import fs from "fs"; import crypto from "crypto"; import Constants from "prismarine-auth/src/common/Constants.js"; const { Endpoints, msalConfig } = Constants; import LiveTokenManager from "prismarine-auth/src/TokenManagers/LiveTokenManager.js"; import JavaTokenManager from "prismarine-auth/src/TokenManagers/MinecraftJavaTokenManager.js"; import XboxTokenManager from "prismarine-auth/src/TokenManagers/XboxTokenManager.js"; import MsaTokenManager from "prismarine-auth/src/TokenManagers/MsaTokenManager.js"; import BedrockTokenManager from "prismarine-auth/src/TokenManagers/MinecraftBedrockTokenManager.js"; async function retry(methodFn, beforeRetry, times) { while (times--) { if (times !== 0) { try { return await methodFn(); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof URIError) { throw e; } else { // debug(e); } } await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)); await beforeRetry(); } else { return await methodFn(); } } } export class CustomAuthflow { username; options; codeCallback; msa; doTitleAuth; xbl; mba; mca; constructor(username = "", cache, options, codeCallback) { this.username = username; if (options && !options.flow) { throw new Error("Missing 'flow' argument in options. See docs for more information."); } this.options = options || { flow: "msal" }; this.initTokenManagers(username, cache); this.codeCallback = codeCallback; } initTokenManagers(username, cache) { if (this.options.flow === "live" || this.options.flow === "sisu") { if (!this.options.authTitle) throw new Error(`Please specify an "authTitle" in Authflow constructor when using ${this.options.flow} flow`); this.msa = new LiveTokenManager(this.options.authTitle, [""], cache({ cacheName: this.options.flow, username })); this.doTitleAuth = true; } else if (this.options.flow === "msal") { const config = Object.assign({ ...msalConfig }, this.options.authTitle ? { auth: { ...msalConfig.auth, clientId: this.options.authTitle } } : {}); this.msa = new MsaTokenManager(config, ["XboxLive.signin", "offline_access"], cache({ cacheName: "msal", username })); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown flow: ${this.options.flow} (expected "live", "sisu", or "msal")`); } const keyPair = crypto.generateKeyPairSync("ec", { namedCurve: "P-256" }); this.xbl = new XboxTokenManager(keyPair, cache({ cacheName: "xbl", username })); = new BedrockTokenManager(cache({ cacheName: "bed", username })); this.mca = new JavaTokenManager(cache({ cacheName: "mca", username })); } static resetTokenCaches(cache) { if (!cache) throw new Error("You must provide a cache directory to reset."); try { if (fs.existsSync(cache)) { fs.rmSync(cache, { recursive: true }); return true; } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to clear cache dir", e); return false; } } async getMsaToken() { if (await this.msa.verifyTokens()) { const { token } = await this.msa.getAccessToken(); return token; } else { const ret = await this.msa.authDeviceCode((response) => { if (this.codeCallback) return this.codeCallback(response);"[msa] First time signing in. Please authenticate now:");; }); if (ret.account) {`[msa] Signed in as ${ret.account.username}`); } else { // We don't get extra account data here per scope"[msa] Signed in with Microsoft"); } return ret.accessToken; } } async getXboxToken(relyingParty = this.options.relyingParty || Endpoints.XboxRelyingParty, forceRefresh = false) { const options = { ...this.options, relyingParty }; const { xstsToken, userToken, deviceToken, titleToken } = await this.xbl.getCachedTokens(relyingParty); if (xstsToken.valid && !forceRefresh) { return; } if (options.password) { const xsts = await this.xbl.doReplayAuth(this.username, options.password, options); return xsts; } return await retry(async () => { const msaToken = await this.getMsaToken(); // sisu flow generates user and title tokens differently to other flows and should also be used to refresh them if they are invalid if (options.flow === "sisu" && (!userToken.valid || !deviceToken.valid || !titleToken.valid)) { const dt = await this.xbl.getDeviceToken(options); const sisu = await this.xbl.doSisuAuth(msaToken, dt, options); return sisu; } const ut = userToken.token ?? (await this.xbl.getUserToken(msaToken, options.flow === "msal")); const dt = deviceToken.token ?? (await this.xbl.getDeviceToken(options)); const tt = titleToken.token ?? (this.doTitleAuth ? await this.xbl.getTitleToken(msaToken, dt) : undefined); const xsts = await this.xbl.getXSTSToken({ userToken: ut, deviceToken: dt, titleToken: tt }, options); return xsts; }, () => { this.msa.forceRefresh = true; }, 2); } async getMinecraftJavaToken(options = {}, quit) { const response = { token: "", entitlements: {}, profile: {} }; if (await this.mca.verifyTokens()) { const { token } = await this.mca.getCachedAccessToken(); response.token = token; } else { await retry(async () => { const xsts = await this.getXboxToken(Endpoints.PCXSTSRelyingParty); response.token = await this.mca.getAccessToken(xsts); if (quit.quit) return; }, () => { this.xbl.forceRefresh = true; }, 2); } if (quit.quit) return; if (options.fetchEntitlements) { response.entitlements = await this.mca.fetchEntitlements(response.token).catch((e) => { }); } if (options.fetchProfile) { response.profile = await this.mca.fetchProfile(response.token).catch((e) => { }); } if (options.fetchCertificates) { response.certificates = await this.mca.fetchCertificates(response.token).catch((e) => []); } return response; } async getMinecraftBedrockToken(publicKey) { // TODO: Fix cache, in order to do cache we also need to cache the ECDH keys so disable it // is this even a good idea to cache? if ((await && false) { // eslint-disable-line const { chain } =; return chain; } else { if (!publicKey) throw new Error("Need to specifiy a ECDH x509 URL encoded public key"); return await retry(async () => { const xsts = await this.getXboxToken(Endpoints.BedrockXSTSRelyingParty); const token = await, xsts); // If we want to auth with a title ID, make sure there's a TitleID in the response const body = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(token.chain[1].split(".")[1], "base64").toString()); if (!body.extraData.titleId && this.doTitleAuth) { throw Error("missing titleId in response"); } return token.chain; }, () => { this.xbl.forceRefresh = true; }, 2); } } }