idklol725 a52b7d834c ....
2024-09-04 12:04:47 +00:00

767 lines
36 KiB

import { ConnectType } from "./types.js";
import * as Chunk from "prismarine-chunk";
import * as Block from "prismarine-block";
import * as Registry from "prismarine-registry";
import vec3 from "vec3";
import { ConnectionState } from "./types.js";
import { auth } from "./auth.js";
import { config } from "./config.js";
import { handleCommand } from "./commands.js";
import { getTokenProfileEasyMc } from "./auth_easymc.js";
const { Vec3 } = vec3;
const Enums = PLUGIN_MANAGER.Enums;
const Util = PLUGIN_MANAGER.Util;
const MAX_LIFETIME_CONNECTED = 10 * 60 * 1000, MAX_LIFETIME_AUTH = 5 * 60 * 1000, MAX_LIFETIME_LOGIN = 1 * 60 * 1000;
const REGISTRY = Registry.default("1.8.8"), McBlock = Block.default("1.8.8"), LOGIN_CHUNK = generateSpawnChunk().dump();
const logger = new PLUGIN_MANAGER.Logger("PlayerHandler");
let SERVER = null;
export function hushConsole() {
const ignoredMethod = () => { };
global.console.info = ignoredMethod;
global.console.warn = ignoredMethod;
global.console.error = ignoredMethod;
global.console.debug = ignoredMethod;
export function setSG(svr) {
SERVER = svr;
export function disconectIdle() {
SERVER.players.forEach((client) => {
if (client.state == ConnectionState.AUTH && Date.now() - client.lastStatusUpdate > MAX_LIFETIME_AUTH) {
client.gameClient.end("Timed out waiting for user to login via Microsoft!");
else if (client.state == ConnectionState.SUCCESS && Date.now() - client.lastStatusUpdate > MAX_LIFETIME_CONNECTED) {
client.gameClient.end(Enums.ChatColor.RED + "Please enter the IP of the server you'd like to connect to in chat.");
export function handleConnect(client) {
client.gameClient.write("login", {
entityId: 1,
gameMode: 2,
dimension: 1,
difficulty: 1,
maxPlayers: 1,
levelType: "flat",
reducedDebugInfo: false,
client.gameClient.write("map_chunk", {
x: 0,
z: 0,
groundUp: true,
bitMap: 0xffff,
chunkData: LOGIN_CHUNK,
client.gameClient.write("position", {
x: 0,
y: 65,
z: 8.5,
yaw: -90,
pitch: 0,
flags: 0x01,
client.gameClient.write("playerlist_header", {
header: JSON.stringify({
text: ` ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}EaglerProxy Authentication Server `,
footer: JSON.stringify({
text: `${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}Please wait for instructions.`,
export function awaitCommand(client, filter) {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
const onMsg = (packet) => {
if (filter(packet.message)) {
client.removeListener("chat", onMsg);
client.removeListener("end", onEnd);
const onEnd = () => rej("Client disconnected before promise could be resolved");
client.on("chat", onMsg);
client.on("end", onEnd);
export function sendMessage(client, msg) {
client.write("chat", {
message: JSON.stringify({ text: msg }),
position: 1,
export function sendCustomMessage(client, msg, color, ...components) {
client.write("chat", {
message: JSON.stringify(components.length > 0
? {
text: msg,
extra: components,
: { text: msg, color }),
position: 1,
export function sendChatComponent(client, component) {
client.write("chat", {
message: JSON.stringify(component),
position: 1,
export function sendMessageWarning(client, msg) {
client.write("chat", {
message: JSON.stringify({
text: msg,
color: "yellow",
position: 1,
export function sendMessageLogin(client, url, token) {
client.write("chat", {
message: JSON.stringify({
text: "Please open ",
color: Enums.ChatColor.RESET,
extra: [
text: "this link",
color: "gold",
clickEvent: {
action: "open_url",
value: `${url}/?otc=${token}`,
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Click to open me in a new window!",
text: " to authenticate via Microsoft.",
position: 1,
export function updateState(client, newState, uri, code) {
switch (newState) {
client.write("playerlist_header", {
header: JSON.stringify({
