import { v3 } from "uuid"; import { encodeULEB128 as encodeVarInt, decodeULEB128 as decodeVarInt, decodeSLEB128 as decodeSVarInt } from ""; import { DisconnectReason, EaglerPacketId, MAGIC_ENDING_IDENTIFYS_BYTES } from "./eaglerPacketDef.js"; import { Logger } from "./logger.js"; import { State } from "./types.js"; import { toBuffer } from "uuid-buffer"; import * as mc from "minecraft-protocol"; import { config } from "./config.js"; const MAGIC_UUID = "a7e774bc-7ea4-11ed-9a58-1f9e14304a59"; const logger = new Logger("LoginHandler"); const USERNAME_REGEX = /[^0-9^a-z^A-Z^_]/gi; export function genUUID(user) { return v3(user, MAGIC_UUID); } export function bufferizeUUID(uuid) { return toBuffer(uuid); } export function validateUsername(user) { if (user.length > 20) throw new Error("Username is too long!"); if (!!user.match(USERNAME_REGEX)) throw new Error("Invalid username. Username can only contain alphanumeric characters, and the underscore (_) character."); } export function disconnect(player, message, code) { if (player.state == State.POST_HANDSHAKE) { const messageLen = encodeVarInt(message.length); const d = Buffer.alloc(1 + messageLen.length + message.length); d.set([0x40, ...messageLen, ...Buffer.from(message)]);;; } else { const messageLen = encodeVarInt(message.length), codeEnc = encodeVarInt(code !== null && code !== void 0 ? code : DisconnectReason.CUSTOM); const d = Buffer.alloc(1 + codeEnc.length + messageLen.length + message.length); d.set([0xff, ...codeEnc, ...messageLen, ...Buffer.from(message)]);;; } } export function awaitPacket(ws, id) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { let resolved = false; const msgCb = (msg) => { if (id != null && msg[0] == id) { resolved = true; ws.removeEventListener('message', msgCb); ws.removeEventListener('close', discon); ws.setMaxListeners(ws.getMaxListeners() - 2 < 0 ? 5 : ws.getMaxListeners() - 2); res(msg); } else if (id == null) { resolved = true; ws.removeEventListener('message', msgCb); ws.removeEventListener('close', discon); ws.setMaxListeners(ws.getMaxListeners() - 2 < 0 ? 5 : ws.getMaxListeners() - 2); res(msg); } }; const discon = () => { resolved = true; ws.removeEventListener('message', msgCb); ws.removeEventListener('close', discon); ws.setMaxListeners(ws.getMaxListeners() - 2 < 0 ? 5 : ws.getMaxListeners() - 2); rej("Connection closed"); }; ws.setMaxListeners(ws.getMaxListeners() + 2); ws.on('message', msgCb); ws.on('close', discon); setTimeout(() => { ws.removeEventListener('message', msgCb); ws.removeEventListener('close', discon); ws.setMaxListeners(ws.getMaxListeners() - 2 < 0 ? 5 : ws.getMaxListeners() - 2); rej("Timed out"); }, 10000); }); } export function loginServer(ip, port, client) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { let receivedCompression = false; const mcClient = mc.createClient({ host: ip, port: port, auth: 'offline', version: '1.8.8', username: client.username }); mcClient.on('error', err => { mcClient.end(); rej(err); }); mcClient.on('end', () => {; }); mcClient.on('connect', () => { client.remoteConnection = mcClient;`Player ${client.username} has been connected to the server.`); res(); }); mcClient.on('raw', p => { if (p[0] == 0x03 && !receivedCompression) { receivedCompression = true; const compT = { id: null, thres: null }; const id = decodeVarInt(p); = Number(id[0]); const thres = decodeSVarInt(p.subarray(id[1])); compT.thres = thres[0]; client.compressionThreshold = compT.thres;; } else {; } }); }); } export async function doHandshake(client, initialPacket) {'close', () => { client.state = State.DISCONNECTED; if (client.remoteConnection) { client.remoteConnection.end(); } PROXY.players.delete(client.username); PROXY.playerStats.onlineCount -= 1;`Client [/${client.ip}:${client.remotePort}]${client.username ? ` (${client.username})` : ""} disconnected from the server.