
This commit is contained in:
ThisIsALegitUsername 2023-03-03 22:07:42 +00:00
parent a36dc95659
commit 1a13b41c4f
2 changed files with 24 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -5,15 +5,17 @@ import dev.resent.module.base.Mod;
import dev.resent.module.base.Mod.Category;
import dev.resent.module.base.setting.BooleanSetting;
import dev.resent.module.base.setting.ModeSetting;
import dev.resent.module.base.setting.NumberSetting;
@Module(name = "ClickGUI", category = Category.HUD, hasSetting = true)
public class ClickGui extends Mod{
public BooleanSetting scroll = new BooleanSetting("Smooth scroll", "", false);
public ModeSetting guiTheme = new ModeSetting("Gui theme", "New", "New", "Classic revised");
public NumberSetting test = new NumberSetting("Test, ignore!", "", 50, 1, 255, 5, 5);
public ClickGui(){
addSetting(scroll, guiTheme);
addSetting(scroll, guiTheme, test);

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import dev.resent.module.base.Mod.Category;
import dev.resent.module.base.setting.BooleanSetting;
import dev.resent.module.base.setting.CustomRectSettingDraw;
import dev.resent.module.base.setting.ModeSetting;
import dev.resent.module.base.setting.NumberSetting;
import dev.resent.module.base.setting.Setting;
import dev.resent.util.misc.GlUtils;
import dev.resent.util.render.Color;
@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
public FontRenderer fr;
public boolean close = false;
public Category selectedCategory = null;
public int sliderOffset;
public boolean dragging;
protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseButton) {
Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSoundHandler().playSound(PositionedSoundRecord.create(new ResourceLocation("gui.button.press"), 1.0F));
@ -95,6 +98,10 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
int var = 0;
for (Setting s : this.openedMod.settings) {
if(s instanceof NumberSetting) {
if (s instanceof BooleanSetting) {
if (isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY, this.x + 11, height - 9 + 50 + var, this.x + 19, height - 9 + 50 + 9 + var - 1) && mouseButton == 0) {
@ -217,14 +224,20 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
fr.drawString("<", x - 9 + 4, height + 29 + 9 + 2, -1);
fr.drawStringWithShadow(ClientInfo.name + " - " + openedMod.getName(), sr.getScaledWidth() / 2 - (fr.getStringWidth("Resent - " + openedMod.getName()) / 2), height + 29 - 9 - 2, -1);
for (int amogus = 0; amogus < this.openedMod.settings.size(); amogus++) {
Setting s = this.openedMod.settings.get(amogus);
for (Setting s : openedMod.settings) {
if(s instanceof CustomRectSettingDraw){
drawRect(x+21, height+41+var, x+27+fr.getStringWidth(s.name), height+var+53, isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY, x+21, height+39+var, x+26+fr.getStringWidth(s.name), height+var+51) ? new Color(150, 150, 150).getRGB() : new Color(211, 211, 211).getRGB());
//RenderUtils.drawRectOutline(x+21, height+41+var, x+27+fr.getStringWidth(s.name), height+var+53, -1);
fr.drawStringWithShadow(s.name, this.x + 24, height +43 + var, -1);
var += 3;
if(s instanceof NumberSetting) {
fr.drawStringWithShadow(s.name, this.x+24, height+41+var, -1);
drawRect(width-160, height+41+var, this.x+463, height+47+var, -1);
RenderUtils.drawRoundedRect(width-160, height+41+var, width-155, height+46+var, 4, Color.RED.getRGB());
if (s instanceof BooleanSetting) {
drawRect(this.x + 11, height - 9 + 50 + var, this.x + 19, height - 9 + 50 + 9 + var - 1, isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY, this.x + 11, height - 9 + 50 + var, this.x + 19, height - 9 + 50 + 9 + var - 1) ? new Color(211, 211, 211, 65).getRGB() : new Color(105, 105, 105, 65).getRGB());
fr.drawStringWithShadow(s.name, this.x + 18 + 6, height - fr.FONT_HEIGHT + 50 + var, -1);
@ -236,7 +249,7 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
if (s instanceof ModeSetting) {
fr.drawStringWithShadow(s.name, this.x + 18 + 6, height - 9 + 50 + var, -1);
fr.drawStringWithShadow(((ModeSetting)s).getValue(), width-100-fr.getStringWidth(((ModeSetting)s).getValue())/2, height+41+var, -1);
fr.drawStringWithShadow(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "<", width - 150, height-9+50+var, -1);
fr.drawStringWithShadow(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "<", width - 160, height-9+50+var, -1);
//RenderUtils.drawRectOutline(this.x+370, height+39+var, this.x+360, height+50+var, -1);
fr.drawStringWithShadow(EnumChatFormatting.RED + ">", this.x+463, height-9+50+var, -1);
//RenderUtils.drawRectOutline(this.x+458, height+40+var, this.x+470, height+50+var, -1);
@ -275,6 +288,11 @@ public class ClickGUI extends GuiScreen {
introAnimation = Theme.getAnimation(Theme.getAnimationId(), 500, 1, 3, 3.8f, 1.35f, false);
public void mouseReleased(int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseButton){
dragging = false;
protected void keyTyped(char par1, int par2) {
if (par2 == 0x01 || par2 == Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.keyBindClickGui.keyCode) {
close = true;