text: ` ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}EaglerProxy Authentication Server `,
footer: JSON.stringify({
text: `${Enums.ChatColor.RED}Choose the connection type: 1 = online, 2 = offline, 3 = EasyMC.`,
client.write("playerlist_header", {
header: JSON.stringify({
text: ` ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}EaglerProxy Authentication Server `,
footer: JSON.stringify({
text: `${Enums.ChatColor.RED}easymc.io/get${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD} | ${Enums.ChatColor.RED}/login <alt_token>`,
case "AUTH":
if (code == null || uri == null)
throw new Error("Missing code/uri required for title message type AUTH");
client.write("playerlist_header", {
header: JSON.stringify({
text: ` ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}EaglerProxy Authentication Server `,
footer: JSON.stringify({
text: `${Enums.ChatColor.RED}${uri}${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD} | Code: ${Enums.ChatColor.RED}${code}`,
case "SERVER":
client.write("playerlist_header", {
header: JSON.stringify({
text: ` ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}EaglerProxy Authentication Server `,
footer: JSON.stringify({
text: `${Enums.ChatColor.RED}/join <ip>${config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""}`,
// assuming that the player will always stay at the same pos
export function playSelectSound(client) {
client.write("named_sound_effect", {
soundName: "note.hat",
x: 8.5,
y: 65,
z: 8.5,
volume: 100,
pitch: 63,
export async function onConnect(client) {
try {
client.state = ConnectionState.AUTH;
client.lastStatusUpdate = Date.now();
client.gameClient.on("packet", (packet, meta) => {
if (meta.name == "client_command" && packet.payload == 1) {
client.gameClient.write("statistics", {
entries: [],
if (config.showDisclaimers) {
sendMessageWarning(client.gameClient, `WARNING: This proxy allows you to connect to any 1.8.9 server. Gameplay has shown no major issues, but please note that EaglercraftX may flag some anticheats while playing.`);
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 2000));
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 2000));
sendMessageWarning(client.gameClient, `WARNING: It is highly suggested that you turn down settings, as gameplay tends to be very laggy and unplayable on low powered devices.`);
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 2000));
if (config.authentication.enabled) {
sendCustomMessage(client.gameClient, "This instance is password-protected. Sign in with /password <password>", "gold");
const password = await awaitCommand(client.gameClient, (msg) => msg.startsWith("/password "));
if (password === `/password ${config.authentication.password}`) {
sendCustomMessage(client.gameClient, "Successfully signed into instance!", "green");
else {
client.gameClient.end(Enums.ChatColor.RED + "Bad password!");
sendCustomMessage(client.gameClient, "What would you like to do?", "gray");
sendChatComponent(client.gameClient, {
text: "1) ",
color: "gold",
extra: [
text: "Connect to an online server (Minecraft account needed)",
color: "white",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Click me to select!",
clickEvent: {
action: "run_command",
value: "$1",
sendChatComponent(client.gameClient, {
text: "2) ",
color: "gold",
extra: [
text: "Connect to an offline server (no Minecraft account needed)",
color: "white",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Click me to select!",
clickEvent: {
action: "run_command",
value: "$2",
sendChatComponent(client.gameClient, {
text: "3) ",
color: "gold",
extra: [
text: "Connect to an online server via EasyMC account pool (no Minecraft account needed)",
color: "white",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Click me to select!",
clickEvent: {
action: "run_command",
value: "$3",
