import { WebSocketServer } from "ws"; import { Logger } from "../logger.js"; import { loadPackets } from "./Packet.js"; import * as http from "http"; import * as https from "https"; import { readFile } from "fs/promises"; import { Util } from "./Util.js"; import CSLoginPacket from "./packets/CSLoginPacket.js"; import SCIdentifyPacket from "./packets/SCIdentifyPacket.js"; import { Motd } from "./Motd.js"; import { Player } from "./Player.js"; import { Enums } from "./Enums.js"; import { NETWORK_VERSION, PROXY_BRANDING, PROXY_VERSION, VANILLA_PROTOCOL_VERSION } from "../meta.js"; import { SCSyncUuidPacket } from "./packets/SCSyncUuidPacket.js"; import { SCReadyPacket } from "./packets/SCReadyPacket.js"; import { Chalk } from "chalk"; import EventEmitter from "events"; import { EaglerSkins } from "./skins/EaglerSkins.js"; import { Constants, UPGRADE_REQUIRED_RESPONSE } from "./Constants.js"; import ProxyRatelimitManager from "./ratelimit/ProxyRatelimitManager.js"; import { SkinServer } from "./skins/SkinServer.js"; let instanceCount = 0; const chalk = new Chalk({ level: 2 }); export class Proxy extends EventEmitter { packetRegistry; players = new Map(); pluginManager; config; wsServer; httpServer; skinServer; broadcastMotd; ratelimit; _logger; initalHandlerLogger; loaded; constructor(config, pluginManager) { super(); this._logger = new Logger(`EaglerProxy-${instanceCount}`); this.initalHandlerLogger = new Logger(`EaglerProxy-InitialHandler`); // hijack the initial handler logger to append [InitialHandler] to the beginning this.initalHandlerLogger._info =; = (msg) => { this.initalHandlerLogger._info(`${"[InitialHandler]")} ${msg}`); }; this.initalHandlerLogger._warn = this.initalHandlerLogger.warn; this.initalHandlerLogger.warn = (msg) => { this.initalHandlerLogger._warn(`${"[InitialHandler]")} ${msg}`); }; this.initalHandlerLogger._error = this.initalHandlerLogger.error; this.initalHandlerLogger.error = (msg) => { this.initalHandlerLogger._error(`${"[InitialHandler]")} ${msg}`); }; this.initalHandlerLogger._fatal = this.initalHandlerLogger.fatal; this.initalHandlerLogger.fatal = (msg) => { this.initalHandlerLogger._fatal(`${"[InitialHandler]")} ${msg}`); }; this.initalHandlerLogger._debug = this.initalHandlerLogger.debug; this.initalHandlerLogger.debug = (msg) => { this.initalHandlerLogger._debug(`${"[InitialHandler]")} ${msg}`); }; this.config = config; this.pluginManager = pluginManager; instanceCount++; process.on("uncaughtException", (err) => { this._logger.warn(`An uncaught exception was caught! Error: ${err.stack}`); }); process.on("unhandledRejection", (err) => { this._logger.warn(`An unhandled rejection was caught! Rejection: ${err.stack || err}`); }); } async init() {`Starting ${PROXY_BRANDING} v${PROXY_VERSION}...`); global.PROXY = this; if (this.loaded) throw new Error("Can't initiate if proxy instance is already initialized or is being initialized!"); this.loaded = true; this.packetRegistry = await loadPackets(); this.skinServer = new SkinServer(this, this.config.useNatives, this.config.skinServer.cache.skinCachePruneInterval, this.config.skinServer.cache.skinCacheLifetime, this.config.skinServer.cache.folderName, this.config.skinServer.cache.useCache, this.config.skinServer.skinUrlWhitelist); global.PACKET_REGISTRY = this.packetRegistry; if (this.config.motd == "FORWARD") { this._pollServer(, this.config.server.port); } else { const broadcastMOTD = await Motd.MOTD.generateMOTDFromConfig(this.config, this.config.useNatives); broadcastMOTD._static = true; this.broadcastMotd = broadcastMOTD; // playercount will be dynamically updated } if (this.config.tls && this.config.tls.enabled) { this.httpServer = https .createServer({ key: await readFile(this.config.tls.key), cert: await readFile(this.config.tls.cert), }, (req, res) => this._handleNonWSRequest(req, res, this.config)) .listen(this.config.bindPort || 8080, this.config.bindHost || ""); this.wsServer = new WebSocketServer({ noServer: true, }); } else { this.httpServer = http.createServer((req, res) => this._handleNonWSRequest(req, res, this.config)).listen(this.config.bindPort || 8080, this.config.bindHost || ""); this.wsServer = new