`); }); if (PROXY.players.size + 1 > PROXY.playerStats.max) { disconnect(client, "The proxy is full!", DisconnectReason.CUSTOM); return; } const identifyC = { id: null, brandingLen: null, branding: null, verLen: null, ver: null }; if (true) { // save namespace by nesting func declarations in a if true statement const Iid = decodeVarInt(initialPacket); = Number(Iid[0]); const brandingLen = decodeVarInt(initialPacket.subarray(Iid[1] + 2)); identifyC.brandingLen = Number(brandingLen[0]); identifyC.branding = initialPacket.subarray(brandingLen[1] + Iid[1] + 2, brandingLen[1] + Iid[1] + Number(brandingLen[0]) + 2).toString(); const verLen = decodeVarInt(initialPacket.subarray(brandingLen[1] + Iid[1] + Number(brandingLen[0]) + 2)); identifyC.verLen = Number(verLen[0]); identifyC.ver = initialPacket.subarray(brandingLen[1] + Number(brandingLen[0]) + Iid[1] + verLen[1] + 2).toString(); } if (true) { const brandingLen = encodeVarInt(PROXY.brand.length), brand = PROXY.brand; const verLen = encodeVarInt(PROXY.version.length), version = PROXY.version; const buff = Buffer.alloc(2 + MAGIC_ENDING_IDENTIFYS_BYTES.length + brandingLen.length + brand.length + verLen.length + version.length); buff.set([EaglerPacketId.IDENTIFY_SERVER, 0x01, ...brandingLen, ...Buffer.from(brand), ...verLen, ...Buffer.from(version), ...Buffer.from(MAGIC_ENDING_IDENTIFYS_BYTES)]);; } client.clientBrand = identifyC.branding; const login = await awaitPacket(; const loginP = { id: null, usernameLen: null, username: null, randomStrLen: null, randomStr: null, nullByte: null }; if (login[0] === EaglerPacketId.LOGIN) { const Iid = decodeVarInt(login); = Number(Iid[0]); const usernameLen = decodeVarInt(login.subarray(loginP[1])); loginP.usernameLen = Number(usernameLen[0]); loginP.username = login.subarray(Iid[1] + usernameLen[1], Iid[1] + usernameLen[1] + loginP.usernameLen).toString(); const randomStrLen = decodeVarInt(login.subarray(Iid[1] + usernameLen[1] + loginP.usernameLen)); loginP.randomStrLen = Number(randomStrLen[0]); loginP.randomStr = login.subarray(Iid[1] + usernameLen[1] + loginP.usernameLen + randomStrLen[1], Iid[1] + usernameLen[1] + loginP.usernameLen + randomStrLen[1] + loginP.randomStrLen).toString(); client.username = loginP.username; client.uuid = genUUID(client.username); try { validateUsername(client.username); } catch (err) { disconnect(client, err.message, DisconnectReason.BAD_USERNAME); return; } if (PROXY.players.has(client.username)) { disconnect(client, `Duplicate username: ${client.username}. Please connect under a different username.`, DisconnectReason.DUPLICATE_USERNAME); return; } PROXY.players.set(client.username, client); if (true) { const usernameLen = encodeVarInt(client.username.length), username = client.username; const uuidLen = encodeVarInt(client.uuid.length), uuid = client.uuid; const buff = Buffer.alloc(1 + usernameLen.length + username.length + uuidLen.length + uuid.length); buff.set([EaglerPacketId.LOGIN_ACK, ...usernameLen, ...Buffer.from(username), ...uuidLen, ...Buffer.from(uuid)]);; if (true) { const [skin, ready] = await Promise.all([awaitPacket(, EaglerPacketId.SKIN), awaitPacket(, EaglerPacketId.C_READY)]); if (ready[0] != 0x08) { logger.error(`Client [/${client.ip}:${client.remotePort}] sent an unexpected packet! Disconnecting.`); disconnect(client, "Received bad packet", DisconnectReason.UNEXPECTED_PACKET);; return; } const buff = Buffer.alloc(1); buff.set([EaglerPacketId.COMPLETE_HANDSHAKE]);; client.state = State.POST_HANDSHAKE; PROXY.playerStats.onlineCount += 1;`Client [/${client.ip}:${client.remotePort}] authenticated as player "${client.username}" and passed handshake. Connecting!`); try { await loginServer(, config.server.port, client); } catch (err) { logger.error(`Could not connect to remote server at [/${}:${config.server.port}]: ${err}`); disconnect(client, "Failed to connect to server. Please try again later.", DisconnectReason.CUSTOM); client.state = State.DISCONNECTED;; return; } } } } else { logger.error(`Client [/${client.ip}:${client.remotePort}] sent an unexpected packet! Disconnecting.`); disconnect(client, "Received bad packet", DisconnectReason.UNEXPECTED_PACKET);; } }