sendCustomMessage(client.gameClient, "Select an option from the above (1 = online, 2 = offline, 3 = EasyMC), either by clicking or manually typing out the option's number on the list.", "green");
updateState(client.gameClient, "CONNECTION_TYPE");
let chosenOption = null;
while (true) {
const option = await awaitCommand(client.gameClient, (msg) => true);
switch (option.replace(/\$/gim, "")) {
sendCustomMessage(client.gameClient, `I don't understand what you meant by "${option}", please reply with a valid option!`, "red");
case "1":
chosenOption = ConnectType.ONLINE;
case "2":
chosenOption = ConnectType.OFFLINE;
case "3":
chosenOption = ConnectType.EASYMC;
if (chosenOption != null) {
if (option.startsWith("$"))
if (chosenOption == ConnectType.ONLINE) {
if (config.showDisclaimers) {
sendMessageWarning(client.gameClient, `WARNING: You will be prompted to log in via Microsoft to obtain a session token necessary to join games. Any data related to your account will not be saved and for transparency reasons this proxy's source code is available on Github.`);
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 2000));
client.lastStatusUpdate = Date.now();
let errored = false, savedAuth;
const quit = { quit: false }, authHandler = auth(quit), codeCallback = (code) => {
updateState(client.gameClient, "AUTH", code.verification_uri, code.user_code);
sendMessageLogin(client.gameClient, code.verification_uri, code.user_code);
client.gameClient.once("end", (res) => {
quit.quit = true;
authHandler.once("error", (err) => {
if (!client.gameClient.ended)
errored = true;
if (errored)
authHandler.on("code", codeCallback);
await new Promise((res) => authHandler.once("done", (result) => {
savedAuth = result;
sendMessage(client.gameClient, Enums.ChatColor.BRIGHT_GREEN + "Successfully logged into Minecraft!");
client.state = ConnectionState.SUCCESS;
client.lastStatusUpdate = Date.now();
updateState(client.gameClient, "SERVER");
sendMessage(client.gameClient, `Provide a server to join. ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}/join <ip>${config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""}${Enums.ChatColor.RESET}.`);
let host, port;
while (true) {
const msg = await awaitCommand(client.gameClient, (msg) => msg.startsWith("/join")), parsed = msg.split(/ /gi, 3);
if (parsed.length < 2)
sendMessage(client.gameClient, `Please provide a server to connect to. ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}/join <ip>${config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""}${Enums.ChatColor.RESET}.`);
else if (parsed.length > 2 && isNaN(parseInt(parsed[2])))
sendMessage(client.gameClient, `A valid port number has to be passed! ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}/join <ip>${config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""}${Enums.ChatColor.RESET}.`);
else {
host = parsed[1];
if (parsed.length > 2)
port = parseInt(parsed[2]);
if (port != null && !config.allowCustomPorts) {
sendCustomMessage(client.gameClient, "You are not allowed to use custom server ports! /join <ip>" + (config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""), "red");
host = null;
port = null;
else {
if (host.match(/^(?:\*\.)?((?!hypixel\.net$)[^.]+\.)*hypixel\.net$/) && config.disallowHypixel) {
sendCustomMessage(client.gameClient, "Disallowed server, refusing to connect! Hypixel has been known to falsely flag Eaglercraft clients, and thus we do not allow connecting to their server. /join <ip>" + (config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""), "red");
else {
port = port ?? 25565;
try {
sendChatComponent(client.gameClient, {
text: `Joining server under ${savedAuth.selectedProfile.name}/your Minecraft account's username! Run `,
color: "aqua",
extra: [
text: "/eag-help",
color: "gold",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Click me to run this command!",
clickEvent: {