WebSocketServer({ noServer: true, }); } this.httpServer.on("error", (err) => { this._logger.warn(`HTTP server threw an error: ${err.stack}`); }); this.wsServer.on("error", (err) => { this._logger.warn(`WebSocket server threw an error: ${err.stack}`); }); this.httpServer.on("upgrade", async (r, s, h) => { try { await this._handleWSConnectionReq(r, s, h); } catch (err) { this._logger.error(`Error was caught whilst trying to handle WebSocket upgrade! Error: ${err.stack ?? err}`); } }); process.on("beforeExit", () => {"Cleaning up before exiting..."); this.players.forEach((plr) => plr.disconnect(Enums.ChatColor.YELLOW + "Proxy is shutting down.")); }); this.ratelimit = new ProxyRatelimitManager(this.config.ratelimits); this.pluginManager.emit("proxyFinishLoading", this, this.pluginManager);`Started WebSocket server and binded to ${this.config.bindHost} on port ${this.config.bindPort}.`); } _handleNonWSRequest(req, res, config) { if (this.ratelimit.http.consume(req.socket.remoteAddress).success) { const ctx = { handled: false }; this.emit("httpConnection", req, res, ctx); if (!ctx.handled) res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html").writeHead(426).end(UPGRADE_REQUIRED_RESPONSE); } } LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 30000; async _handleWSConnection(ws, req) { const rl =; if (!rl.success) { return ws.close(); } const ctx = { handled: false }; await this.emit("wsConnection", ws, req, ctx); if (ctx.handled) return; const firstPacket = await Util.awaitPacket(ws); let player, handled; setTimeout(() => { if (!handled) { this.initalHandlerLogger.warn(`Disconnecting client ${player ? player.username ?? `[/${ws._socket.remoteAddress}:${ws._socket.remotePort}` : `[/${ws._socket.remoteAddress}:${ws._socket.remotePort}`} due to connection timing out.`); if (player) player.disconnect(`${Enums.ChatColor.YELLOW} Your connection timed out whilst processing handshake, please try again.`); else ws.close(); } }, this.LOGIN_TIMEOUT); try { if (firstPacket.toString() === "Accept: MOTD") { if (!this.ratelimit.motd.consume(req.socket.remoteAddress).success) { return ws.close(); } if (this.broadcastMotd) { if (this.broadcastMotd._static) { = this.players.size; // sample for players = []; const playerSample = [...this.players.keys()].filter((sample) => !sample.startsWith("!phs_")).slice(0, 5); = playerSample; if (this.players.size - playerSample.length > 0)`${Enums.ChatColor.GRAY}${Enums.ChatColor.ITALIC}(and ${this.players.size - playerSample.length} more)`); const bufferized = this.broadcastMotd.toBuffer(); ws.send(bufferized[0]); if (bufferized[1] != null) ws.send(bufferized[1]); } else { const motd = this.broadcastMotd.toBuffer(); ws.send(motd[0]); if (motd[1] != null) ws.send(motd[1]); } } handled = true; ws.close(); } else { ws.httpRequest = req; player = new Player(ws); const rl = this.ratelimit.connect.consume(req.socket.remoteAddress); if (!rl.success) { handled = true; player.disconnect(`${Enums.ChatColor.RED}You have been ratelimited!\nTry again in ${Enums.ChatColor.WHITE}${rl.retryIn / 1000}${Enums.ChatColor.RED} seconds`); return; } const loginPacket = new CSLoginPacket().deserialize(firstPacket); player.state = Enums.ClientState.PRE_HANDSHAKE; if (loginPacket.gameVersion != VANILLA_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { player.disconnect(`${Enums.ChatColor.RED}Please connect to this proxy on EaglercraftX 1.8.9.`); return; } else if (loginPacket.networkVersion != NETWORK_VERSION) { player.disconnect(`${Enums.ChatColor.RED}Your EaglercraftX version is too ${loginPacket.networkVersion > NETWORK_VERSION ? "new" : "old"}! Please ${loginPacket.networkVersion > NETWORK_VERSION ? "downgrade" : "update"}.`); return; } try { Util.validateUsername(loginPacket.username); } catch (err) { player.disconnect(`${Enums.ChatColor.RED}${err.reason || err}`); return; } player.username = loginPacket.username; player.uuid = Util.generateUUIDFromPlayer(player.username); if (this.players.size > this.config.maxConcurrentClients) { player.disconnect(`${Enums.ChatColor.YELLOW}Proxy is full! Please try again later.`); return; } else if (this.players.get(player.username) != null || this.players.get(`!phs.