURLs.get(v) === "LOCAL") { return; } var str = null; if(!vers) { str = "WARNING: no game version (eaglercraft.version) is in this crash report!" }else { if(v !== vers) { str = "WARNING: this crash report seems to be from version '" + makeBold(vers) + "', but you have source map version '" + makeBold(v) + "' selected!"; } } if(str !== null) { var e = document.createElement("span"); e.style.color = "#FF7777"; e.style.fontSize = "16px"; e.innerHTML = str + "\n\nIf you don't select the correct source map version then the crash report will be incorrect\n\n"; appElements.outputContent.appendChild(e); } } function updateSource(srcMap) { clearDecodedView(); var sourceValue = appElements.inputTextArea.value; var lines = sourceValue.split(/\r?\n/g); var vers = extractVersionFromFile(lines); var hasShownWarning = false; for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { var l = lines[i]; var split = l.split(":"); if(split.length > 1) { var firstToken = split[0].toLowerCase(); if(firstToken.endsWith("error")) { if(!hasShownWarning) { hasShownWarning = true; printVersionWarning(vers); } appElements.outputContent.appendChild(highlightLine(l + "\n")); continue; }else if(split.length > 2) { var lineTrim = split[split.length - 2].trim(); var lineNo = parseInt(lineTrim); var colTrim = split[split.length - 1].trim(); var colNo = parseInt(colTrim); if(isNaN(colNo)) { if(colTrim.length > 1) { colNo = parseInt(colTrim.substring(0, colTrim.length - 1)); } } if(!isNaN(lineNo) && !isNaN(colNo)) { var original = formatLine(srcMap.originalPositionFor({ line: lineNo, column: colNo })); if(original !== null) { if(firstToken.endsWith("line")) { appElements.outputContent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(lines[i] + " ")); appElements.outputContent.appendChild(highlightLine(original + "\n")); }else { if(!hasShownWarning) { hasShownWarning = true; printVersionWarning(vers); } var idt = getIndent(split[0]); var realStart = split[0].substring(idt.length); if(realStart.startsWith("at")) { appElements.outputContent.appendChild(highlightLine(idt + "at " + original + "\n")); }else { appElements.outputContent.appendChild(highlightLine(idt + original + "\n")); } } continue; } } } } appElements.outputContent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(lines[i] + "\n")); } } function tryUpdateSource(srcMap) { sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer.with(srcMap, null, (srcMapObject) => { try { updateSource(srcMapObject); }catch(e) { isUpdating = false; showInfo("Parse error, check devtools", true); console.error(e); } }).catch((e) => { isUpdating = false; showInfo("Source map load error, check devtools", true); console.error(e); }); } var isUpdating = false; function updateDecodedPane() { if(!isUpdating) { const v = appElements.sourceMaps.value; if(v !== "_custom") { var mapJSON = sourceMapLoaded.get(v); if(mapJSON) { try { showInfo("Processing source..."); tryUpdateSource(mapJSON); return; }catch(e) { isUpdating = false; console.error(e); showInfo("Internal error, check devtools", true); } } var mapURL = sourceMapURLs.get(v); if(!mapURL) { showInfo("Unknown source map: " + v, true); isUpdating = false; return; } showInfo("Loading source map " + v + "..."); fetch(mapURL) .then((r) => r.json()).then((j) => { sourceMapLoaded.set(v, j); try { showInfo("Processing source..."); tryUpdateSource(j); }catch(e) { isUpdating = false; showInfo("Internal error, check devtools", true); } }).catch((e) => { isUpdating = false; showInfo("Could not load source map: " + v, true); }); }else { clearDecodedView(); showFileChooser(); } } } function setButton(decodedOrOriginal) { if(decodedOrOriginal) { if(isShowingOriginal) { isShowingOriginal = false; appElements.showDecoded.classList.add("toggleSelected"); appElements.showOriginal.classList.remove("toggleSelected"); appElements.inputTextArea.style.display = "none"; appElements.outputTextArea.style.display = "block"; updateDecodedPane(); } }else { if(!isShowingOriginal) { isShowingOriginal = true; appElements.showDecoded.classList.remove("toggleSelected"); appElements.showOriginal.classList.add("toggleSelected"); appElements.inputTextArea.style.display = "block"; appElements.outputTextArea.style.display = "none"; } } } function comboBoxChangeHandler() { if(!isShowingOriginal) { updateDecodedPane(); } } function showFileChooser() { const fileChooserElement = document.createElement("input"); fileChooserElement.type = "file"; fileChooserElement.accept = ".json,.map"; fileChooserElement.addEventListener("change", () => { const files = fileChooserElement.files; if(files.length > 0) { var phile = files[0]; var name = phile.name.trim(); if(name.endsWith(".json")) { name = name.substring(0, name.length - 5).trim(); } if(name.length > 0) { if(name === "_custom") { name = "__custom"; } var name2 = name; var i = 0; while(sourceMapURLs.has(name2)) { name2 = name + " (" + (++i) + ")"; } const namec = name2; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener("load", () => { try { var jsonObj = JSON.parse(reader.result); if(jsonObj) { sourceMapURLs.set(namec, "LOCAL"); sourceMapLoaded.set(namec, jsonObj); var newOption = document.createElement("option"); newOption.value = namec; newOption.appendChild(document.createTextNode(namec)); const selector = appElements.sourceMaps; if(selector.childNodes.length > 1) { selector.insertBefore(newOption, selector.childNodes[1]); }else { selector.appendChild(newOption); } selector.value = namec; if(!isShowingOriginal) { updateDecodedPane(); } } }catch(e) { console.log(e); alert("Not a valid JSON source map!"); } }); reader.readAsText(phile); } } }); fileChooserElement.click(); } window.addEventListener("load", () => { appElements = { showOriginal: document.getElementById("showOriginal"), showDecoded: document.getElementById("showDecoded"), sourceMaps: document.getElementById("sourceMaps"), inputTextArea: document.getElementById("inputTextArea"), outputTextArea: document.getElementById("outputTextArea"), outputContent: document.getElementById("outputContent"), fetchingMessage: document.getElementById("fetchingMessage"), loadingDots: document.getElementById("loadingDots") }; dotsInterval = setInterval(updateDots, 300); appElements.showOriginal.addEventListener("click", () => setButton(false)); appElements.showDecoded.addEventListener("click", () => { if(appElements.inputTextArea.value.trim().length > 0) { setButton(true); } }); appElements.inputTextArea.addEventListener("propertychange", textAreaInputHandler); appElements.inputTextArea.addEventListener("change", textAreaInputHandler); appElements.inputTextArea.addEventListener("click", textAreaInputHandler); appElements.inputTextArea.addEventListener("keyup", textAreaInputHandler); appElements.inputTextArea.addEventListener("input", textAreaInputHandler); appElements.inputTextArea.addEventListener("paste", textAreaPasteHandler); appElements.sourceMaps.addEventListener("change", comboBoxChangeHandler); fetch("sourceMaps.json") .then((r) => r.json()) .then(sourceMapListLoaded) .catch(sourceMapListError); });