action: "run_command",
value: "/eag-help",
text: " for a list of proxy commands.",
color: "aqua",
logger.info(`Player ${client.gameClient.username} is attempting to connect to ${host}:${port} under their Minecraft account's username (${savedAuth.selectedProfile.name}) using online mode!`);
const player = PLUGIN_MANAGER.proxy.players.get(client.gameClient.username);
player.on("vanillaPacket", (packet, origin) => {
if (origin == "CLIENT" && packet.name == "chat" && packet.params.message.toLowerCase().startsWith("/eag-") && !packet.cancel) {
packet.cancel = true;
handleCommand(player, packet.params.message);
player._onlineSession = {
auth: "mojang",
username: savedAuth.selectedProfile.name,
session: {
accessToken: savedAuth.accessToken,
clientToken: savedAuth.selectedProfile.id,
selectedProfile: {
id: savedAuth.selectedProfile.id,
name: savedAuth.selectedProfile.name,
await player.switchServers({
host: host,
port: port,
version: "1.8.8",
username: savedAuth.selectedProfile.name,
auth: "mojang",
keepAlive: false,
session: {
accessToken: savedAuth.accessToken,
clientToken: savedAuth.selectedProfile.id,
selectedProfile: {
id: savedAuth.selectedProfile.id,
name: savedAuth.selectedProfile.name,
skipValidation: true,
hideErrors: true,
catch (err) {
if (!client.gameClient.ended) {
client.gameClient.end(Enums.ChatColor.RED +
`Something went wrong whilst switching servers: ${err.message}${err.code == "ENOTFOUND" ? (host.includes(":") ? `\n${Enums.ChatColor.GRAY}Suggestion: Replace the : in your IP with a space.` : "\nIs that IP valid?") : ""}`);
else if (chosenOption == ConnectType.EASYMC) {
const EASYMC_GET_TOKEN_URL = "easymc.io/get";
client.state = ConnectionState.AUTH;
client.lastStatusUpdate = Date.now();
updateState(client.gameClient, "AUTH_EASYMC");
sendMessageWarning(client.gameClient, `WARNING: You've chosen to use an account from EasyMC's account pool. Please note that accounts and shared, and may be banned from whatever server you are attempting to join.`);
sendChatComponent(client.gameClient, {
text: "Please generate an alt token at ",
color: "white",
extra: [
color: "gold",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Click me to open in a new window!",
clickEvent: {
action: "open_url",
value: `https://${EASYMC_GET_TOKEN_URL}`,
text: ", and then run ",
color: "white",
text: "/login <alt_token>",
color: "gold",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Copy me to chat!",
clickEvent: {
action: "suggest_command",
value: `/login <alt_token>`,
text: " to log in.",
color: "white",
let appendOptions;
while (true) {
const tokenResponse = await awaitCommand(client.gameClient, (msg) => msg.toLowerCase().startsWith("/login")), splitResponse = tokenResponse.split(/ /gim, 2).slice(1);
if (splitResponse.length != 1) {
sendChatComponent(client.gameClient, {
text: "Invalid usage! Please use the command as follows: ",
color: "red",
extra: [
text: "/login <alt_token>",
color: "gold",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Copy me to chat!",
clickEvent: {
action: "suggest_command",
value: `/login <alt_token>`,
text: ".",
color: "red",
else {
const token = splitResponse[0];
if (token.length != 20) {
sendChatComponent(client.gameClient, {
text: "Please provide a valid token (you can get one ",
color: "red",
extra: [
text: "here",
color: "white",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Click me to open in a new window!",
clickEvent: {
action: "open_url",
value: `https://${EASYMC_GET_TOKEN_URL}`,
text: "). ",
color: "red",
text: "/login <alt_token>",
color: "gold",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Copy me to chat!",
clickEvent: {
action: "suggest_command",
value: `/login <alt_token>`,
text: ".",
color: "red",
else {
sendCustomMessage(client.gameClient, "Validating alt token...", "gray");
try {
appendOptions = await getTokenProfileEasyMc(token);
