package ayunami2000; import; import; import; public class VideoMapPacketCodec { public final int[][] mapIds; private boolean loop; private String url; private int duration; private long timestamp; private long pauseTimestamp; private double posX; private double posY; private double posZ; private float volume; private int frameRate; private boolean requiresFullResetPacket; private boolean requiresPositionPacket; private boolean isDisabled; /** * @param mapIds 2D grid of map IDs that make up the screen (mapIds[y][x]) * @param posX audio playback X coord * @param posY audio playback Y coord * @param posZ audio playback Z coord * @param volume the volume of the clip */ public VideoMapPacketCodec(int[][] mapIds, double posX, double posY, double posZ, float volume) { this.mapIds = mapIds; this.url = null; this.posX = posX; this.posY = posY; this.posZ = posZ; this.volume = volume; this.frameRate = 30; this.requiresPositionPacket = true; this.requiresFullResetPacket = true; this.isDisabled = true; } /** * @param mapIds 2D grid of map IDs that make up the screen (mapIds[y][x]) * @param posX audio playback X coord * @param posY audio playback Y coord * @param posZ audio playback Z coord */ public VideoMapPacketCodec(int[][] mapIds, double posX, double posY, double posZ) { this(mapIds, posX, posY, posZ, 1.0f); } /** * @param posX audio playback X coord * @param posY audio playback Y coord * @param posZ audio playback Z coord * @param volume the volume of the clip * @return packet to send to players */ public byte[] moveAudioSource(double posX, double posY, double posZ, float volume) { this.posX = posX; this.posY = posY; this.posZ = posZ; this.volume = volume; this.requiresPositionPacket = true; return syncPlaybackWithPlayers(); } /** * unloads video and resets all map object to vanilla renderer * @return packet to send to players */ public byte[] disableVideo() { isDisabled = true; return syncPlaybackWithPlayers(); } /** * syncs the server side video timestamp with players * @return packet to send to players */ public byte[] syncPlaybackWithPlayers() { try { ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream str = new DataOutputStream(bao); if(isDisabled) { str.write(0); int x = mapIds[0].length; int y = mapIds.length; str.write((x << 4) | y); for(int yy = 0; yy < y; ++yy) { for(int xx = 0; xx < x; ++xx) { str.writeShort(mapIds[yy][xx]); } } return bao.toByteArray(); } int packetType = 1; if(requiresFullResetPacket) { packetType = packetType | 2; } if(requiresFullResetPacket || requiresPositionPacket) { packetType = packetType | 4; } str.write(packetType); if(requiresFullResetPacket) { int x = mapIds[0].length; int y = mapIds.length; str.write((x << 4) | y); for(int yy = 0; yy < y; ++yy) { for(int xx = 0; xx < x; ++xx) { str.writeShort(mapIds[yy][xx]); } } str.write(frameRate); str.writeInt(duration); str.writeUTF(url); } if(requiresFullResetPacket || requiresPositionPacket) { str.writeFloat(volume); str.writeDouble(posX); str.writeDouble(posY); str.writeDouble(posZ); } str.writeInt(getElapsedMillis()); str.writeBoolean(loop); str.writeBoolean(pauseTimestamp > 0l); requiresFullResetPacket = false; requiresPositionPacket = false; return bao.toByteArray(); }catch(IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("serialization error", e); } } /** * this is dual purpose, it calculates elapsed time but also loops or pauses the video if it is finished playing */ private int getElapsedMillis() { if(pauseTimestamp > 0l) { return (int)(pauseTimestamp - timestamp); } int t = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp); if(loop) { while(t > duration) { t -= duration; timestamp += duration; } }else { if(t > duration) { timestamp = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() - duration); return duration; } } return t; } /** * @param url URL to an MP4 or other HTML5 supported video file * @param loop If the video file should loop * @param durationSeconds duration of the video in seconds * @return packet to send to players */ public byte[] beginPlayback(String url, boolean loop, float duration) { this.url = url; this.loop = loop; this.duration = (int)(duration * 1000.0f); this.pauseTimestamp = 0l; this.timestamp = 0l; this.requiresFullResetPacket = true; this.isDisabled = false; return syncPlaybackWithPlayers(); } /** * Tells the browser to pre-load a URL to a video to be played in the future * @param url the URL of the video * @param ttl the amount of time the video should stay loaded * @return packet to send to players */ public static byte[] bufferVideo(String url, int ttl) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream str = new DataOutputStream(bao); str.write(8); str.writeInt(ttl); str.writeUTF(url); return bao.toByteArray(); }catch(IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("serialization error", e); } } /** * @return the duration of the current clip */ public float getDuration() { return duration * 0.001f; } /** * @return the URL of the current clip */ public String getURL() { return url; } /** * @return the server's current timestamp */ public float getPlaybackTime() { return getElapsedMillis() * 0.001f; } /** * @param time time in seconds to seek the video to */ public byte[] setPlaybackTime(float time) { timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - (int)(time * 1000.0f); return syncPlaybackWithPlayers(); } /** * @return if playback is complete (false if loop) */ public boolean isPlaybackFinished() { return !loop && getElapsedMillis() == duration; } /** * @param loop video should loop */ public byte[] setLoopEnable(boolean loop) { this.loop = loop; return syncPlaybackWithPlayers(); } /** * @return if loop is enabled */ public boolean isLoopEnable() { return loop; } /** * @param pause set if video should pause * @return packet to send to players */ public byte[] setPaused(boolean pause) { getElapsedMillis(); if(pause && pauseTimestamp <= 0l) { pauseTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); }else if(!pause && pauseTimestamp > 0l) { timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - (pauseTimestamp - timestamp); pauseTimestamp = 0l; } return syncPlaybackWithPlayers(); } /** * @return if video is currently paused */ public boolean isPaused() { return pauseTimestamp > 0l; } /** * @return current server-side volume */ public float getVolume() { return volume; } }