import path from "path"; import fs from "fs/promises"; import fss from "fs"; export default class DiskDB { folder; static VALIDATION_REGEX = /^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$/; nameGenerator; encoder; decoder; constructor(folder, encoder, decoder, nameGenerator) { this.folder = path.isAbsolute(folder) ? folder : path.resolve(folder); this.encoder = encoder; this.decoder = decoder; this.nameGenerator = nameGenerator; if (!fss.existsSync(this.folder)) fss.mkdirSync(this.folder); } async filter(f) { for (const file of await fs.readdir(this.folder)) { const fp = path.join(this.folder, file); if (!f(this.decoder(await fs.readFile(fp)))) await fs.rm(fp); } } async get(k) { k = this.nameGenerator(k); if (!DiskDB.VALIDATION_REGEX.test(k)) throw new InvalidKeyError("Invalid key, key can only consist of alphanumeric characters and _"); const pth = path.join(this.folder, `${k}.data`); try { return this.decoder(await fs.readFile(pth)); } catch (err) { return null; } } async set(k, v) { k = this.nameGenerator(k); if (!DiskDB.VALIDATION_REGEX.test(k)) throw new InvalidKeyError("Invalid key, key can only consist of alphanumeric characters and _"); const pth = path.join(this.folder, `${k}.data`); await fs.writeFile(pth, this.encoder(v)); } } class InvalidKeyError extends Error { constructor(msg) { super(`[InvalidKeyError] : ${msg}`); = "InvalidKeyError"; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidKeyError); } }