sendCustomMessage(client.gameClient, `Successfully validated your alt token and retrieved your session profile! You'll be joining to your preferred server as ${appendOptions.username}.`, "green");
catch (err) {
sendChatComponent(client.gameClient, {
text: `EasyMC's servers replied with an error (${err.message}), please try again! `,
color: "red",
extra: [
text: "/login <alt_token>",
color: "gold",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Copy me to chat!",
clickEvent: {
action: "suggest_command",
value: `/login <alt_token>`,
text: ".",
color: "red",
client.state = ConnectionState.SUCCESS;
client.lastStatusUpdate = Date.now();
updateState(client.gameClient, "SERVER");
sendMessage(client.gameClient, `Provide a server to join. ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}/join <ip>${config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""}${Enums.ChatColor.RESET}.`);
let host, port;
while (true) {
const msg = await awaitCommand(client.gameClient, (msg) => msg.startsWith("/join")), parsed = msg.split(/ /gi, 3);
if (parsed.length < 2)
sendMessage(client.gameClient, `Please provide a server to connect to. ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}/join <ip>${config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""}${Enums.ChatColor.RESET}.`);
else if (parsed.length > 2 && isNaN(parseInt(parsed[2])))
sendMessage(client.gameClient, `A valid port number has to be passed! ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}/join <ip>${config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""}${Enums.ChatColor.RESET}.`);
else {
host = parsed[1];
if (parsed.length > 2)
port = parseInt(parsed[2]);
if (port != null && !config.allowCustomPorts) {
sendCustomMessage(client.gameClient, "You are not allowed to use custom server ports! /join <ip>", "red");
host = null;
port = null;
else {
port = port ?? 25565;
try {
sendChatComponent(client.gameClient, {
text: `Joining server under ${appendOptions.username}/EasyMC account username! Run `,
color: "aqua",
extra: [
text: "/eag-help",
color: "gold",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Click me to run this command!",
clickEvent: {
action: "run_command",
value: "/eag-help",
text: " for a list of proxy commands.",
color: "aqua",
logger.info(`Player ${client.gameClient.username} is attempting to connect to ${host}:${port} under their EasyMC alt token's username (${appendOptions.username}) using EasyMC mode!`);
const player = PLUGIN_MANAGER.proxy.players.get(client.gameClient.username);
player.on("vanillaPacket", (packet, origin) => {
if (origin == "CLIENT" && packet.name == "chat" && packet.params.message.toLowerCase().startsWith("/eag-") && !packet.cancel) {
packet.cancel = true;
handleCommand(player, packet.params.message);
player._onlineSession = {
isEasyMC: true,
await player.switchServers({
host: host,
port: port,
version: "1.8.8",
keepAlive: false,
skipValidation: true,
hideErrors: true,
catch (err) {
if (!client.gameClient.ended) {
client.gameClient.end(Enums.ChatColor.RED +
`Something went wrong whilst switching servers: ${err.message}${err.code == "ENOTFOUND" ? (host.includes(":") ? `\n${Enums.ChatColor.GRAY}Suggestion: Replace the : in your IP with a space.` : "\nIs that IP valid?") : ""}`);
else {
client.state = ConnectionState.SUCCESS;
client.lastStatusUpdate = Date.now();
updateState(client.gameClient, "SERVER");
sendMessage(client.gameClient, `Provide a server to join. ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}/join <ip>${config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""}${Enums.ChatColor.RESET}.`);
let host, port;
while (true) {
const msg = await awaitCommand(client.gameClient, (msg) => msg.startsWith("/join")), parsed = msg.split(/ /gi, 3);
if (parsed.length < 2)
