import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import * as http from "http" import * as https from "https" import { WebSocketServer } from "ws"; import { BRANDING, config, NETWORK_VERSION, VERSION } from "./config.js"; import { handlePacket } from "./listener.js"; import { Logger } from "./logger.js"; import { disconnect, generateMOTDImage } from "./utils.js"; import { ChatColor, ProxiedPlayer, State } from "./types.js"; import { genUUID } from "./utils.js"; const logger = new Logger("EagXProxy") const connectionLogger = new Logger("ConnectionHandler") global.PROXY = { brand: BRANDING, version: VERSION, MOTDVersion: NETWORK_VERSION, serverName:, secure: false, proxyUUID: genUUID(, MOTD: { icon: config.motd.iconURL ? await generateMOTDImage(readFileSync(config.motd.iconURL)) : null, motd: [config.motd.l1, config.motd.l2] }, wsServer: null, players: new Map(), logger: logger, config: config } let server: WebSocketServer if ( {`Starting SECURE WebSocket proxy on port ${config.bindPort}...`) if (process.env.REPL_SLUG) { logger.warn("You appear to be running the proxy on with encryption enabled. Please note that by default provides encryption, and enabling encryption may or may not prevent you from connecting to the server.") } server = new WebSocketServer({ server: https.createServer({ key: readFileSync(, cert: readFileSync( }).listen(config.bindPort, config.bindHost) }) } else {`Starting INSECURE WebSocket proxy on port ${config.bindPort}...`) server = new WebSocketServer({ port: config.bindPort, host: config.bindHost }) } PROXY.wsServer = server server.addListener('connection', c => { connectionLogger.debug(`[CONNECTION] New inbound WebSocket connection from [/${(c as any)._socket.remoteAddress}:${(c as any)._socket.remotePort}]. (${(c as any)._socket.remotePort} -> ${config.bindPort})`) const plr = new ProxiedPlayer() = c plr.ip = (c as any)._socket.remoteAddress plr.remotePort = (c as any)._socket.remotePort plr.state = State.PRE_HANDSHAKE plr.queuedEaglerSkinPackets = [] c.on('message', msg => { handlePacket(msg as Buffer, plr) }) }) server.on('listening', () => {`Successfully started${ ? " [secure]" : ""} WebSocket proxy on port ${config.bindPort}!`) }) process.on('uncaughtException', err => { logger.error(`An uncaught exception was caught! Exception: ${err.stack ?? err}`) }) process.on('unhandledRejection', err => { logger.error(`An unhandled promise rejection was caught! Rejection: ${(err != null ? (err as any).stack : err) ?? err}`) }) process.on('SIGTERM', () => {"Cleaning up before exiting...") for (const [username, plr] of PROXY.players) { if (plr.remoteConnection != null) plr.remoteConnection.end() disconnect(plr, ChatColor.YELLOW + "Proxy is shutting down.") } process.exit(0) }) process.on('SIGINT', () => {"Cleaning up before exiting...") for (const [username, plr] of PROXY.players) { if (plr.remoteConnection != null) plr.remoteConnection.end() disconnect(plr, ChatColor.YELLOW + "Proxy is shutting down.") } process.exit(0) })