Fix shadows

This commit is contained in:
PeytonPlayz595 2024-02-09 15:54:11 -05:00
parent 727d0570d5
commit 604eab786e
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -115867,7 +115867,7 @@ $rt_stringPool(["Can\'t enter monitor from another thread synchronously", "@", "
"% (", "MB) of ", "MB", "Allocated memory: ", "MB)", "x: ", "y: ", "z: ", "Minecraft Alpha v1.2.6", "%blur%/misc/pumpkinblur.png", "Now playing: ", " * * * * * *** *** *** *** *** ***", " ** ** * ** * * * * * * * * * ", " * * * * * * * ** * ** *** ** * ", " * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ", " * * * * * *** *** * * * * * * ", "missingno", "/title/splashes.txt", "Happy birthday, ez!", "Happy birthday, Notch!", "Merry X-mas!", "Happy new year!", "Singleplayer", "Multiplayer", "Mods and Texture Packs", "% (", "MB) of ", "MB", "Allocated memory: ", "MB)", "x: ", "y: ", "z: ", "Minecraft Alpha v1.2.6", "%blur%/misc/pumpkinblur.png", "Now playing: ", " * * * * * *** *** *** *** *** ***", " ** ** * ** * * * * * * * * * ", " * * * * * * * ** * ** *** ** * ", " * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ", " * * * * * *** *** * * * * * * ", "missingno", "/title/splashes.txt", "Happy birthday, ez!", "Happy birthday, Notch!", "Merry X-mas!", "Happy new year!", "Singleplayer", "Multiplayer", "Mods and Texture Packs",
"Options...", "/gui/logo.png", "Copyright Mojang Specifications. Do not distribute.", "/title/black.png", "mousedown", "wheel", "random.splash", "Pos", "Motion", "Rotation", "FallDistance", "Fire", "Air", "OnGround", "random.hurt", "Health", "HurtTime", "DeathTime", "AttackTime", "Notch", "Score", "Edit sign message:", "Slot", "Crafting", "/gui/inventory.png", "Respawn", "Title menu", "Game over!", "Score: &e", "invalid stored block lengths", "invalid block type", "too many length or distance symbols", "invalid bit length repeat", "Options...", "/gui/logo.png", "Copyright Mojang Specifications. Do not distribute.", "/title/black.png", "mousedown", "wheel", "random.splash", "Pos", "Motion", "Rotation", "FallDistance", "Fire", "Air", "OnGround", "random.hurt", "Health", "HurtTime", "DeathTime", "AttackTime", "Notch", "Score", "Edit sign message:", "Slot", "Crafting", "/gui/inventory.png", "Respawn", "Title menu", "Game over!", "Score: &e", "invalid stored block lengths", "invalid block type", "too many length or distance symbols", "invalid bit length repeat",
"/glsl/core.glsl", "\n#define CC_a_color\n", "#define CC_a_normal\n", "#define CC_a_texture0\n", "#define CC_lighting\n", "#define CC_fog\n", "#define CC_alphatest\n", "#define CC_unit0\n", "\n#define CC_VERT\n", "\n\n", "\n[/glsl/core.glsl][CC_VERT] ", "broken shader file", "\n#define CC_FRAG\n", "\n[/glsl/core.glsl][CC_FRAG] ", "a_position", "a_texture0", "a_color", "a_normal", "\n[LINKER] ", "matrix_m", "matrix_p", "matrix_t", "colorUniform", "normalUniform", "light0Pos", "light1Pos", "fogColor", "fogMode", "/glsl/core.glsl", "\n#define CC_a_color\n", "#define CC_a_normal\n", "#define CC_a_texture0\n", "#define CC_lighting\n", "#define CC_fog\n", "#define CC_alphatest\n", "#define CC_unit0\n", "\n#define CC_VERT\n", "\n\n", "\n[/glsl/core.glsl][CC_VERT] ", "broken shader file", "\n#define CC_FRAG\n", "\n[/glsl/core.glsl][CC_FRAG] ", "a_position", "a_texture0", "a_color", "a_normal", "\n[LINKER] ", "matrix_m", "matrix_p", "matrix_t", "colorUniform", "normalUniform", "light0Pos", "light1Pos", "fogColor", "fogMode",
"fogStart", "fogEnd", "fogDensity", "fogPremultiply", "alphaTestF", "tex0", "texCoordV0", "Count", "Damage", "oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree", "incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree", "oversubscribed distance tree", "incomplete distance tree", "empty distance tree with lengths", "oversubscribed literal/length tree", "incomplete literal/length tree", "invalid distance code", "invalid literal/length code", "%clamp%/misc/shadow.png", "mob.spider", "mob.spiderdeath", "/mob/spider_eyes.png", "Saddle", "mob.pig", "fogStart", "fogEnd", "fogDensity", "fogPremultiply", "alphaTestF", "tex0", "texCoordV0", "Count", "Damage", "oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree", "incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree", "oversubscribed distance tree", "incomplete distance tree", "empty distance tree with lengths", "oversubscribed literal/length tree", "incomplete literal/length tree", "invalid distance code", "invalid literal/length code", "%%/misc/shadow.png", "mob.spider", "mob.spiderdeath", "/mob/spider_eyes.png", "Saddle", "mob.pig",