sendMessage(client.gameClient, `Please provide a server to connect to. ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}/join <ip>${config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""}${Enums.ChatColor.RESET}.`);
else if (parsed.length > 2 && isNaN(parseInt(parsed[2])))
sendMessage(client.gameClient, `A valid port number has to be passed! ${Enums.ChatColor.GOLD}/join <ip>${config.allowCustomPorts ? " [port]" : ""}${Enums.ChatColor.RESET}.`);
else {
host = parsed[1];
if (parsed.length > 2)
port = parseInt(parsed[2]);
if (port != null && !config.allowCustomPorts) {
sendCustomMessage(client.gameClient, "You are not allowed to use custom server ports! /join <ip>", "red");
host = null;
port = null;
else {
port = port ?? 25565;
try {
sendChatComponent(client.gameClient, {
text: `Joining server under ${client.gameClient.username}/Eaglercraft username! Run `,
color: "aqua",
extra: [
text: "/eag-help",
color: "gold",
hoverEvent: {
action: "show_text",
value: Enums.ChatColor.GOLD + "Click me to run this command!",
clickEvent: {
action: "run_command",
value: "/eag-help",
text: " for a list of proxy commands.",
color: "aqua",
logger.info(`Player ${client.gameClient.username} is attempting to connect to ${host}:${port} under their Eaglercraft username (${client.gameClient.username}) using offline mode!`);
const player = PLUGIN_MANAGER.proxy.players.get(client.gameClient.username);
player.on("vanillaPacket", (packet, origin) => {
if (origin == "CLIENT" && packet.name == "chat" && packet.params.message.toLowerCase().startsWith("/eag-") && !packet.cancel) {
packet.cancel = true;
handleCommand(player, packet.params.message);
await player.switchServers({
host: host,
port: port,
auth: "offline",
username: client.gameClient.username,
version: "1.8.8",
keepAlive: false,
skipValidation: true,
hideErrors: true,
catch (err) {
if (!client.gameClient.ended) {
client.gameClient.end(Enums.ChatColor.RED +
`Something went wrong whilst switching servers: ${err.message}${err.code == "ENOTFOUND" ? (host.includes(":") ? `\n${Enums.ChatColor.GRAY}Suggestion: Replace the : in your IP with a space.` : "\nIs that IP valid?") : ""}`);
catch (err) {
if (!client.gameClient.ended) {
logger.error(`Error whilst processing user ${client.gameClient.username}: ${err.stack || err}`);
client.gameClient.end(Enums.ChatColor.YELLOW + "Something went wrong whilst processing your request. Please reconnect.");
export function generateSpawnChunk() {
const chunk = new (Chunk.default(REGISTRY))(null);
chunk.initialize(() => new McBlock(REGISTRY.blocksByName.air.id, REGISTRY.biomesByName.the_end.id, 0));
chunk.setBlock(new Vec3(8, 64, 8), new McBlock(REGISTRY.blocksByName.sea_lantern.id, REGISTRY.biomesByName.the_end.id, 0));
chunk.setBlock(new Vec3(8, 67, 8), new McBlock(REGISTRY.blocksByName.barrier.id, REGISTRY.biomesByName.the_end.id, 0));
chunk.setBlock(new Vec3(7, 65, 8), new McBlock(REGISTRY.blocksByName.barrier.id, REGISTRY.biomesByName.the_end.id, 0));
chunk.setBlock(new Vec3(7, 66, 8), new McBlock(REGISTRY.blocksByName.barrier.id, REGISTRY.biomesByName.the_end.id, 0));
chunk.setBlock(new Vec3(9, 65, 8), new McBlock(REGISTRY.blocksByName.barrier.id, REGISTRY.biomesByName.the_end.id, 0));
chunk.setBlock(new Vec3(9, 66, 8), new McBlock(REGISTRY.blocksByName.barrier.id, REGISTRY.biomesByName.the_end.id, 0));
chunk.setBlock(new Vec3(8, 65, 7), new McBlock(REGISTRY.blocksByName.barrier.id, REGISTRY.biomesByName.the_end.id, 0));
chunk.setBlock(new Vec3(8, 66, 7), new McBlock(REGISTRY.blocksByName.barrier.id, REGISTRY.biomesByName.the_end.id, 0));
chunk.setBlock(new Vec3(8, 65, 9), new McBlock(REGISTRY.blocksByName.barrier.id, REGISTRY.biomesByName.the_end.id, 0));
chunk.setBlock(new Vec3(8, 66, 9), new McBlock(REGISTRY.blocksByName.barrier.id, REGISTRY.biomesByName.the_end.id, 0));
// chunk.setBlockLight(new Vec3(8, 65, 8), 15);
chunk.setBlockLight(new Vec3(8, 66, 8), 15);
return chunk;