import { randomUUID } from "crypto"; import pkg from "minecraft-protocol"; import { PROXY_BRANDING, PROXY_VERSION } from "../meta.js"; import { Chat } from "./Chat.js"; import { Constants } from "./Constants.js"; import { ImageEditor } from "./skins/ImageEditor.js"; const { ping } = pkg; export var Motd; (function (Motd) { class MOTD { jsonMotd; image; usingNatives; constructor(motd, native, image) { this.jsonMotd = motd; this.image = image; this.usingNatives = native; } static async generateMOTDFromPing(host, port, useNatives) { const pingRes = await ping({ host: host, port: port }); if (typeof pingRes.version == "string") throw new Error("Non-1.8 server detected!"); else { const newPingRes = pingRes; let image; if (newPingRes.favicon != null) { if (!newPingRes.favicon.startsWith(Constants.IMAGE_DATA_PREPEND)) throw new Error("Invalid MOTD image!"); image = useNatives ? await ImageEditor.generateEaglerMOTDImage(Buffer.from(newPingRes.favicon.substring(Constants.IMAGE_DATA_PREPEND.length), "base64")) : await ImageEditor.generateEaglerMOTDImageJS(Buffer.from(newPingRes.favicon.substring(Constants.IMAGE_DATA_PREPEND.length), "base64")); } return new MOTD({ brand: PROXY_BRANDING, cracked: true, data: { cache: true, icon: newPingRes.favicon != null ? true : false, max: newPingRes.players.max, motd: [typeof newPingRes.description == "string" ? newPingRes.description : Chat.chatToPlainString(newPingRes.description), ""], online:, players: newPingRes.players.sample != null ? => : [], }, name: "placeholder name", secure: false, time:, type: "motd", uuid: randomUUID(), // replace placeholder with global. cached UUID vers: `${PROXY_BRANDING}/${PROXY_VERSION}`, }, useNatives, image); } } static async generateMOTDFromConfig(config, useNatives) { if (typeof config.motd != "string") { const motd = new MOTD({ brand: PROXY_BRANDING, cracked: true, data: { cache: true, icon: config.motd.iconURL != null ? true : false, max: config.maxConcurrentClients, motd: [config.motd.l1, config.motd.l2 ?? ""], online: 0, players: [], }, name:, secure: false, time:, type: "motd", uuid: randomUUID(), vers: `${PROXY_BRANDING}/${PROXY_VERSION}`, }, useNatives); if (config.motd.iconURL != null) { motd.image = useNatives ? await ImageEditor.generateEaglerMOTDImage(config.motd.iconURL) : await ImageEditor.generateEaglerMOTDImageJS(config.motd.iconURL); // TODO: swap between native and pure JS } return motd; } else throw new Error("MOTD is set to be forwarded in the config!"); } toBuffer() { return [JSON.stringify(this.jsonMotd), this.image]; } } Motd.MOTD = MOTD; })(Motd || (Motd = {}));