"mob.pigdeath", "/mob/saddle.png", "Sheared", "mob.sheep", "/mob/sheep_fur.png", "mob.cow", "mob.cowhurt", "mob.chickenplop", "mob.chicken", "mob.chickenhurt", "mob.creeper", "mob.creeperdeath", "mob.skeleton", "mob.skeletonhurt", "mob.zombie", "mob.zombiehurt", "mob.zombiedeath", "Size", "mob.slime", "/mob/slime.png", "mob.slimeattack", "/armor/", "_", "chain", "iron", "diamond", "gold", "/mob/ghast.png", "/mob/ghast_fire.png", "mob.ghast.charge", "mob.ghast.fireball", "mob.ghast.moan", "mob.ghast.scream", "mob.pigdeath", "/mob/saddle.png", "Sheared", "mob.sheep", "/mob/sheep_fur.png", "mob.cow", "mob.cowhurt", "mob.chickenplop", "mob.chicken", "mob.chickenhurt", "mob.creeper", "mob.creeperdeath", "mob.skeleton", "mob.skeletonhurt", "mob.zombie", "mob.zombiehurt", "mob.zombiedeath", "Size", "mob.slime", "/mob/slime.png", "mob.slimeattack", "/armor/", "_", "chain", "iron", "diamond", "gold", "/mob/ghast.png", "/mob/ghast_fire.png", "mob.ghast.charge", "mob.ghast.fireball", "mob.ghast.moan", "mob.ghast.scream",
"mob.ghast.death", "Dir", "Motive", "TileX", "TileY", "TileZ", "/art/kz.png", "random.drr", "xTile", "yTile", "zTile", "inTile", "shake", "inGround", "random.pop", "/item/arrows.png", "Age", "Item", "Fuse", "Tile", "Type", "PushX", "PushZ", "Fuel", "Items", "Minecart", "/item/cart.png", "/item/boat.png", "array size does not equal image size", "newAction must be non-null", "Save and quit to title", "Back to game", "Saving level..", "Game menu", "###", "#", "#X#", "XXX", "##", "X#X", "# #", " X ", " # ", "X X", "mob.ghast.death", "Dir", "Motive", "TileX", "TileY", "TileZ", "/art/kz.png", "random.drr", "xTile", "yTile", "zTile", "inTile", "shake", "inGround", "random.pop", "/item/arrows.png", "Age", "Item", "Fuse", "Tile", "Type", "PushX", "PushZ", "Fuel", "Items", "Minecart", "/item/cart.png", "/item/boat.png", "array size does not equal image size", "newAction must be non-null", "Save and quit to title", "Back to game", "Saving level..", "Game menu", "###", "#", "#X#", "XXX", "##", "X#X", "# #", " X ", " # ", "X X",
"A ", " B", "# ", "## ", " #", " #X", "# X", " recipes", "XX", "X#", " #", "Writer already closed", "/item/sign.png", "> ", " <", "Pig", "EntityId", "Delay", "Is", "In", "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "FALSE", "{", ",", "}", "Lower", "Upper", "ASCII", "Alpha", "Digit", "Alnum", "Punct", "Graph", "Print", "Blank", "Cntrl", "XDigit", "javaLowerCase", "javaUpperCase", "javaWhitespace", "javaMirrored", "javaDefined", "javaDigit", "javaIdentifierIgnorable", "javaISOControl", "javaJavaIdentifierPart", "javaJavaIdentifierStart", "A ", " B", "# ", "## ", " #", " #X", "# X", " recipes", "XX", "X#", " #", "Writer already closed", "/item/sign.png", "> ", " <", "Pig", "EntityId", "Delay", "Is", "In", "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "FALSE", "{", ",", "}", "Lower", "Upper", "ASCII", "Alpha", "Digit", "Alnum", "Punct", "Graph", "Print", "Blank", "Cntrl", "XDigit", "javaLowerCase", "javaUpperCase", "javaWhitespace", "javaMirrored", "javaDefined", "javaDigit", "javaIdentifierIgnorable", "javaISOControl", "javaJavaIdentifierPart", "javaJavaIdentifierStart",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public abstract class Render {
GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
RenderEngine var10 = this.renderManager.renderEngine; RenderEngine var10 = this.renderManager.renderEngine;
var10.bindTexture(var10.getTexture("%clamp%/misc/shadow.png")); var10.bindTexture(var10.getTexture("%%/misc/shadow.png"));
World var11 = this.getWorldFromRenderManager(); World var11 = this.getWorldFromRenderManager();
GL11.glDepthMask(false); GL11.glDepthMask(false);
float var12 = this.field_9246_c; float var12 = this.field_9246_c;