${player.uuid}`) != null) { player.disconnect(`${Enums.ChatColor.YELLOW}Someone under your username (${player.username}) is already connected to the proxy!`); return; } this.players.set(`!phs.${player.uuid}`, player);`Player ${loginPacket.username} (${Util.generateUUIDFromPlayer(loginPacket.username)}) running ${loginPacket.brand}/${loginPacket.version} (net ver: ${loginPacket.networkVersion}, game ver: ${loginPacket.gameVersion}) is attempting to connect!`); player.write(new SCIdentifyPacket()); const usernamePacket = (await; if (usernamePacket.username !== player.username) { player.disconnect(`${Enums.ChatColor.YELLOW}Failed to complete handshake. Your game version may be too old or too new.`); return; } const syncUuid = new SCSyncUuidPacket(); syncUuid.username = player.username; syncUuid.uuid = player.uuid; player.write(syncUuid); const prom = await Promise.all([, (await]), skin = prom[1], obj = new EaglerSkins.EaglerSkin(); obj.owner = player; obj.type = skin.skinType; if (skin.skinType == Enums.SkinType.CUSTOM) =; else obj.builtInSkin = skin.skinId; = obj; player.write(new SCReadyPacket()); this.players.delete(`!phs.${player.uuid}`); this.players.set(player.username, player); player.initListeners(); this._bindListenersToPlayer(player); player.state = Enums.ClientState.POST_HANDSHAKE;`Handshake Success! Connecting player ${player.username} to server...`); handled = true; await player.connect({ host:, port: this.config.server.port, username: player.username, });`Player ${player.username} successfully connected to server.`); this.emit("playerConnect", player); } } catch (err) { this.initalHandlerLogger.warn(`Error occurred whilst handling handshake: ${err.stack ?? err}`); handled = true; ws.close(); if (player && player.uuid && this.players.has(`!phs.${player.uuid}`)) this.players.delete(`!phs.${player.uuid}`); if (player && player.uuid && this.players.has(player.username)) this.players.delete(player.username); } } _bindListenersToPlayer(player) { let sentDisconnectMsg = false; player.on("disconnect", () => { if (this.players.has(player.username)) this.players.delete(player.username);`DISCONNECT ${player.username} <=> DISCONNECTED`); if (!sentDisconnectMsg)`Player ${player.username} (${player.uuid}) disconnected from the proxy server.`); }); player.on("proxyPacket", async (packet) => { if (packet.packetId == Enums.PacketId.CSChannelMessagePacket) { try { const msg = packet; if ( == Constants.EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME) { await this.skinServer.handleRequest(msg, player, this); } } catch (err) { this._logger.error(`Failed to process channel message packet! Error: ${err.stack || err}`); } } }); player.on("switchServer", (client) => {`SWITCH_SERVER ${player.username} <=> ${client.socket.remoteAddress}:${client.socket.remotePort}`); }); player.on("joinServer", (client) => {`SERVER_CONNECTED ${player.username} <=> ${client.socket.remoteAddress}:${client.socket.remotePort}`); }); } static POLL_INTERVAL = 10000; _pollServer(host, port, interval) { (async () => { while (true) { const motd = await Motd.MOTD.generateMOTDFromPing(host, port, this.config.useNatives).catch((err) => { this._logger.warn(`Error polling ${host}:${port} for MOTD: ${err.stack ?? err}`); }); if (motd) this.broadcastMotd = motd; await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, interval ?? Proxy.POLL_INTERVAL)); } })(); } async _handleWSConnectionReq(req, socket, head) { const origin = req.headers.origin == null || req.headers.origin == "null" ? null : req.headers.origin; if (! && origin == null) { socket.destroy(); return; } if ( != null && => Util.areDomainsEqual(host, origin))) { socket.destroy(); return; } if ( != null && ! => Util.areDomainsEqual(host, origin))) { socket.destroy(); return; } try { await this.wsServer.handleUpgrade(req, socket, head, (ws) => this._handleWSConnection(ws, req)); } catch (err) { this._logger.error(`Error was caught whilst trying to handle WebSocket connection request! Error: ${err.stack ?? err}`); socket.destroy(); } } fetchUserByUUID(uuid) { for (const [username, player] of this.players) { if (player.uuid == uuid) return player; } return null; } }