import * as meta from "../meta.js"; export var Constants; (function (Constants) { Constants.EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CHANNEL_NAME = "EAG|Skins-1.8"; Constants.MAGIC_ENDING_SERVER_SKIN_DOWNLOAD_BUILTIN = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00]; Constants.MAGIC_ENDING_CLIENT_UPLOAD_SKIN_BUILTIN = [0x00, 0x05, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]; Constants.EAGLERCRAFT_SKIN_CUSTOM_LENGTH = 64 ** 2 * 4; Constants.JOIN_SERVER_PACKET = 0x01; Constants.PLAYER_LOOK_PACKET = 0x08; Constants.ICON_SQRT = 64; Constants.END_BUFFER_LENGTH = Constants.ICON_SQRT ** 8; Constants.IMAGE_DATA_PREPEND = "data:image/png;base64,"; })(Constants || (Constants = {})); export const UPGRADE_REQUIRED_RESPONSE = ` EaglerProxy landing page

426 - Upgrade Required

Hello there! It appears as if you've reached the landing page for this EaglerProxy instance. Unfortunately, you cannot connect to the proxy server from here. To connect, use this server IP/URL: loading... (connect from any recent EaglercraftX client via Multiplayer > Direct Connect)
