#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "installing dependencies..." npm install echo "compiling eaglerproxy, please wait... " echo "this may take a while when you first compile the proxy, or when the proxy has to be recompiled (usually due to modification of anything in the src folder, including config.ts)" echo "after the initial compile, consequent startups will be a lot more faster and snappier" set +e cd ~/$REPL_SLUG/replit_runtime node ./index.js exit_code=$? if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then set -e echo "detected that recompilation is not required, skipping and directly launching..." elif [ $exit_code -eq 2 ]; then set -e echo "recompiling proxy..." rm -rf .build mkdir -p ./.build cd ~/$REPL_SLUG/ npm install typescript npx tsc echo "finished compiling, launching..." else echo "received non-zero exit code ($?), exiting!" set -e exit 1 fi